Desperation Devastation

Sarcastically Screaming Your Desires

The bright white of the hospital entrance blinded me at nearly the same time as I choked from the smell. The clear, shiny walls were so-called decorated by year-old paintings un-noticed.
I strode over to the main desk with worry in my stride.
"Excuse me, do you know which room Naomi Hutchinson is in?"

The wary receptionist looked up at me, "Er yeah, she's in room A16, but she's resting at the moment."

"Oh great." I said with sarcasm.

"Why is she even in here?!"

"I can't enclose those details because neither of you are immediate family."

"Listen, I've been her best friend for as long as I can remember, tell me why she's in here, or I'll go find the doctor myself and find out!"

"Once again, I can-

Susy sighed and asked; "Do you know when we'll be able to see her?"

"Well I'm not sure, but if you wanna stick around, there's a cafeteria down the hall and seating to your right." She explained.

"When she's fine for visitors, I'll let you know."

I took a seat and Susy followed suit. I took out my cellphone again and punched in Cassandra's number, still no answer.
I dialled Tayler's number.
"Hello? Tayler's phone."

"Hey Tay, its Emile."

"Oh hey! What was up this morning?"

"Never mind, I'm in hospital."

"Oh my god!at happened to you?!" Tayler goes all high-pitched when she panics.

"No, no, I'm not in hospital."

"Then why the hell are you in there?!"

"Naomi was taken into hospital..."

"Holy shit! I can't believe it! I was with her today! She can't be in there! Tell me what happened! Tell me what fucking happened!" She also talks really fast.

"Calm down Tayler. I don't actually know whats up, but come down here and we'll be able to see her when she's better for visitors."

"Righto. I'll come." She said with a sigh.

"See you then."
I slouched in my seat and buried my face in my hands. I don't get it. Naomi's pretty healthy, except when we went on camp at the unfortunate time when someone had chicken-pox. There can't have been an accident, Naomi is pretty careful, and if there was an accident, it wouldn't have been at her fault. Hold on, if its an accident, no-ones technically at fault. Jesus, I can't think fucking straight.
"Are you o-

"I'm not okay alright? One of my best childhood friends is in hospital, I don't even know how the hell she got in here and I don't even know if she's OK! Do you think I'm OK?!"

"OK, OK, sorry for caring." Susy turned away and rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry Susy, I'm taking you for granted, you came out here to support me and we've only known each other a couple of hours. I'm just worried."

"Hey, it was a stupid question to ask." She muttered.