Desperation Devastation

Unfortunate Circumstances and Door frames.

"You may see her now." The doctor said.

The words I'd been waiting for, and the words I'd been dreading. Susy woke, yawned and stretched. Tayler jolted upright and looked around as if there was someone stalking her.
"Come on, I'll lead you to her room."

We all followed her, I hated walking through the corridors of the hospitals. Everything was so white and sterilized, it was as if there was no life left in the place. Maybe because its the site of so many actual deaths. I was so damned anxious to find out what had happened to Naomi, I still had no damned clue... I twirled around my black and lime green hair with my fingertips, I sighed and blew my hair out of my face.

We turned a corner and we were facing the doorway of room A16. The doctor opened the door, Susy And Tayler entered the room. I took a deep breath and followed them.
Naomi lay on a bed with her thick, red hair spread out on the white sheets. Her nose ring was removed and she was wearing a hospital gown. But the first thing I noticed was 2 thick, white bandages on both of her arms from her wrists to her elbows.
Susy gasped. "Oh my..."

Tayler trembled and ran over to her bedside sobbing and was stroking her hair. She kept repeating "Its alright, its alright..."

I couldn't say anything, my words and emotions were stuck in my throat, there she was, my childhood friend, laying on a hospital bed with bloodstained dressings on her forearms. It was too much to take in, I felt faint and woozy.
I heard Susy's voice...
"Are you OK Emile? You look pale.."

I snapped back into focus, losing my balance.
"Erm, yeah, I just need to sit down..."

I put my head down then looked up at Naomi. She slowly opened her eyes, her once sparkling brown eyes were now bleary, red and bloodshot.
Tayler whispered "She's awake."

In a croaky voice she said, "Hey..."

I stood up and walked over to her bed.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" I asked.

She sighed. "Utterly horrible, but better than before."


"Who's she?" Naomi asked.

I laughed "That's Susy."

Susy mumbled a "Hi" and gave Naomi a sympathetic smile.

"Not exactly the best circumstance to meet on is it Naomi? Tayler asked.

"I s'pose not..." Naomi said humorously.

At that moment a knock on the door made us all jump.