Desperation Devastation

The Freak-show Victim Has Secrets.

I decided I'd answer the door, I was closest anyway.
A blond-haired, blue-eyed guy was standing in the doorway, and the random guy wearing the glasses and the Anthrax tee was standing behind him. He looked at me sideways.
"Is Naomi Hutchinson in here?" He asked.

"Erm, yeah..." I said. Who is this guy, and why does he wanna see Naomi?

"Well... Can I see her?"

"Oh, yeah, OK." I said absent-mindedly.

I let them in and shot a glance at the blond guy. He was solidly-built, wearing dark sunglasses, and had a bit of blond stubble. He walked over to Naomi's bed and pulled out a chair.
"Hey.... What happened?" He asked.

She shook her head and using a lot of effort, raised her bandaged arms.
"Look at me Bob, do you really have to ask? And in front of everyone too!"

He opened his mouth to say something but Naomi cut him off.
"Look at me world, I tried to kill myself! Whee! Put me in a freak-show! Come one, come all! See the maniacal girl!" She lowered her arms and was breathing hard.

"Shh, shh, its OK darling." The Bob guy said in a soothing voice.

He put his arm around her and she covered her face and began to cry.

"Come on," Tayler said to Susy.

She nodded and walked out the door, the Anthrax dude must have got the hint, he followed her. I started walking out the door, I stopped and looked at the both of them. Bob was sitting on Naomi's bed hugging her while she sobbed in his arms. I walked out of the room and closed the door.
We all sat down on the chairs outside the door. If there was one thing hospitals had plenty of, it was definitely chairs.
"So who exactly are you?" Susy asked.

The guy with the brown eyes and Anthrax tee looked up.
"Mikey." He said.



"I'm Tayler."

"Hold on, am I the only one here that didn't know about this Bob dude and Naomi?"

"Nope, I had no clue, but I'm guessing they've been dating for awhile." Tayler said.

"How long Mikey?" I asked.

"I dunno, maybe a month." He replied.

A month! A month ago Naomi started dating Bob. There was more things on my mind than Naomi not telling me about Bob, such as Naomi no telling me what was going on in her mysterious mind.
Why the hell did she try to commit suicide?! I can't believe that I could have lost one of my best mates on this afternoon. I don't understand it at all.
A beep came from Susy's direction. She looked at the "Switch cellphones off!" sign on the wall then started to rummage around in her handbag. She pulled out her cellphone and I think she was checking her messages.
"Hey, I've gotta go, but I'll catch up with you all later."

"OK, see you." I said.

"Bye." Said Tayler.

"Nice to meet you Mikey, and tell Naomi I said 'Get Well'." She said over her shoulder as she was walking down the corridor.

I wondered what Bob and Naomi were talking about, whatever it is, I hope that Naomi tells me more or less the same thing.