Desperation Devastation

Traffic Light Conversations Lead To Number 14.

"So Mikey, how long have you known Bob?" I asked.

"Dunno, a couple of years I guess. How long have you known Naomi?"

"As long as I can remember."

Mikey looked down and examined his shoes, he was wearing Vans.

"Are you gonna stay here all night," I looked at my watch.

"Well its morning now, but are you still gonna stay?"

"Nah, Bob said he was gonna stay overnight... Are you staying?" Mikey asked.

"Its been a long night and I'd rather sleep in my own bed." I said as I stood up and yawned.

"Well do you want a ride then?"

"Yeah sure, that'd be great."
We signed out of the hospital and made our way towards the car park.

"So where do you live?" Mikey asked.

"14 Potters Place."

Mikey turned a corner and we reached traffic lights.
"Is it hard for you Emile?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.
The lights turned green and Mikey carried on driving.

"I mean, is it hard finding out about Naomi? Did you know anything about it?"

"Of course its hard. I had no idea what she'd done or what the hell was going on inside that puzzled mind of hers. I don't understand why. I feel as if I have no idea who she is anymore. So do you think I find it hard?" I said.

Mikey sighed and said. "I know how you feel, its not the easiest thing is it?"

"You do? Turn left."

"A similar thing happened with my older brother Gerard, long story."

"Oh, maybe you could tell me some other time. Thats my house." I said, pointing at number 14. There wasn't any lights on.

He smiled. "Sure."

"Thanks for the ride Mikey, and it was nice to meet you. If only it was on different circumstances, not when my best friend tries to commit suicide." I said as I got out of his car.

"S'pose I'll see you 'round. You're a good friend Emile, help Naomi, you probably know her best."

"I will, but I should sleep, its 3:10AM."

"You've got a point there." Mikey said as he glanced at his watch.

I chuckled. "Bye."

As I watched his tail-lights fade into black, I knew that this would only be the beginning.