Sequel: Scream in the Dark
Status: complete!

Burst Into Flames

Lost In Empty Pillow Talk Again

I jolted, sweat beading over my forehead. The nightmare I'd just had replayed in my mind. I looked over at Tony who was still sleeping peacefully, a small smile on his lips. I smiled, kissing his forehead lightly before getting out of bed.

Tea sounded like the best thing in the world at that moment. I got my favorite mug down from the shelf, filling it with water and a tea bag before putting it in the microwave. I placed a hand over my stomach, "I love you."

I felt a small kick at the spot were my hand was resting, my smile grew, "You're going to be so spoiled. I can't wait to meet you." I felt my eyes tear up when I thought about those months ago when I thought that abortion was an option.

I got my tea out of the microwave, hoping the beeping didn't wake Tony. I grabbed a jacket and went to sit on the back porch. The baby kicked some more, making me smile. I rubbed my stomach in a circular motion, the tea warming my body.

"Hey," I heard the door open, Tony sat down on the swing next to me.

"Hi," I smiled, placing his hand on my stomach where the baby was kicking.

"Wow.." He trailed off, looking up into my eyes, "That's awesome."

I nodded, sipping some more tea, "Yeah, he's pretty awesome."

"She." He corrected me.

I laughed, "It's a boy, I can tell."

"How?" He crossed his arms.

"I just can. Anyway, you're the one that didn't want to know the gender."

He pouted a little bit, "Well, I do now."

I laughed again, cuddling into his side, "I've got an appointment tomorrow, can you wait that long?"

He brushed a piece of hair from my face, kissing my nose, "I don't know.." He trailed off sarcastically.

"I'm pretty sure you'll be fine."

"I will. Why are you sitting on the porch, anyway?" He asked, confusion suddenly hitting him.

I shrugged, "It's nice out."

He made a face, "You're a weirdo."

I made a face back, mocking him, "You are."

"Nope," He jumped up, grabbing my tea and drinking it, "Ever heard of sugar?" He said, handing my mug back.

"Ever heard of making your own?"

He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Nope." He nuzzled his nose into my neck.

I sighed, turning around, "I'm going to be really mad at you if it's not a boy."

He scoffed, "Why? It's not my fault!"

I laid my head on his chest, laughing, "I was joking."

He made an 'oh' sound that caused me to laugh more, "Stop laughing." He said.

I shook my head no.

He picked me up, "Stop it!"

I squealed, pushing on his shoulders. He sat me back down, kissing me. I kissed him back sleepily.

He grinned, "Tired?"

I nodded, leading him back into the house. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.


I woke up this time to sunlight and kisses, "Good morning." Tony smiled.

I yawned and stretched, "Morning."

"Did Leia keep you up last night?"

I gave him a quizzical look, "No, Brendan didn't."

He frowned a little, "You mean Leia?"

I let out a sigh, "Yes, Leia. No, she didn't keep me up last night."

He smiled, kissing my nose, "I love you. I mean it."

I scrunched my face, he knew how I felt about him kissing my nose, "I love you, too."

"So we get to see if it's Leia or Brendan today," He said, sounding more excited with every syllable.

"I know!" I said, matching his enthusiasm.

"I can't believe we're having a child." He said absentmindedly, helping me out of bed.

"Three more months to go," I said, looking down at my belly.

He smiled, "I know!"

I laughed, grabbing an outfit and jumping into the shower. When I was done, Tony came in and took a shower. I blow dried my hair, not bothering with makeup. I tugged on my Padawan braid, feeling anxious to see my baby.

I went out to wait for Tony in the living room, grabbing my phone. I had two texts, one from Christy and one from Mike. I felt my heart drop to the floor, what did he want?

Lise, just wanted to be the one to let u know Im out of rehab

I almost cringed, quickly moving on to the one from Christy:

Need a ride to ur app. tomorrow?

I sent her a 'no', shutting off my phone.

Tony came out of the bathroom, grabbing his lanyard, "Ready?"

I smiled, lacing my fingers with his, "Yup."


"Okay, how are you today, Miss Sosbe?" The doctor smiled, sitting down.

"Awesome," I replied.

She let out a laugh, "That's great. We're going an ultrasound today, does that sound right?"

I nodded and looked over at Tony who smiled.

"Great! Okay, if you'll lay down and lift your shirt up." She said, rubbing the gel into my abdomen.

I made a face, it was cold.

She laughed, "It's a little cold, sorry."

I motioned for Tony to come sit by me and held his hand.

"Okay, you should hear a 'whooshing' sound, that's the baby's heartbeat. You wanted to know the gender today, too, right?"

I nodded, fixated on the monitor. I could see the outline of my baby; it's little head, it's arms. It was perfect.

"Well," She said, fixing the cursor over a spot on the screen, "This right here makes it clear it's not a boy."

I frowned, "Are you sure?"

She laughed, printing a few pictures off for us, "Yes, what I showed you is the canal. There's no penis, so I'm pretty sure it's a girl."

Tony fist pumped, "Told you!"

I laughed, feeling sort of disappointed. All I was truthfully worried about was if she was healthy, "But she's healthy, right?" I asked.

The doctor nodded, "Yep. She's a little on the small side, though. Are you taking prenatal vitamins?"

I shook my head.

She nodded, "You might pick some up, they may help."

I nodded, anything to make sure my baby girl was fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you go! More cuteness :3
But oh nO MIKE'S BACK D:
Thank you so, so, so much:
and iShotTheSherriff1313