Sequel: Scream in the Dark
Status: complete!

Burst Into Flames

And All the Children Have Lost Their Way

"Okay, Elise, I need you to calm down," The doctor said, "Have you contacted the father?" She asked Christy.

Christy shook her head, "He won't pick up!" She was still frantic.

I gripped the sheets as another wave of pain washed over me, "Where the hell is he?!" I nearly screamed.

The doctor checked my IV, "We've given you a tocolytic to help stop your contractions, it should be kicking in any minute. Are they getting any closer together?"

I nodded, "Yeah, they've gone from about three minutes to two."

She shook her head, scribbling something down on her clip board, "You said you had a fight with the father, correct?"

I nodded, feeling another contraction start. Christy squeezed my hand, "Can you try calling him again, please?" I asked.

She nodded, silently leaving the room.

I looked over at the nurse, "Is Leia okay?"

"As far as I can tell, she's going to be fine. We just need to get you stabilized," She said, injecting something else into my IV, "This'll calm you down, might make you sleepy, okay?"

I nodded, trying to fight off the next contraction. Christy came back in, holding her phone up, "He said he'll be here as soon as he can."

I felt relief before pain, which helped a little, "O-ow. Okay, good."

She gave me a tight smile, grabbing my hand.

The medicine finally kicked in, I felt my head grow foggy, "Tell him I'm sorry?" I asked no one in particular.

I felt my someone squeeze my hand, "Okay."

~Tony's POV

"Come on, come on!" I yelled at the traffic.

The light turned green and I sped down the highway, almost hitting a few cars in the process. I made myself slow down, remembering that Lise needed me to be with her in the hospital, not in the hospital.

My phone buzzed again, "Yeah?"

"Have you heard anything?" An anxious Vic asked.

"No, I can't even get through this god damn traffic!" I shouted, laying on my horn.

"Hey, calm down, Tone." He said.

"Yeah, okay." I swerved to miss another car.

"Call me when you know something." He hung up.

I hit end and threw my phone into the passenger's seat, pulling into the parking lot. I ran from my car to the front desk, heart pounding, "I-I need to find El-Elise Sosbe?" I said, out of breath.

The nurse laughed a little, "Relation?"

"What? Um, boyfriend." I said.

"Oh, are you the fath-"

I cut her off, "Baby daddy here, yes. I really need to see her."

She nodded, "Room 135, third door on the right."

I nodded my thanks, running back to find her. When I walked into the room, I heard Elise screaming over the doctor. She was on a bed, an IV in her arm. Her face lit up when she saw me.

I went over to her, kissing her forehead, "I'm so fucking sorry, baby." I said.

She nodded, "I am to-o. Ow, fuck!" She yelled out, squeezing my hand.

I winced, "What's going on?"

The nurse looked over at me, "Well, we've been trying to stabilize her for the last twenty minutes, but her contractions aren't slowing."

I gave her a confused look, "What does that mean?"

"If she doesn't slow down in the next ten minutes we're going to go ahead and let her deliver."

I felt my heart stop, "But she's only six months!" I yelled.

She nodded, "But we've given her several drugs to help. Nothing's working. So either we stop all together and let her go naturally, or we give her some more drugs and threaten Leia's health."
I stopped and looked down at Lise, her eyes were shut tight. I kissed her forehead again.

She looked up at me and smiled, "You're gonna be a daddy, Tony."

I smiled back, feeling my chest tighten, "Hopefully." I whispered quietly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Have another one tonight, thanks to:
Ilu guys ♥