Sequel: Scream in the Dark
Status: complete!

Burst Into Flames

Stab Out My Heart Like a Dartboard

"Okay, you need to push." The doctor said, putting pressure on my lower abdomen.

I tried, feeling all of my strength leaving my body. I was squeezing Tony's hand so tight, I thought I was going to break his wrist.

I looked up at him, but he only have me a tight smile and whispered, "Come on, baby," Into my ear.

I heard crying, a noise I never thought I'd be relieved to hear. They'd given her steroids for her lungs. They took her away to clean her off. I looked back up at Tony, he was crying and smiling at the same time.

They brought her back into the room, swaddled in a pink blanket, "Do you want to hold her?" The nurse asked.

I nodded, making a cradle with my arms. She sat Leia down, her big brown eyes stared up at me.

Tony laid his head on mine, "She's so perfect," He cooed.

I nodded, tears spilling out of my eyes, "She is."


"When will we be able to see her again?" Tony asked. He'd been pacing around the room since they took her back to hook her up to a CPAP.

"Babe, Tone. Come here." I said, my voice coarse.

He looked over at me and reached out for my hand, "I'm scared, Lise." He said.

I nodded, "I am too, Tone, but they know what they're doing."

He rested his head on my shoulder, "I know." The nurse came back in, wheeling a machine that had Leia in it.

Tony took a deep breath, "She's okay, right?"

The nurse nodded, "She's fine, she just needs rest."

I squeezed Tony's hand, "Go see her."

He did, tears glistening in his eyes. He stood over her, "Hi, Leia. It's daddy. I love you." He kept repeating that along with "You're perfect."

I felt myself start to drift off, the mixture of stress and medication dragging me under.


~Mike's POV

"Why the fuck would you say that, Jesus fucking Christ!" Vic yelled, pushing me into the wall.

I stayed there, not wanting to fight with my brother, "Because it's true. You weren't there, you don't know." I said.

"Fuck you, Mike!" He yelled, "She left you because you fucked her best friend! Get over her!" He spit at me.

I wiped my face, "I'm not gonna lie to Tony, he deserves to know he's with a whore."

Vic got up in my face, "She is not a whore. She's the best thing that's ever happened to Tony, and you for that fucking matter. Leave it, Mike, or I swear to god.." He trailed off.

I pushed him off of me, "You're the one who told me not to lie." I knew I shouldn't have egged him on, but I couldn't help it.

He punched me and I felt my jaw pop, "God damn it, Michael! Just stay the fuck out of Elise's life!"

I rubbed my face, wiping the blood from my lip, "Fine. Fine, but don't expect me to be there for Tony when she fucking leaves him!" I screamed, slamming the front door behind me.

I rubbed my swelling jaw, cursing Vic under my breath. Why couldn't he just listen to me for once? I knew I'd fucked up in the past, but I was willing to put all that behind, to forget the old Mike. I wanted my brother back.


~Tony's POV

I looked over at Leia for the millionth time, my heart fluttering even harder than before. Elise was asleep still. I kissed her forehead and walked outside to call Vic.

"Hello?" He answered, sounding pissed.

"Vic?" I asked, making sure it was him.

"Yeah, hey Tone. What's up?"

I rubbed my mouth, "Everything's fine. Elise's sleeping, and so is Leia."

"Are they letting people visit yet?"

I shook my head into the phone, "No, not tonight. But tomorrow morning you should be able to come down."

"Yeah, okay. Hey, if Mike tries to call you or come see Elise, don't let him."

"Why would Mike.." I trailed off.

"Just don't let him, okay?" He said, sounding worried.

"Yeah, sure. Is something going on?" I asked, confused.

"No, and I want it to stay that way." He said.

"Alright. Hey, Vic?"


"Thanks for being there, for Elise, I mean. I'm a.. fucking moron." I said, laughing at the situation.

"Yeah, you're welcome. Next time, though, take better fucking care of her." He hung up.

I squeezed the bridge of my nose knowing he was right. I fucked her over, she didn't deserve this.

I went back to the room, sinking into the overly stuffed couch. I felt my phone buzz, Mike's name flashing over the screen. I furrowed my brow and shut it off, not wanting to start anymore trouble for Elise.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one's on the short side, I think. I'm hoping to bust another couple chapters out tonight. Expect some moar drama, that's all I'm going to say >:3