Sequel: Scream in the Dark
Status: complete!

Burst Into Flames

And Your Beautiful Boy Won't Wait for You Because He's Busy With the Stars and the Fame

I looked over at Tony's sleeping figure, how had things changed between us so fast? I knew he loved me, he told me every other sentence, but there was something missing. Something I needed to be there.

He sighed in his sleep, resting his head on my shoulder. I pushed his hair off his face, staring at him. His perfect lips were parted slightly, his breathing slow and even. I placed my lips on his lightly, testing it. It felt the same, but it didn't have the same spark.

I rolled over, facing the other wall. Did I do something? Was it because of Leia? I tried to place myself in his shoes, tried to understand the stress of parenthood and touring, but I couldn't.

I closed my eyes again, trying to go to sleep. Worry'd plagued me ever since I'd left Leia three hours ago. I felt my pulse quicken as I thought of her. Vic offered to stay at the hospital and let Tony and I get some rest. I reached for my phone, looking through pictures of her.

I smiled, her little face was so cute. She did have some questionable features, like her lips. They weren't full and round like Tony's, nor were they rose petal-ish like mine, but I figured she'd grow into them.

Tony wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me into him. He yawned, looking at my phone and smiling, "She's okay, Lise."

I nodded, "I know." I sat my phone down on the end table and rolled over to face him.

He smiled again, kissing my forehead, "Go to sleep."


~Tony's POV

My phone buzzed, waking me up. I reached over and turned it on silent, hoping it didn't wake Elise. She needed sleep. I looked down to see Mike's name, he'd called a couple times. I got out of bed, grabbing a hoodie.


"Hey, Tony! Finally!" He laughed.

I furrowed my brows, "What do you want, Mike?"

"Woah, no need for attitude. How's the munchkin?"

I rolled my eyes, "She's fine. What do you want?"

"You'd think someone would call me to tell me when my baby was born." He said, sounding cocky.

I nearly choked, "You're not seriously still hung up in this, are you?"

He chuckled, "You know it's true, though, don't you?"

I rubbed my face, "Mike, I've told you once-"

"Yeah, yeah. I want to see her, though. Just once."

"No, Mike.."

"C'mon, Tone-Tone. You know there's just as much chance that she's mine as yours." He said, almost pleading.

"Mike, pleas-"

"Tony." He begged.

I shut my eyes tight, rubbing them, "Yeah, okay. You can go now, Vic's there with her."

He made a triumphant sound, "Thank you, Tony. I knew you weren't a total jack-ass."

I laughed, finding it funny how wrong he was.


~Mike's POV

I ran a hand through my hair, putting my cigarette out. Room 316, west wing. Right. I nodded to myself as I walked into the room. Vic was asleep in a chair next to a machine that was making a 'whooshing' sound.

I shook him, causing him to jump.

"What the fuck.. Mike?" He asked, sitting up and wiping drool off his face.

"Hey, big brother." I shot him a smile.

He gave me a funny look, rubbing his eyes, "What're you doing here?"

I gestured toward the machine, "Is that the kid?"

He made a face, "Leia? Yeah."

"Leia? Star Wars, seriously?" I made a gagging noise.

He shook his head, "You're not supposed to be here."

I waved him off, getting a better look at Leia, "I called Tony, he said it was fine."

"You're not going to mess this up for them." He said threateningly.

I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow, "This might be my kid, Victor. Have you even thought about that?"

"It's not, you know she's Tony's."

I looked down at her, her big eyes wide, "She's got my eyes, lips.." I trailed off, staring at her eyes. My eyes. A piece of my heart broke for Tony, she didn't look like him one bit.

"She's a baby!"

"Look at her," I said, standing up, "She looks just like me. Well, me and Elise. She's mine." I said, resting a hand on top of the machine.

He gave me a disgusted look, "You don't even want kids, Mike. Tony does, he loves her-"

"He can still love her, he can still be her dad, I don't care. But I am her father, I am her biological father, Vic." I said, my voice cracking.

He punched the wall next to him, resting his head on it, "Damn it, Mike! I know! Do you think I don't see it? Elise fucking knows too, so does Tony! Just.. let them have this! God damn!"

I looked back at Leia, my baby girl. I felt my chest contract, "What if I want this, Vic." I whispered.

His head shot up, "No. No, no, no. Absolutely not." He said, shaking his head.

"Why not? It would be perfect, Elise and I together again, with our baby.." I trailed off.

He kept shaking his head, "Don't ruin this for Tony, this is all he has."

"What do you mean?" I asked, suddenly intrigued.

"He cheated on Lise. He's ruined that, don't take Leia away from him."

"She's not his to take away." I said, looking back down at her. Her eyes widened, "Hello, baby. My baby.."
♠ ♠ ♠
Here you are, another one for tonight. You guys deserve it :3