Sequel: Scream in the Dark
Status: complete!

Burst Into Flames

I'm Devoid of All Faith

I stared out the window, the rain making patterns. Leia cooed from her chair. I got up, going to fix the blanket over her. She smiled, yawing. I smiled back at her, kissing her forehead. Walking into the kitchen I made some tea, waiting for Tony to get here.

I pulled my cup out of the microwave, the heat giving me goosebumps. I saw a car pull into the driveway and squealed, Leia heard me and started fussing. I went to go pick her up, setting my cup down on the counter.

Tony knocked twice, waiting for me to answer. I forced the big, goofy smile off my face to open the door, "Tony, hey."

He gave me a big smile, going in for a hug, "Hey."

I hugged him back, stepping out of the way so he could come inside out of the rain. He was wearing a Key Street hoodie, his hair pulled back in a beanie, "Wow, it's good to see you."

He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck and sitting down on the couch, "You too. You look good."

I looked down at myself. I hadn't even thought to dress up for him. I was wearing a pair of old jeans and my Drop Dead crewneck. I blushed when I looked back up at him, "So do you."

He gave a forced laugh, "Thanks." He looked around the room, "Wow, this place has changed."

I smiled, adjusting Leia, "Yeah, Christy and Alan helped me."

He nodded, "How are they?"

"Still together, crazy enough." I laughed, it felt good to have an easy conversation with him.

He smiled, looking at Leia, "She's changed a lot, too."

I nodded, standing up and holding her out to him, knowing he wanted to hold her.

He looked at her and smiled, "Hi, Leia." She grabbed onto his finger, "She's so precious."

I felt a lump form in my throat, "She is."

He reached down to kiss her head, "Hey, it's okay. Don't be fussy," He laughed when she stopped crying, "It's okay." He whispered to her.

A smile crept across my face, he was really good with her, "So, you guys are home for good now, right?"

He nodded, "Yep. Until summer, then we have Warped Tour."

"You guys are doing Warped? That's so cool!"

He laughed, tickling Leia, "Yeah, it's pretty sweet."

I went and sat down next to him, looking at her, "She looks really happy."

"Does she?" He asked.

I nodded, resting my cheek on his shoulder, "Yeah."

He looked over at me, smiling, "This is nice."

I nodded, "This is pretty great."


I sat the car seat down on the floor in front of the couch, looking over at Vic, "Where's everyone?"

He shrugged, plopping down in a chair, "Everyone's supposed to be here. I know Jaime went to get Arietta, but I have no clue where Mike is."

I nodded, "I figured out of everyone, he'd be here."

"Yeah, he's really looking forward to seeing Leia." He turned the TV on, flipping through the channels.

I sat down, taking my coat off, "Yeah, Tony's coming. He went to park the car."

He sighed, "You're going to forgive him that easily?"

I gave him a look, "You're the one who said I should."

"Yeah, you should get back together with him. You guys are perfect for each other, but this soon? It's literally been two days since we got back. That just seems like a little bit of overkill."

I threw a pillow at him, "Whatever. I'm happy, he's happy, Leia's happy. That's all that matters."

He nodded, throwing the pillow back, "Mike won't be."

I furrowed my brow, "Mike's not allowed to be upset with me."

"Why not?"

"Because, I had his child." I said, taking Leia's jacket off of her. Her hair was sticking up all over the place, one thing she hadn't outgrown.

Tony came in, soaking wet, "It's raining."

I laughed, "Looks like it."

He grinned, taking his shoes and jacket off, "At least it's not snowing." He shivered.

I looked over at Vic who was nodding with wide eyes, "Snow's the worst."

I laughed again, feeling completely happy. I looked back at Tony, motioning for him to come sit next to me. He did, his hair wet.

He smiled and kissed my cheek, "Hey."

"Hey," I smiled, curling up into his side.

Vic made a noise of disgust, causing my to giggle. He looked over at us, "You really don't have to do that on my couch."

"Oh, I think we really do." Tony said, wrapping an arm around me.

"Whatever." Vic said, turning his attention back to the TV.

I laughed again, resting my head on Tony. He kissed the top of my head, squeezing my arm. Vic finally picked a movie.

"This movie sucks!" Tony complained.

Vic laughed, "I know. Don't cuddle on my couch next time."
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