Sequel: Scream in the Dark
Status: complete!

Burst Into Flames

You're All I Know

"Hey guys!" I said as I walked across the living room and ruffled Jaime's hair.

"Lise? What the fuck.." Mike trailed off, checking me out before getting up to give me a hug. He smelled like alcohol.

"Hey, Mikey." I sighed into his shoulder, hugging him back.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled, pulling back to look at my face.

"Victor here wanted to watch movies," I smiled and pointed at Vic.

"HARRY POTTER!" He yelled and jumped on the couch, pressing play. Mike followed, equally excited but less graceful because he was drunk.

I shook my head and sat in the middle of them, cuddling into them both. It was like I'd never left.


"Lise, you know I didn't mean to.." Mike tried explaining.

I cut him off, "No, Mike. I get it, I'm not exciting enough anymore. I'm not gonna stick around and end up getting hurt worse because you don't care."

He furrowed his brow, wiping away a stray tear, "Lise, Elise! Fucking listen to me!" He slammed his fist into the wall.

I turned my head towards the floor, not wanting him to see me cry, "Why, Mikey?" I asked, my voice strained.

"I don't know. She was there, you weren't. I wanted you to hurt like I did, Lise, but I swear to god I love you, you know that!" He yelled, gripping my shoulders.

"I love you, Mikey, but not enough. Not enough to stay. What do you want me to do? I've given you everything, but you threw it away. I can't.." I trailed off with a sob.

He pulled me into him, "Baby, just stay the night. Please?" He begged.

"I can't, Mikey. I can't.."


I felt myself come back from the memory with an ache in my chest. I turned toward a sleeping Mike and stared. How did he go from perfect to this in only three years? It couldn't have just been me.

"Earth to Elise," I heard Vic say, waving a hand in front of my face. He handed me a mug of steaming hot chocolate, filled with whipped cream and marshmallows.

"Hey, sorry," I said, clearing my throat and taking a sip from the mug.

He smiled and grabbed my hand, "It's okay. I can't believe it's been three years."

"Me either," I shook my head. I'd always been comfortable around Vic, he was like an older brother to me.

He kissed my forehead, "So, what've you been up to?"

"Nothing. I got a job at the tattoo parlor down the street last year, moved back from Colorado with a friend.. That's about it, really." I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed into my hot chocolate.

"Oh, like a male friend?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed, "No. With a lady friend. She's actually a big fan of you guys, but enough about me. What have you been up to?"

He sighed, "Looking after Mikey, he's not been the same since you.. went away. The only thing he can do right anymore is play drums, and that's touch and go."

I looked down, ashamed, "I'm sorry, Vic. I had too.." I trailed off.

"I know." He smiled tightly and squeezed my hand.

"Where's Jaime and Tony?" I asked, trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Jaime's in the other room, pretty sure he's asleep," He laughed, "I don't know where Tortuga is."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw a text from Brett. I sighed and checked it:

Babe, you literally have five minutes before I'm done.

That was sent over an hour ago. I rubbed my temple, feeling a tension headache forming.

"Vic, can you give me a ride home? I don't really feel like walking.." I looked up at him, a pained expression on my face.

He took the hint, "Yeah, yeah. Come on," He took the mug from me and sat it down on the coffee table.

"Thanks," I smiled and sighed. I looked over at Mike one last time, he was looking back at me, a curious look traveled through his gaze.
♠ ♠ ♠
I can't tell you for 100% who she'll end up with, but I can promise you'll love it ;)
Okay, I've got the rest of the day to write some more so I'll hopefully get another chapter up (I'm shooting for two)!
Thank you SO MUCH to all the commenters <3:
I love you all and you get squeezes :3
What do you guys think'll happen next? Should I elaborate on Brett or just cut him out of the picture? And what about her history with Mike? Ooooh, man.
Comments make me write faster! :) & silent readers are no fun!