Stranded on an island with alex gaskarth o.0

Chapter 1

I was walking down the deck of the cruise ship, when I bumped into someone.
"sorry," I said, and looked at who I bumped into.
The boy had messy light brown hair, and brown eyes.
"No, it's my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," the boy said, and walked away.
Who was that? I asked myself. He looked familiar, but, who knows?
The ship started to move, and I was still trying to find my room.
"39, 40, 41......ahhh, 45," I said to myself.
I unlocked my door, and threw my stuff on the floor, and jumped in bed.
I should introduce myself, my names Megan, I have blue hair, so people call me blue mostly. And that's all you need to know.
Well anyway, I'm on this cruise because I needed a vacation from my parents, I'm 21 and I still live with them.
Just then my phone rang, the ID read mom.
I just ignored it, and turned my phone off.
"I think I'll go swimming," I said.
So I looked through my bags, and found my bathing suit. I changed and walked up to the deck. I saw a group of four boys sitting around the pool, looking at me as I walked passed them. I noticed that one of them was the one I bumped into earlier.
I decided to think nothing more of it, and jumped into the water.
When I got board, I decided to just get out and sit.
"Hey there, I'm Jack," this guy about my age came up to me and said.
"Blue, nice to meet you," I said
"Blue? What kind of name is that?"
"A name," I said getting aggravated at this kid.
"Come on Jack, leave her alone," one of the guys said.
"I'm Rian," the boy said that told Jack to leave me alone.
"Nice to meet you, and sorry about him, he's a weirdo," said the other guy.
"By the way, I'm Zac, nice to meet you as well,"
"Hey," was all I said, looking at the other boy, the one I bumped into earlier.
"And your name would be?" I asked him.
"You don't know who I am?" was the answer I got.
"Uhh no, I don't," I said, as he walked away.
"Whats up with him?" I asked.
"He's just weird, but that's Alex, but you seriously don't know who we are?" Rian asked me.
"No, I don't," I said, again.
"Oh, ok then," Jack said.
"Uhh, ok then, I'm just gonna go up to my room and go rest, so bye," I said getting up.
"ok, bye," Jack said, giving me a weird hug, and slipped a piece of paper in my bottoms.
I smacked his hand away, and just started walking. When I got back to my room, I took the piece of paper out, and it had four numbers on it.
Must be there's.
There was a little note to
Hey there cutie, here is our numbers, if you want them
Oh wow.
I put their numbers into my phone, even Alex's.
Just then, my phone buzzed, the ID said new txt, Alex.
What the?
TXT: Hey, srry bout earlier, meet me on the deck in about an hr?
How the hell did he get my number?
I texted him back
ME: Sure, but how yu get my #?
ALEX: Stole ur fone while yu were swimming ;)
ME: Stalker, hehe
ALEX: So will yu, or wnt yu?
ME: I will
ALEX: Ohk, good, see yu thn;)
ME: Bye
I thought to myself, why does he want me to meet him on the deck?

I walked up to the deck, just like Alex asked me to do.
I heard someone humming, and noticed that it was Alex.
"Hey," I said, scaring him a bit, cause he jumped a little.
"Hey, you came," Alex said smiling.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I asked.
"Cause I was being an ass," he said.
True he was, but i wouldn't stand him up like that.
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i wrote this about 2 years ago maybe...what do you think? i might write the second part cX