Status: if you're reading this then you currently have eyes.

A Prophecy

chapter 17

We finished dinner and I was pulled away by Karolina, she took me into my room and sat me on the bed “what are you doing?” I asked, looking at her with a weird look on my face “are you and james, y’know?” she asked, looking uncomfortable, I looked at her in question, what on earth was she talking about? “He likes you” she said simply. I started laughing “that’s ridiculous!”

She looked at me seriously “he hasn’t stopped looking at you since we sat down” she told me “I was about to go over there and pimp slap him if he didn’t take his eyes off”

“that is impossible” I told her, “I have Austin, all the guys know that, none of them like me like that anyway” she laughed “whatever you say Summer, whatever you say” she told me. I poked her nose and she screamed. There was a few seconds of silence then a round of laughter from outside before Danny yelled out “whatever you two are doing in there I definitely think that I wanna join!” he yelled. This made me and Karolina glare at the closed door “shut up you perv!” Karolina yelled back, before walking back out and sitting with Sam on the couch, who was watching some crime show with the rest of the guys. I walked out with them and sat between Austin and James. Austin smiled down at me and put his arm around my shoulders, I leant into him and slowly began to zone out.

Could Karolina have been right? Could James actually fancy me? no, that was stupid, it was impossible! I had known him for a while, we were just pretty good friends, there was no proof that he liked me, perhaps he was looking at me because …… he …. No, Karolina must have seen it wrong! There was no reason for him to be looking at me! I hoped I was right, and he didn’t like me.

Besides, I couldn’t deal with more drama, I was already trying to squash these feelings that I was beginning to have for Danny, which were an issue In themselves. but now having to deal with James having feelings for me would be more than I could care to handle at one time. I loved Austin, not to mention I had a lot more in common with him. James was cute, but not really an object of fancy for me. not to mention that the idea of dating Danny was almost a nightmare in its self. No, I had nothing to worry about, just stick with Austin, to be safe, I told myself, repeating those words in my head.

“Summer!” my head snapped up to look at a concerned looking Austin “are you okay? I’ve been talking to you for five minutes and you haven’t been listening!” he looked slightly hurt “oh, I’m so sorry sweetie” I murmured pulling him in for a kiss, “what were you saying?” I was aware of Karolina and James’ eyes on us, this made me slightly uncomfortable, but I tried my best to ignore it. I noticed that Karolina was now curled up in Sam’s lap, which I found cute.

“I was just saying how Alan wants you to come to the gig we’re playing in a couple of days” Austin told me “the rest of the guys want you to come along as well, they all miss you” I smiled and nodded “I haven’t seen Phil and Tino in ages!” I gasped “I can’t wait baby” I told him, leaning into him again and focusing on the television. Trying desperately to forget about the conversation that had been had in the bedroom just a few minutes before.
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sorry it's short! :(