Green Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter Two

“Hey, what’re you so spaced out about, Iero?” a familiar voice asked as I looked out the window of the tour bus.

Eventually, as you could have guessed, the band did work out. It came shortly after 9/11, when Gee called us up asking if we were happy with out career choices... We weren’t. So we started the band again with Ray and I on guitars, Gee on vocals, Mikey on bass and Matt on drums. We used a name that Mikey came up with: My Chemical Romance.

We were now finishing up touring with out second album while somewhat working on our third; We officially start in six months...

When fame first struck the band, it was pretty overwhelming, and Gee fell into a downward spiral of alcohol and drugs. It took us a while to get through to him, and eventually, after 17 of the longest days of our lives, Gee was sober.

But his counterpart, Matt, was still tempting him and we had to let him go. We then took on The Used’s sound guy (and one hell of a drummer), Bob Bryar. He was pretty damn cool.

“Hey... Oreo, he’s talking to you,” a redhead piped.

That was Sydney, and let me tell you, if I wasn’t gay I would’ve never let her leave my bed. Not only was she amazing, (in multiple ways), but she had deep natural copper hair with purple streaks and icy blue eyes that could crush a man with a glance. She was our techie, roadie, “mascot” and, now, Mikey’s girlfriend. She was also Bob’s little sister, and had gotten him the job with The Used and recommended him when we needed a replacement.

“Oh, what?” I asked, slightly confused as I looked away from the window.

“I asked what you’re thinking about... You’re so zoned...” Gerard repeated.

“Oh, I was just thinking about when I first moved to Belleview, and we all became friends,” I confessed.

His eyes brightened and he smiled, “Ah, the good ol’ days.”

Sometimes, I swear he felt something for me. I saw Sydney give me a look, as if to tell me that I knew better than that.

“Ugh, how much longer?” Sydney whined before sitting next to me at the small dining table, grabbing a slice of leftover pizza on the way--- left over from days before.

“Not too much longer,” Ray smiled.

“Syd, I wouldn’t---”

Too late... She’d already taken a bite of the pizza, she chewed if for a split second before her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She jumped to her feet and began spitting into the trash bin in the ‘kitchenette’, next to the sink that hadn’t worked in ages. “EW!” she exclaimed before her eyes darted around for something to drink, Gee handed her his can of soda and she chugged it. I stifled a giggle. “Shut up!” she frowned.

“Sorry,” I said, laughing again, and causing everyone to let out the chortles they’d been suppressing.

“Next time throw out the old, disgusting, rancid pizza!” she frowned again.

“Aw, baby,” Mikey cooed, wrapping and arm around her. She kissed him before grinning wildly as he made a face. “Ew... I could definitely taste it.”

“That’s what you get for patronizing me,” she smirked before announcing she was going to brush her teeth.

“So... How’s it going?” Mikey asked me rather randomly. In Mikey code this was Have you raped my brother yet?

“Same shit, different day,” my usual reply... Meaning Nope, he likes girls you fucking retard.

Yup. Pretty simple code.

Everyone knew I was gay, everyone was fine with it. That was the great thing about my friends, orientation didn’t matter. It wasn’t a big deal. But the only one’s that knew I liked Gee were Mikey and Sydney.

Both wanted nothing more for me to be able to be with Gerard--- but both also knew it would never happen... But we kept hoping.

Especially me.

Fuck... I need sex...

Right now...

Mikey smirked as if reading my thoughts, “What’s it been, a month?”

“Shut up,” I said through grit teeth, though only joking.