Green Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter Four

I finally caught up to Sydney, and when I did I pulled her in close and planted a kiss on her cheek. “You know I love you, right Syd?” I asked with a soft smiled.

She nodded and smiled. “I know Oreo, I love you too,” she answered before hugging me. “You’re just as much a brother to me as Bobby is.”

I smiled contently. I don’t know why, but even though when we called it off, she insisted and proved she was alright and we remained just as close, I’ve always felt guilty. I’ve always wished that I wasn’t the person I am, if just to make her happy; not that she wasn’t happy, she’s happier than I’ve ever seen her when she’s with Mikey, but sometimes she looks at me... the way she used to.

It wasn’t anything serious, nothing that would compare to the looks she keeps reserved for Mike, but... I don’t know, every time she did it, it broke me inside.

She studied me for a second. “Franky... You’re doing it again... You don’t need to keep beating yourself up... That was years ago,” she said in earnest.

“Why do you always no what’s on my mind?” I smirked.

“Call it ESP,” she smiled as we continued toward the arena. Moments before we were about to pass through the door, we heard a squishing sound from behind us. We both looked at each other with confused expressions at the noise before turning slowly and spotting a soaking wet Mikey. I snorted with laughter and Sydney did her best to keep her laughter stifled. “B-baby, what happened?” she asked, letting a giggle slip passed her lips.

“There’s a pond over there,” he said flatly, pointing behind him to where there was, indeed, a pond. I saw Bob grinning victoriously from inside the arena.

“Aww, poor baby...” Sydney said with a faux pout. “Did mean ol’ Bobby---”

“I’m not old!” he yelled from inside.

“—Push you into the pond?”

“Mhmm,” Mikey frowned reaching out for a hug.

Sydney snickered, “Yeah right. You’re soaked!”

He grabbed her nonetheless and pulled her in, making sure to get her as wet (no, literally) as possible. “Now you are too,” he smiled before kissing her deeply.

She smiled, blushing a few shades of reds, pinks and purples, “I love you baby.”

“I love you too,” he smiled.

We finally finished our sound check and headed outside in the back of the arena to hang out and play some kickball. I was walking next to Mikey and Syd as we talked about the opening band, Envy on the Coast.

“I think they rock,” Sydney smiled as she held onto Mikey’s hand. “They’re really sweet too.”

“Yeah, they are really cool,” Mikey agreed, and I gave a nod in concurrence as well.

“Sal seems cool,” I noted.

“You mean hot?” Mikey and I said in unison.

I felt myself blush, but I nodded. “I’m still holding onto the one thing I can never have...” I confessed.

“What’s that Franky-boy?” I heard someone ask as they jumped onto my back, piggy-back style.

“Ooffft, why does everyone do that?” I asked, as I tried not to blush at Gerard’s question... or the fact that my hands were on his rear as I supported him.

“It’s fun?” he offered, still clinging. “Don’t leave me out of the loop Frank, what can’t you have?” he repeated.

“Bono’s head on a platter,” Sydney covered before making a face.

“Oh, not that speech again,” Gee laughed.

Sydney and I both hated U2. There was just something about them that irritated us.

I gave her a look of gratitude at her quick thinking, as lame as it may have been.

“Ooo! Guys, guess who’s finally joining us!” Gee exclaimed.

“Who?” Syd asked, raising a brow.

“Celeste!” he smiled as Syd began jumping with excitement.

“Save that for the hotel babe,” Mikey smirked at her, causing her to blush.

Almost two years together and Mikey could still make her blush, make her feel like they were on their first date all over again... Why can’t I have something of that caliber?

Celeste was our hairstylist and good friend. There were rumors that her and Gee were a bit more than friends, and sometimes I didn’t doubt it... And it really made me feel like I’d been punched a thousand times in the gut. As much as I love Celeste, I think it would kill me if she “stole” him from me... Not that he was mine, or ever would be...

Gah! He makes me feel like a fucking teenie!

Celeste was a few inches taller than me and her hair was normally dyed blue-black with pink bangs. She had a killer personality, a great body and gorgeous honey-colored eyes...

To put it simply: She was every heterosexual guy’s dream. When her and Sydney are in the same room, it’s downright scary. The guys and I are constantly huddling around them, fending off all kinds of assholes.

Gee dismounted (oh how I wish that were the way it sounded), as we neared our makeshift field. “I’m a captain!” Gee called, followed by Sydney’s quick claim.

“Damnit!” Ray frowned. “You two are always captains!”

“Well, we’re quick,” Gee smiled before sticking his tongue out.

Sydney and Gee flipped a coin; Gee won the toss, and was picking first. “I pick my Franky!” he smiled, his eyes bright. I mentally rose a brow before that glimmer in his eyes disappeared, causing me to brush it off as my imagination.

“As always,” Bob said, rolling his eyes as our manager and friend, Brian waltzed over.

“Mikey!” Sydney chimed.

“Predictable...” Ray noted.

“Bob!” Gee called.

“NO!!” Sydney frowned as Bob walked over. I laughed. Sydney always picked Bob and Gee knew it.

“Gee, thanks,” Ray frowned.

“RAY!” Sydney smiled, he walked over and she hugged him. “I love you Ray-ray.”

“I know.”


“I love you too,” he laughed.

“Damnit... I get Brian,” Gee frowned.

“Wow, thanks Gerard, I love you too,” Brian muttered.

“Well... Dude... You suck at kickball... You know that,” I commented.

Brian lowered his head in faux letdown, “I know...”

“Alright, game time!” Sydney said with a competitive glance.

Oh man, here we go... “Syd Vicious” is back.

“She scares me when we play sports,” Gee commented. I nodded in agreement.