Green Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter Five

The Next Day

“Happy birthday!” Sydney whispered, shaking me awake gently. My eyes cracked open and I looked over at the clock. It was 4:30 in the morning.

“Ugh, Sydney... Let me sleep,” I whined turning over.

“Hey...” she pouted.

“Fine...” I grumbled before getting out of bed and hugging her, “Happy birthday to you too.” I then took her hand and walked out to the “living room” of the bus so we could watch a horror flick, and exchange gifts before anyone else was up. It was tradition.

Yeah, not only do we act alike, think alike and are best friends... Sydney and I were coincidently born on the same day two hours and twenty-two minutes apart. “What’re you dressing up as?” she asked, popping “Stay Alive” into the DVD player.

“Willy Wonka,” I replied, looking around for the remote. “What’re you going as?”

“Remember that mafia costume, it was white with hot pink trim..?” she asked.

“The “dress” that showed was too much cleavage, and probably wouldn’t cover your ass at all,” I asked, feeling myself get all “big brotherly”.

“You forgot about the white fedora it came with... Anyhow, I’m using that costume and going as “Bonnie” and Mikey’s dressing up as “Clyde”... Then later, when we get to the hotel, I’m going to dress up as a corrupt cop and he’s going to---”

“Oh god, okay, okay! I get it!” I exclaimed making a face. “Ew.. But if that costume wasn’t so slutty, I’d say “awww...” and tell you that that is the most adorable thing ever.”

“Thank you,” she smiled before hugging me. “Oh! Here, present time,” she said before getting me a large gift bag. I opened it and felt like I’d hit the jackpot. Inside was a Misfits canvas “bomber” hat, which I immediately squealed at and put on. There was also a Misfits hoodie, a pair of Misfits chucks, a new skate-deck since my last one broke a few months ago. She also got me The Princess Bride (one of my favorite movies), the entire DVD collection of “Halloween” and Misfits boxers. “Those are for Gee,” she winked.

I smiled before tackle-hugging her, “You’re the best!”

“I know,” she smiled, joking.

“Ooo, okay, you’re turn,” I smirked before handing her a similar bag. She giggled when she took out the same exact hat she’d bought for me.

“Great minds think alike,” she laughed, putting it on. I had also gotten her a black thigh-length frock coat with a silver brocade on the collar and cuffs. Her eyes lit up, “Franky! This is amazing!” she exclaimed, her hand tracing the raised design. It was the type of coat she’s always wanted. She reached over and hugged me tightly, as the sky began to lighten with the dawning of the day.

I returned the hug and smiled, “Hey, there’s more kiddo.”

She smiled before looking back into the bag. The rest of the bag contained a HIM sweatshirt, the European released DVD, a pair of black and purple fingerless skeleton gloves, a purple silk corset—with actual boning, Labyrinth and SLC Punk on DVD (my two favorite movies) and a $100 gift certificate to a certain online... costume company.

She smirked and waggled her eyebrows, “You know me too well.” She wrapped the frock coat around herself before hugging me tight. “Thanks Franky, best birthday ever,” she smiled.

“Likewise,” I smiled before kissing her cheek and wrapping an arm around her as we continued to watch the DVD. Halfway through it, I looked over at her to find her eyes closed as her breathing became slow and steady.