Green Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter Six

I opened my eyes hours later, to find the bus empty, and I noticed a note on the table. I looked down to see Sydney, still asleep. I gently shook her until her eyes opened and she looked at me with the confused look she always seemed to give upon waking up. It was like she never knew where she was, which I couldn’t blame her. Being on the road all the time definitely screwed with your sense of direction. “Hey...” she said groggily, that disoriented look still on her face.

“Morning... It seems they’ve all left without us,” I informed her.

She rose a brow before nodding. “Celeste is coming today. They probably went to meet her, and didn’t want to wake us,” she said in a weary voice before rubbing her eyes. She yawned widely and rested her head on my shoulder. “Mmm... I need Mikey to sex me,” she noted.

I sighed and stroked her hair. “I need Gee to sex me...”

“Baby... Maybe you should just tell him,” she offered, resting her head in my lap as she shifted.

“Yeah, that’s not going to be awkward,” I sighed. “Hey Gee, even though you’re heterosexual, I just thought you should know, I masturbate to you like a fucking thirteen year old girl every night,” I muttered.

Sydney let out an adorable giggle, covering her mouth, “Oh my... You’re such a teenie sometimes.”

I sighed, lowering my head in shame. “I know... It’s pathetic.”

She got up and started to change into straight-leg jeans and the corset I’d bought for her. She walked over and motioned to the back of it, “Can you tighten this, babe?” I nodded and began pulling the strings. “I don’t think you’re pathetic, Franky... You’re in love, you can’t help that...”

“Yeah,” I frowned. “I hate love.”

“Ooft,” she said as I pull the string rather hard. “Take it out on me why don’t you?” she laughed.

“Sorry,” I apologized before tying the corset, and resting a hand on her waist for a moment, admiring the petite and very Victorian waistline she had. “You’re enough to make a gay boy straight sometimes,” I smirked.

“I try. You’re enough to make a straight boy gay,” she smiled.

“I wish,” I said rolling my eyes as she pulled on the jacket. I threw on my new Misfits hoodie. “Love is just unfair,” I sighed.

She nodded, “It is, and I’m sorry...”

“Do you think the rumors are true?” I asked meagerly.

“I don’t know,” she said, her eyes sympathetic for the sorrow in my eyes at the mention of the subject. My shoulders sank slightly and she walked back over and hugged me tightly. “I think, if they were... One of us would have known by now...” she offered.

I nodded, feeling my eyes water. “I just... Look, if he’s with her, and he’s happy... Then fine...” I said, feeling my voice break. Her eyes were compassionate as she rested her forehead on mine. “I just can’t stop loving him... I want to, and fuck, I’ve tried to... But, I can’t,” I confessed.

She rubbed my back and shushed me, “Baby... You can’t help who you love... I’m sorry, but yeah, love’s not really fair... I wish I could change that, I wish I could do something to make him feel the same for you, if he doesn’t... But let’s keep hope for him, hmm? Maybe for once, life will be fair to my Franky, hmm?”

For some reason, as childish as hope was, she made me feel better, and I nodded. “I hope so,” I whispered, holding her.

“Happy Birthday!” someone yelled from the doorway.