Green Eyes Don't Lie

Chapter Seven

“Wow, you don’t look so happy...” they continued.

I turned around to see Celeste in the doorway. “Hey Celeste,” I said rather flatly.

“You alright?” she asked walking toward Sydney and myself.

“I’m fine,” I muttered as Sydney pinched my arm slightly. Apparently I was being rude. Celeste rose a brow at my tones, but I didn’t give her time to talk. “Where’s everyone else?” I asked.

“They’re at the diner, next door. They told me to come get you two for brunch... It’s funny, they thought you two would be ecstatic to see me,” she said with a shrug.

Sydney elbowed me in the ribs as she walked passed me toward Celeste. “We are,” she insisted, nearly tackling Celeste. “Don’t mind him, he just woke up...”

I suddenly felt guilty and I joined in the hug, “Sorry, I’m not having the best week,” I admitted.

“Aw, baby, you’re the birthday boy... It has to get better!” Celeste smiled convincingly, though I knew better.

“Thanks hun, but I seriously doubt my situation can get better,” I responded, always the pessimist.

She smirked to herself, a sparkle in her eyes, “Trust me it will. Anyhow, let’s get to brunch guys! I’m dying for some fucking pancakes.”

I rose a brow at her expression, but before I had a chance to ask about it, her and Sydney were pulling me out of the bus. We were in the parking lot of IHOP, not that it would have been hard to guess--- we always went to IHOP, it was like a fucking tradition.

Everyone was already seated, Sydney grabbed the seat next to Mikey and kissed him deeply... Far from the PG kiss we’ve asked them to use when we’re in family-oriented restaurants. Celeste sat next to Gee and smiled at him as I took the seat on his opposite side. I felt my chest tighten as he returned the smile. God, I just wanted to kill myself right there.

“Frrrrank?” Syd said, waving her hand in front of my face. I snapped my glance toward her. “What do you want?”

“Um... I guess I’ll just get---”

“I’m going to the bathroom,” Celeste said nudging Gee before leaving.

“Oh.. Shit,” Gee said in an obvious tone as she left. “I left erm... something in the bus... Be right back... Uh, happy birthday guys,” he said before leaving.

“---I’m not hungry,” I muttered before getting up and walking toward the parking lot.

Funny, Gee wasn’t in/on the bus... Not that I couldn’t have guessed that. He walked in the same direction as Celeste, which was towards the bathroom, by the way. I kicked the tire of the bus and screamed obscenities before hearing someone approach me.

“Franky...” Sydney said in a meek tone as Mikey stood beside her. “Are you---” I was hugging her before she could finish, my face buried in her shoulder as I cried softly. She rested her head on mine. I felt Mikey’s hand rubbing my back. Man, I had the best friends.

“I’m sorry,” I said softly with a sniffle. “I just... ugh, it’s over... I never had a chance, and this is just the realization,” I cried. “Why did I keep hoping?”

Sydney kissed my cheek, “Let’s go get drunk and forget about him...”

I nodded slightly and wiped my face with my sleeve. “It’s not fair.”

“No, it’s not,” Mikey agreed, “but we can’t change that,” he sighed unsatisfied with his own answer.