Status: a story 7 years in the making. COMMENTS PLEASE! i need the feedback.

The Soul Unto Itself


I awoke screaming banshee screeches. My whole body burned; every muscle bone nerve cell, aflame. My insides twisting and contorting. My limbs constantly in a spasm. I gasped for air but my lungs refused to expand. Knives twisted in my heart with every pulse, pumping acid through my veins. I rolled over, thrashing in pain, to find I was chained to a metal floor. I couldn’t help the hellish screams that burst from my throat at an almost constant rate. My bones began to crack, contorting and reshaping my body. More screams erupted as my skull began breaking and reconstructing. I began to slam body parts into the steel framing of the cell; the bashing dulled my afflictions for a mere second. I thrashed about, resisting my bonds, I slammed myself into the walls, the floor, the chains, anything to help the pain.
I could smell the sticky iron of blood, my blood. A man came into the cell and forcibly shackled my wrists to the ceiling, and my ankles to the floor so I now hung in the center of the room, unable to bash myself against the steel, then left. The ripping and tearing in my gums accompanied by a gush of blood distracted me from the man's brief presence. My canine teeth had elongated, slicing my curious tongue. I snarled at the pain, slicing my lips and tongue with my new weapons. The fire began to concentrate into my head, acid seeping into my eyes and ears, blocking all sight and sound. I had no idea if I was still screaming, but still I thrashed in my chains, bleeding from my wrists and ankles. The fire in my eyes moved through my sinuses to my nose, blocking smells. I thrashed, now senseless in oblivion, only aware of pain. I felt all the pain; every flaming fiber of my being changing, twisting, contorting.
Then the fire ceased. I felt nothing. Saw nothing. Heard nothing. Smelt nothing. Tasted nothing. Sensed nothing. I questioned my consciousness, having no sense of the world. But then the acid exploded into my brain. Fire. So much fire and lightening in my mind. I could only assume I was screaming, the pain so immense. It felt like days passed as I dangled by chains in oblivion. Days of screaming. Days of thrashing. Days of Hell. My senses never returning, eventually, my mind left me too.