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Perfect Insanity

Chapter Ten

It’s been almost 2 weeks since I came to the hospital and today I am to be released. Dad had called Mr. Stanton yesterday about me being released and he wants us to meet him at the police station for the meeting with a detective Morgan. I can’t wait to finally and permanently live with my dad. I wonder what his home is like. Yesterday, the tube in my neck was removed because the swelling was gone and I didn’t need it anymore. My voice is back but on some words I seem to have a lower or a higher pitch to the word when I speak.

Dad was outside signing the papers to get me out of this place while I changed back into some clean clothes a nurse had given me from the lost and found. I slipped on my converse and was ready to go. A nurse came in with my dad and she wheeled me out of the room in and pushed me out of the room. I don’t see why I couldn’t just walk out of the hospital but she went on about it being hospital policy or some shit. She wheeled me out to the entrance and stayed there until dad got his car and helped me into the front seat. I waved goodbye to the nurse and dad started driving towards the police station. It didn’t take us long to get there and I wished it had taken just a little longer.

To say that I was nervous about telling what happened is an understatement. I was fucking terrified. We met up with Mr. Stanton at the entrance and we went on inside. We followed Mr. Stanton through the police station until we came to Detective Morgan’s office. We all went inside and Morgan looked up from his work.

“Carl Stanton, it’s nice to see you again.”

“Same to you Joey. This is Rayven, Brian’s daughter.” Mr. Stanton said introducing me.

“It’s very nice to meet you please sit down.” I did as he said and so did my dad and Mr. Stanton.

“Rayven there are some questions I need to ask you.”

“Alright.” I said nodding.

“Do you know the person who did this to you?”

“Yes sir. His name is Bill Aumor.” I said emotionless.

“How do you know this man?”

“He’s my stepdad.” I said looking down.

“Can you start from the beginning and tell me everything that he had done to you?”

“Do you want it from the beginning or from when he dropped me here?” I asked looking up and rubbing my hands together.

“Start from the beginning please.” I took a deep breath before telling Detective Morgan how it all started. I looked over at my dad during the conversation and he had the look of anger on his face. I know he was blaming himself for not doing something else to help me get away from them.

“What happened after that whole week of torture?”

“I went up to my room and bandaged myself like I always did and went to sleep. The next morning the whole house was quiet. When the house is quiet it either means I’m about to be beaten or he’s gone off to work. I left my room and went on down the hallway but I stop because a note hung to the door of my mom’s room.” I explained.

“What did it say?”

“It said that mom wasn’t feeling very well and not to disturb her.” I said looking down at my hands.

“Then what did you do?”

“I continued down the hall and right when I was at the stairs, I felt something hit me in the back of the head. It was hard enough to knock me out.” I said remembering that day like it was yesterday.

“What happened next?”
“When I woke up, I seen that I was back in the basement chained to the wall again. I was wondering what was going on. I was afraid because I didn’t know if he was in the room or not. When the door opened he stood there with this sick smirk on his face. He told me I would have some company this time.” I said hoping the tears would stay at bay for at least a while but I could feel them reeling up into my eyes.

“Who else was there?”

“The body of my dead mother.” I said letting the tears run down my face.

“How did you know she was dead?”

“Her throat was slit and there was a lot of blood on her clothes. I turned my head away but he forced me to look at her. He said that I caused him to kill her. He said that…” I said stopping in mid-sentence to wipe away my tears.

“What did he say?”

“He said if she would’ve just listened and killed you, she would be here.” I said sniffling.

“What happened next?”

“He let go of my face and went over to a tray that was on a desk and grabbed a knife. He came back over to me and ripped my shirt leaving me exposed and he…he was licking his lips and rubbing himself through his pants. It fucking sickened me.” I explained drying up my tears. I could feel the rage starting to burn in my soul but I pushed it away slowly. I just need to get through this.

“Then what happened?”
“He brought the knife towards me and started cutting me on the collarbone. I tried to fight him off but he cut me deeper and deeper each time. When he was finished with the knife he threw it away and then went back to the desk and grabbed some papers and a staple gun and came back. He told me I was taking these with me, so he stapled them several times to my chest. I told him to just let me go and I would never tell anyone what he’s done to me over the years but he said he was going to make sure I never spoke a word. I watched as he brought up his fist and punched me in the throat as hard as he could. I tried to scream but pain shot through my neck so it stopped me. He had this sick grin on his face as I let the blood drip from my mouth. I looked back up at him and he showed me a picture of my mom before stapling that to my cheek. Next thing I know he’s taking something out of his pocket and injecting it into my arm. When I woke up, I was in the hospital.” I explained and more tears threatened to spill over but I pushed them back successfully.

“I’m very sorry for what’s happened to you Rayven. I would like one of our female officers to take pictures of the wounds you sustained. I mean if that’s alright.”

“That’s alright.” I said nodding. He got up from his desk and left the room and came back with another officer who took me into a private room and started taking pictures of my injuries.

----------------Brian’s POV------------

Hearing what that son of a bitch did to my daughter angered me more than seeing her lying in a hospital bed fighting for her life. I swear to God if he comes anywhere near my daughter, I will make him wish he never messed with my family.

“While those are being taken, I will personally make sure the man who did this to your daughter Brian is behind bars within the week. I’m going to get a warrant for the arrest of Bill Aumor at the Joplin, Missouri police department and have him picked up.”

“Thanks Joey. I can’t tell you what this means to me.” I said smiling.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll have patrol cars outside your house for a while to make sure he still isn’t here. I’ll also get an arrest warrant for here in case he’s still hanging around.”

“Thanks.” I said shaking his hand.

“Again, it’s not a problem. It’s my job to take scum bags off the streets.” The door opened and Rayven came back in and sat down beside me.

“Officer Cayhill will make sure to get those developed and sent to your office Mr. Stanton for evidence. Also make some copies for my report.”

“Yes sir.” She said before leaving the room shutting the door behind her.

“Carl, I’ll be in touch with your office to let you know if he’s been picked up. You guys can leave and go home.”

“See you soon Joey.” Mr. Stanton said as we left the police station.

“I’ll call you and let you know everything that’s going on Brian.”

“Thanks man. I really appreciate you helping my daughter.” I said shaking his hand.

“It’s not a problem. I’ll see you later. I’ve got to see another client about a case.”

“See you later.” I said as I got into the car with Rayven. I backed out of the space and headed away from the station.

“When we get home, you’ll get to pick out your own room and tomorrow we’ll get you some clothes and stuff your room.” I said as I pulled into my street.

“Cool.” I drove on down the road and before long I was pulling into the driveway of my house. All my friends were here. I couldn’t help but smile.

------------Rayven’s POV----------------

“Who’s here?” I asked as dad stopped the car and cut it off.

“Just a few of my friends who want to meet you.” I nodded and got out. I went over to his side and we went into the house. A banner was in the hallway that said Welcome Home! I could hear people talking in the living room as we walked to the doorway.

Everyone’s gazes landed on us and smiles spread across their faces. All of the guys looked familiar but I just couldn’t place them.

“Guys I would like you to meet my daughter Rayven.” Dad said as we went into the living room.

“This is Johnny, Jimmy, Zacky, and Matt.”

“It’s nice to meet you all. Dad has told me a lot about you.” I said smiling and shaking their hands.

“I hope it was the good shit.”

“It’s all the good shit.” I said smiling. I felt so at home here. I think I will like it here.

“So sit and watch me beat the living hell out of short shit here.”

“Play nice guys.” Dad said laughing.

“Us play nice? Ha ha! You’ve got to be kidding.” The names will take a while to place with faces. I have this short memory of people’s names.

“Hey Jimbo when is Leana and the girls going to get here?”

“She said in about 10 minutes. Gena wasn’t ready yet so they have to wait on her.” Jimmy said rolling his eyes. Jimmy had jet black hair with tattoos of handcuffs on his neck and it was really cool. He was wearing a band tee and black pants and had his chin was pierced.

“Damn she takes forever to get ready. Not to mention she waits until the last minute to get ready.”

“What’s her deal Zacky?” Zacky had jet black hair as well and had snakebite piercings and a lot of tattoos on his arms. His eyes were a beautiful emerald green. He was so gorgeous! Matt had on aviator sunglasses on along with a Harley-Davidson t-shirt on and black pants. He had lots of tattoos too. Johnny had a black and blonde Mohawk and had a few tattoos of his own. I sat down as dad went into the kitchen and got some beers for the guys and gave me a soda. I can’t stand being around beer or even seeing it but at least these guys are paying more attention to who was winning some game than drinking. I was thankful for that.

“Rayven you want to go and get your room picked out while they are preoccupied?”

“Sure.” I said nodding and I left the room with dad and he showed me upstairs. I opened a door and the room was actually something I would like. The room had dark wooden floors and the curtains where a deep red color. I liked it very well.

“This is your closet. It has enough room in here for everything you’ll need. Your own bathroom is right here for extra privacy. Are you hungry?”

“Very. I was getting sick of hospital slop.” I said laughing.

“Aright we’ll get take out for everyone. Come on.” I followed dad out of the room and down to the living room where he took everyone’s order down before calling it in. Several minutes later they called back saying it was ready and someone needed to come and pick it up.

“Who’s going with me to get the food?”

“I went last time.” Zacky said looking over at dad for only a second and then back to the TV.

“I’ll go. Jimmy don’t torture Johnny while we are gone.”

“No promises Matt.” Jimmy said laughing and then eyeing Johnny like a hunk of meat. I shook my head and went into the kitchen and sat down at the bar as dad and Matt left the house. I looked out the window and seen a police car sitting across the road. I don’t think Bill would come back for me but it’s for precautionary measures.

I pulled down the front of my shirt and seen the word he carved into my flesh. I ran my fingers over it and I could remember everything that happened that horrible night. Seeing my mother strung up like some deer ready to be gutted and skinned. I turned over my arm and seen the healed burn marks he put on me with his lit cigarettes. What the hell did I ever do to anyone to have this happen to me? Was I not being the heartless person my mother wanted me to be towards my father?

“Hey.” I looked over at Zacky as he opened the door to the fridge.

“Hey.” I said turning my arm back over so he couldn’t see my scars.

“Why are you sitting in here by yourself?”

“I just needed a minute to soak in everything that’s going on.” I said honestly.

“You’ll love living here. I’ve spent many nights here.”

“I like here. It’s better than where I was before.” I said as he sat down beside me.

“I hope they catch that guy.”
“I do too Zacky. I wouldn’t have to live in fear anymore.” I said looking down at my hands.

“You don’t have to live in fear ever now. The guys and I and definitely Brian would never let anyone hurt you.”

“I hope so.” I said looking back at him.

“I know so Rayven. He’s been searching for years for you.”

“He told me. I just wished it would have been sooner.” I said yawning lowly.

“I know honey. Just remember this: if you need to talk, I’m here for you along with everyone else.”

“Thanks Zacky. It means a lot to me.” I said smiling.
“It’s not a problem.” He smiled and he was hot! The way his green eyes sparkled when the light hit them made me feel protected and somewhat living again. I heard the door open and I looked over as dad and Matt came in with several bags of food.

“Hey girlie. Did you miss me?”

“Dad you’ve only been gone for 10 minutes.” I said laughing.

“I know but I thought I would ask.” I shook my head as he took the food out of the bags.

“Hey Zacky have the girls gotten here yet?”

“Not yet. I wonder what’s taking them so long.” He said as he looked down at his watch. I heard the door open again and a group of girls came through the door.
“Hey Matty, so sorry we’re late. We went to Gena’s and she said she wasn’t coming here.”

“Did she give you a reason?” Matt asked grabbing a fork from a drawer.

“Nope. She just said she wasn’t coming here. She can be so difficult sometimes. I don’t know what her damn problem is.”

“Is this Rayven?” A woman with long brown hair and brown eyes said as she smiled at me.

“Yes. Rayven this is Val my wife.”

“It’s very nice to meet you.” I said shaking her hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well. This is Leana and Lacy.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” I said shaking their hands as well.

“It’s nice meeting you too.”

“How about you girls go and getting the guys so we can eat.” Dad said smiling as he sat my food down in front of me. I began eating my food as everyone sat down and started digging into theirs. Jimmy was poking fun at Johnny and I could say it was pretty funny. The girls were having their own conversations and so were the guys. They seem to get along very well with each other and it made me happy to have a family like this and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in this world.

I threw my trash away when I was finished and put my fork into the sink just as a knock came to the door.

“I’ll get it.” I said and I left the kitchen and to the front door opening it to reveal 2 women and one looked a whole lot like Val.

“Who are you?” said the woman with multicolored hair.

“I’m Rayven, Brian’s daughter.”

“Oh...” she said in a disgusted tone as she passed by me along with the other woman. They went to the kitchen as I closed the door. I was about to go into the kitchen but stopped when I heard angry tones in dad’s voice.

“What are you doing here Michelle?” he said annoyed.

“I came to get my shit so I can get out of here.”

“I thought I told you to get your shit out before I got home.” He asked angrily. I could tell from his voice that he was rolling his eyes at the woman.

“I had better things to do.”

“Guys can we have a moment alone?” dad said and I immediately went into the living room. Soon everyone except dad and that Michelle chick was in here sitting around. The multicolored haired woman stared at me.

“Gena this is Rayven.”

“Yeah I know who she is.” She said smugly.

“Now what’s your problem?”

“None of your business.” She said annoyed as she rolled her eyes and scooted away from him. I gave him a confused look and he shrugged.

“Michelle I don’t give a shit! I told you years ago that I have a daughter and I told you just yesterday that I would always be on my daughter’s side before anyone!” dad yelled and I looked towards the doorway as they went upstairs and continued to yell. I looked down at my hands as their yelling became louder. I got up from my seat and went outside on the front porch and sat down in chair and looked out over the night sky. I could still hear their yells even from out here.

I could hear footsteps coming towards the door as I sat there but I never looked up. The door opened and both women came out and the one dad called Michelle looked at me angrily.

“You should have stayed away when I told your mom to leave. You cause all of this you little bitch and you’ll pay for breaking us up.” Gena pulled her away from me and back to their car where they pulled out and sped down the road. What did she mean by that? I continued to sit out there as the minutes passed thinking about what she meant. Why would she tell my mom to leave?

“Rayven?” I looked up and seen dad standing in the doorway.

“Yeah dad?” I said looking back over at the ocean.

“I’m sorry you had to hear all that. Michelle and I have been having problems for a while.”

“It’s alright dad.” I said rubbing my hand.

“Did she say anything to you?”

“She told me that I should have stayed away when she told mom too. What does she mean about that?” I asked curiously.

“I have no idea. Come on inside and we’ll watch a movie or something.”

“I think I’ll just stay out here a little while longer.” I said getting up and walking off the porch.

----------Brian’s POV----------------

I watched as she walked off the porch and into the middle of the yard and just stood there.

“What’s she doing?”

“Michelle said something that upset her. She told Rayven that she should have stayed away when she told her mother to leave.” I said looking at Zacky.

“Why would Michelle do that?”

“I have no idea.” I said honestly as I watched her look up into the sky.

“I don’t know either. All the time Gena was sitting in the living room with us, she was staring at Rayven with a burning hate. I don’t understand.”

“I think I may have a pretty good idea.” Matt said as he lit a cigarette.

“What’s that?”

“I watched all the years that Jaydee was here that both Michelle and Gena were up to something but I just didn’t know what. Do you think they said something to Jaydee that made her leave with Rayven all those years ago?” Matt said taking a puff off of his smoke.

“You might be right. I mean when Jaydee left, Michelle seemed more compassionate than she ever was when she was here. Gena seemed happy to see Jaydee gone.”

“Why would she do that? I mean especially to you Brian?” Zacky said confused.

“I don’t have a clue guys…I just don’t have a clue.” I watched as my daughter continued to stare up into the sky like she was looking for something. If Michelle is responsible for Jaydee’s leaving California, then she basically killed Jaydee and almost had my own flesh and blood killed. What in God’s name was she thinking?
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comments? what do u all think about Michelle and Gena's involvement in getting Jaydee to leaving Huntington Beach with Rayven?