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Perfect Insanity

Chapter Thirteen

I awoke to someone gently shaking me and calling my name. I opened my eyes and seen dad standing over me and smiling.

“It’s 7 in the morning honey. You need to get up and get dressed so we can get you fed and then to the courthouse at 8.”

“Okay dad.” I said sitting up and throwing the covers off of me. I looked down and seen I was still in the same clothes I was wearing yesterday when we went to the mall.

“You feel asleep on the couch during the movie last night. I’ll be down in the kitchen getting breakfast ready for you.” I nodded and dad left my room leaving the door cracked. I got up from the warm bed and lazily went over to my closet and grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. I started up the water and let it warm up as I got undressed and folded my dirty clothes up and got out 2 towels and a wash cloth.

I stepped into the shower and the warm water heated me up not to mention it fully woke me up. I finished bathing and stepped out of the shower with the towel wrapped tightly around me. I dried off and dressed into some black jeans and the Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt that Zacky had bought me at the mall. I stepped out of the bathroom leaving the 2 wet towels and the wash cloth hanging on the side of the tub and I put my dirty clothes into the laundry basket. I grabbed my phone from the night stand beside the bed where someone plugged it up for me so it could charge up.

I put on my shoes and ran a brush through my hair before leaving my bedroom and going down to the kitchen. I sat down at the bar as dad set a plate in front of me and I began to eat as he cleaned up what pans he used to cook the eggs, bacon, and hash browns. He sat down next to me as I ate and looked through the paper for anything new and interesting but I could tell him that there wasn’t anything.

We finished eating and I took both of our plates and cleaned them before putting them away and I looked over at the clock that was on the wall.

“Should we go ahead and leave?” I asked as I wiped off the stove.

“Yeah come on.” I followed dad out of the house and got into the car and he drove on towards the courthouse. It took us a little while to get there and he parked the car and we got out and went inside the large brick building. There were a lot of people in plain clothes plus people who wore suits. I guess they were office workers along with some lawyers. Dad seen Mr. Stanton and we walked over to him where he stood to his feet.

“Good morning. How are you this morning?”

“I don’t know about Rayven but I’m anxious to see what happens today.” Dad said shaking his hand.

“Speaking of that, Rayven this is just to see whether Bill can make bail or not but I’m going to make sure he can’t.”

“How do you plan on doing that?” I asked curiously.

“I’m going to tell the judge that he’s a flight risk and you’re afraid that he’ll try and stop you from testifying against him.”

“Will that work?” dad asked as people started coming out of a doorway. I looked in and it was a huge room with what looked like pews in front of a podium.

“I believe it will and if the judge thinks it’s not necessary then I’ll make the notion for a high bond. One that he can’t post the money for.”

“The judge wants to hear the next case.” A police officer said as he stood beside the door or the same room I looked in minutes before.

“That’s our cue.” We followed behind Mr. Stanton and he showed us where we could sit. Dad and I sat down in the pew like seat as Mr. Stanton took a seat in front of a desk. I looked behind me as another man dressed in a suit carrying a briefcase came into the courtroom and sat down at another desk. A police officer brought our Bill from a door beside the podium and sat him beside the other lawyer. Bill looked at me with hatred and I grabbed dad’s hand and he squeezed it reassuringly.

“All rise! The honorable Judge Semble now presiding.” A police officer said and we all stood to our feet as the judge came into the room and took his seat behind the podium.

“You all may be seated.” He said and we sat down. The judged looked through the papers on the podium.

“This is a hearing to decide whether bail should be granted for the defendant Bill Aumor. Mr. Reynolds how does the defendant plead?”

“Not guilty, your honor and I think my client should be out of a jail cell and only placed with an ankle bracelet.” The man said as he stood to his feet.

“Your honor, Mr. Aumor is a flight risk and my client is afraid that he’ll come after her. I request a bail set to 200,000 dollars.”

“Judge that is excessive.” Mr. Reynolds said looking over at Carl.

“I don’t think it is your honor. This man is capable of murder. From the reports of the police officers in Missouri, the mother of this innocent child was brutally murder by the defendant. My client is afraid that since she lived from that horrible act, that he’ll come after her to finish the job.” The courtroom went silent as the judge looked over the papers once again.

“I have read over the police reports Mr. Stanton. Bill Aumor will be held at the county jail until the day of trial in 2 weeks on this day at 8AM. Court is adjourned.” The judge slammed down the gavel and placed some papers to the side as my dad stood to his feet. Bill looked over at me with a burning hate but at least he won’t be on the streets. I will be able to sleep easier knowing that he wasn’t able to pay that much. We all left the courtroom and the courthouse and my dad and Carl talked about something as I leaned up against the car. I pulled my phone from my pocket and had several text messages from the guys. I had 4 from Zacky.

He was wishing me luck and was asking me if we were coming over to the studio after. Matt sent me one asking me how everything went. Jimmy and Johnny wished me luck. It looks like luck was on my side today but in 2 weeks who knows what a jury will find Bill. They could find him not guilty for all I know but we have some pretty good evidence to say that he did do all those things. He won’t be physically fighting his way out of this one this time.
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comments? i do pretty good to get 2 chapters in one day :)