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Perfect Insanity

Chapter Twenty

I woke to the sun in my face and I turned over groaning. I hated when the sun woke me up when I’m so comfortable. I pulled myself up and went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was all over the place. I looked horrible. I left the bathroom and went over to the dresser and brushed out my hair until all the knots and tangles were completely gone.

I left my room and went downstairs where dad wasn’t in the kitchen but another note was stuck to the fridge.

Our manager called today for a meeting about something. I’ll see you later. Be good hahaha.


I shook my head and took down the note and put it into the trash. I unloaded the trashcan and took the bag of trash into the garage and put it with the others. I think someone needs to put the trash out so the people can come and pick it up. I grabbed a box of cereal from the cabinet and fixed me a bowl full of the yummy material. I sat down at the bar eating it as the door opened.


“I’m in the kitchen dad.” I yelled with a mouthful of cereal. Dad came into the kitchen as I stood up and put the bowl into the sink.

“I need to talk to you about something.”

“What is it?” I asked as I washed the bowl and spoon.

“Our manager is giving us some time off before we go on tour in about a month and another band wants me to play with them for a few of their shows and announce a few upcoming things to do with our band. Jimmy and Leana are going on a short vacation and so are Johnny and Lacy and Matt and Val. Zacky said he would stay over here with you.”

“Why isn’t he going?” I asked curiously.

“He said something about; his vacation could be spent at home getting some stress relieved.”

“So basically he would rather stay home then go somewhere no one could bail him out right?” I said laughing and dad nodded.

“So Zacky’s in charge when I leave in 3 days. I’ll be back in 2 weeks. If you need anything just call me.”

“I will dad and you have a great time.” I said nodding.

“I ain’t leaving yet.”

“I know. I just thought I would practice. Now for some brainstorming on how to prank Zacky.” I said rubbing my hands together with an evil smirk on my face.

“Talk to Jimmy about the pranking. He can come up with some good shit.”

“I will.” I said drying the bowl and spoon and putting them away.

“So I need to go to Wal-Mart after while and get some things for the trip. If you want you can go with me.”

“Yeah sure. I need to get out of the house anyways and what is this place? Is it like the mall?” I asked curiously.

“Well sort of. It’s like a combination of an electronic center, clothes and department store, pet supply, garden store, drug store, a photo shop, bedding store, office supply store, and grocery store.”

“So it’s like the mall all rolled into one.” I asked sitting down.

“Yeah you could say that. I’m going to make a list and get showered and then we’ll head out.”

“I’ll be waiting.” I said as I got up and left the kitchen and going over to the sliding glass door and sitting outside on the patio. Dad’s pool was a good size and I think while they’re all gone, I’ll get Zacky to teach me. I mean that is if he would want too. I don’t want to just be like Zacky you’re going to teach me to swim whether you like it not. I ain’t that kind of person.

I think while I’m at this place, I’ll find me some things for the bathroom. Maybe some good smelling perfume and shampoo body wash and stuff like that. If I find anything else I’ll ask dad before just putting it into a cart.

--------------------------------Brian’s POV--------------------------------------

I grabbed a pad from the drawer in the kitchen along with a pen and started looking through my room at some stuff I would need and I wrote it down. As much as I love helping other bands out and shit like that and promoting our band, I think I would rather be with my daughter. I wish she could come with me but I would feel bad for leaving Zacky here in Huntington all by himself. I think it will do Rayven some good to spend some time with someone who is a good listener and can give advice on anything. I guess that’s why we are such good friends…no he’s not my friend. He’s my brother.

I finished up my list and laid it on the dresser and grabbed some clothes from my closet and headed into the bathroom. I turned on the water letting it warm up as I stripped off my clothes. It didn’t take long before the mirror was completely covered with sweat from the steam. It felt so good to feel the water rush down my back as I stood under the shower head. It relaxed me so much from the busy workday of recording.

As I washed myself, I hummed a tune from our new album. I can’t really say if it’s my favorite song because it’s not. It’s just one of those songs that will get stuck in your head. When I finished, I quickly dried off and put on my clothes before leaving the bathroom and letting my hair air dry as I sat on the balcony. I looked down and seen Rayven over at the fence looking out over the ocean. I think when I get home all of us should spend the last day and night over here and go to the beach. It would do well for everyone. Usually when we would go on tour we would all go out to eat and then say goodbye to the ones we love and cherish.

I ran my fingers through my now dry hair and went over to my dresser and styled it. When the gel was keeping my hair in place, I put on my signature Fedora and put my list into the pocket of my jeans and headed back downstairs. I looked out the sliding glass door and Rayven was still over at the fence.

“Rayven, are you ready to go?” I asked leaning out the door.

“Yeah.” She ran over to me and we left the house. The drive would be pretty long since the nearest one is the county over but it was a nice drive with my daughter. I pulled into the parking lot of the huge Wal-Mart Supercenter and found a space relatively close to the entrance. We got out and I locked the car as we walked away. We entered the store and I grabbed a cart and hoped to God that no one would recognize me.

We walked around as I crossed off each item on my list. Rayven asked me a few times about some things she needed and I would always tell her that she could put anything in here that she wanted but she seemed not really comfortable doing it unless she asked but I didn’t question it. If it makes her happy that she asks me before she does then it makes me happy. I’ve missed so much of her life and I’ll do anything I can to make up for it. We went through the self-check out and paid for everything and we headed back to the car.

“That place has everything!”

“I know. I like shopping there when the band goes on tour because I make one trip and get everything that I need.” I said as we loaded down the trunk.

“We need to come here more often.”

“We will. I get good deals here.” I said giving her the keys so she could unlock the car as I returned the cart. I got back to the car and she had the car unlocked and we were ready to go. I took the same route back into Huntington and we made it to the house in no time. It seems like going somewhere takes longer than the trip home. I’ve noticed that a lot when going to the venues and coming home from the months on the road.

Rayven helped me unload the car and take the bags up to my room. I handed her the things of hers and she left my room. I looked through my closet for a duffle bag that would hold everything that I needed and began packing. I always pack a head of time. I packed several pairs of my pants and some shirts. I still had some body wash and shampoo in the bathroom so I packed my new ones. I would pack my extra shoes and my hair styling things the morning I leave. I threw my bags away and placed my duffle beside the door and left my room and went down to the kitchen.

I looked through the fridge for something to cook and decided on some pasta for tonight. I took out a pot from the cabinet and put some water on and then poured the noodles in. While those were cooking I took some frozen chicken and thawed it out in the microwave before putting it into another pot and boiling it. I found some Alfredo sauce and heated that up last in the microwave. I placed everything into a separate bowl before putting onto the table along with plates and utensils. I left the kitchen and into the living room where Rayven was watching TV.

“Dinner is ready sweetheart.” I said and she turned off the TV and came into the kitchen and sat down with me. We each filled our plates several times before we both were as full as ticks.

“That was amazing dad.”

“Thanks. Suzy taught me a thing or 2 about cooking. It comes in handy when there’s one rowdy guy who had a tendency to burn anything he cooks.” I said laughing.

“Let me guess…Jimmy?”

“You hit the nail right on the head. I swear he can’t cook anything.” I said laughing at Jimmy. He would always pout when he burns something.

“Maybe you should teach him something.”

“You want me to teach someone who has the attention span of a house fly how to cook?” I asked gathering up the plates and putting them into the sink.

“Hey it was just a suggestion.”

“I’ll take it under consideration as soon as I get my kitchen fire proof.” I said as she put the food into containers and putting it into the fridge.

“You have so much confidence in him dad. It’s unbelievable.”

“Are we using sarcasm?” I asked raising a brow.

“I know I am but I have no clue about you.” I couldn’t help but laugh. She was so like me in so many ways. It was like looking in a mirror and talking to myself. I love her though. She helped me with the dishes like every night that I’ve cooked and soon we were finished.

“So how about we watch a movie?” I asked as I grabbed a beer from the fridge.

“Sounds like fun. What would you like to watch?”

“Anything is good with me. Why don’t you go in there and pick out something while I finish cleaning up everything in here?” I said and she nodded before leaving. I pulled out my wallet and pulled out a picture of Jaydee when we were back in high school. We were so happy back then and she was so proud of me in helping our band get as popular as it is now. She always said it would go huge one day and she was absolutely right. I kissed the picture gently before putting it back into my wallet and sliding it back into my back pocket. I left the kitchen and went into the living room where Rayven had the main menu of the movie popped up.

“The Hills Have Eyes. That’s a great choice.” I said sitting down beside her.

“I felt like a horror flick tonight.”

“You know this is my favorite movie.” I said smiling.

“I had no idea.”

“You’ll see why when it starts.” I said as she pressed play and the movie began. Several minutes into the movie we were both telling the actor not to go anywhere scary but of course they did anyways. How stupid. If there were people out to kill me, I would be out of there already. Rayven would jump at some of the parts of the movie and I would hold her closer to me each time. By the end of the movie she was fast asleep in my side. I turned off the TV and the DVD player and carried her up to her bed.

I pulled off her shoes and socks and covered her and plugged her phone in before leaving her room and going into mine. I stripped all the way down to my boxers and slid underneath the warm covers. It didn’t take long after I plugged my phone in to charge that I fell right off to sleep.


Today dad leaves for his trip to meet up with some other bands that are on tour and I will miss him. It’s been so normal to have him here and giving me a sense of comfort and not to mention that Damien hasn’t made his presence to me in a while and I like it that way. I looked over at my phone as a text came through my phone.

~Hey Baby Gates ~Zacky V

~Hey Zacky. Are you excited to be babysitting me for a while? ~Baby Gates

~Well I wouldn’t say I’ll be babysitting you. I’d say I was just spending quality time with my best friend. ~Zacky V

~Oh good I was hoping you would say something like that. For one I’m not a baby. ~ Baby Gates

~You are far from a baby. You’re an intelligent and kind young woman. ~Zacky V

~Thanks Zacky :) ~Baby Gates

~No problem Kiddo :) ~Zacky V

~So when are you coming over? ~Baby Gates

~In about 20 minutes. ~Zacky V

~Alright. Well I need to go say some long goodbyes to dad and I’ll see you when you get here. ~Baby Gates

~See ya soon. ~Zacky V

I closed my phone and got up from bed and grabbed some clean clothes and went into the bathroom and to take a quick shower. There’s something about warm water that just feels so relaxing. I finished up with my shower and changed into the clean clothes and went downstairs where dad was sitting with some Mickey D’s.

“I smell food!” I said coming into the kitchen and sitting down beside dad.

“I got you 2 bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits.”

“Thanks.” I said digging the food out of the bag and then getting up and getting some orange juice from the fridge. I sat back down with my food and began eating it. It was so damn good. I love these biscuits! I picked off the melted cheese from the wrapper and ate that too. I think cheese paper is good. I put my trash into the bag with dads and threw it away. Dad looked down at his watch and about that time the door opened.

“Dude you better get going. I don’t want you missing your flight.”

“Take care of her Zacky and Rayven make sure everything stays in its place.” Dad said hugging me.

“Hey I hid one thing of yours.”

“One thing is too damn much. You two behave and please don’t get into any trouble.” Dad said kissing my forehead.

“We won’t. Now get out of here.” Dad waved goodbye as he left the house. I watched him back out of the driveway and speed down the road. I’m going to miss him.

“Are you hungry Zacky? I can fix you something if you’d like.” I asked leaning on the counter.

“No thanks. I ate before I came.” I nodded and it was just an all-around awkward moment.

“So what would you like to do?”

“I have no idea.” I said honestly.

“Let’s go to the batting cages.”

“What’s that?” I asked curiously.

“It’s where people go to practice hitting baseballs.”

“Cool. Let’s go.” I said smiling and going up to my room and putting on my shoes. I came back down and Zacky and I left the house and he drove us the short distance to the park where people were already at the batting cages. Zacky took out a metal baseball bat and a batting glove and we headed over to one of the cages.

“You want to go first?”

“I’ve never done it.” I said shrugging.

“Here I’ll teach you.” He went over to the machine and ran back over to me and showed me how to stand and hold the bat. He stood behind me holding my hands to the bat giving me instructions before the machine hurled a ball right to me. He helped me swing at a few before letting me try it on my own. I hit a few but others got right passed me.

“Now that you got the hang of it how about we make this a little competitive?”

“What do you mean by that?” I said smirking.

“Whoever misses a ball makes dinner.”

“You’re on.” I said shaking his hand. Zacky took all the balls and put them back into the machine before turning it back on. I got my stance ready before pushing a button. The first ball came out and I contacted it hard. One ball after the other came my way and I hit them with ease. I really liked this. When I hit all the balls, Zacky looked at me impressed.

“This is going to be a tough challenge.”

“It might be. Just don’t throw it because I’m a girl.” I said handing him the bat as I put all the balls into the machine.

“Don’t worry. I wasn’t planning on it.” I rolled my eyes as he took his stance and I pushed the button making the first ball come out. I watched as each ball that came his way he hit it. The game went on for about 2 hours before I finally missed a ball. It looks like I’m cooking dinner tonight.

“What would you like for dinner?” I asked as we walked back to the car.

“I was thinking on something Italian.”

“Alright I can do that.” I said as I remembered the leftover food that was in the fridge. He put the bat into the trunk and we headed back home. He parked in the driveway and we went in and I wanted to make something a little extra that would take as long as the food would be cooking. Zacky went into the living room leaving me alone to do the cooking. I grabbed some glass mixing bowls from the cabinet and started on making the Chocolate pie my mom taught me how to make years ago. It’s really the only thing I have left of her.

After mixing the ingredients all together and putting it into a pie shell I had dad buy while at Wal-Mart and I stuck it into the oven. I grabbed the leftover food from the fridge and put it into the microwave. It’s a good thing Zacky had the TV up loud so he wouldn’t hear the microwave go off. When the microwave dinged, I took out the food and placed it on the table along with 2 plates and something to eat with. I put a beer next to Zacky’s plate and a soda next to mine. I took the pie out of the oven and put some plastic wrap over it and placed it into the freezer so it would cool and set faster. I went into the living room and yelled at Zacky that the food was done and he came into the kitchen and sat down with me. He filled his plate full of the food and began to eat in delight. He had to have 3 or 4 plates easy until he was all full.

“I would have to say that is the best meal I’ve ever had.”

“Thanks Zacky. When that settles I have a special Chocolate pie.” I said smiling.

“Chocolate pie? Where is it?”

“It’s in the freezer. Could you take it out and set it out on the counter while I do these dishes?” I asked and he practically got up and ran over to the freezer and took it out. He set it down and I gathered all the dishes up and began washing then. I would look over at him ever so often just staring at the chocolately goodness. I finished up the dishes and put them away before unwrapping the pie and moving it gently from side to side.

“You want a piece?” I asked already knowing the answer to the question.

“Of course I do.” I shook my head and cut him off and piece and put it on a small plate and handed it to him. I grabbed a fork from the drawer and handed it to him and he eagerly took a huge bite.

“Oh my Jesus this is so good.” I laughed as he had a mouthful of my food.

“I’m glad you like it. I’m going up to bed so I’ll see you in the morning.” I said still laughing at him.

“See you in the morning.”

“Save some of my pie.” I said sternly.

“I promise I will.” I nodded and left him alone in the kitchen and I went up to my room. I changed into some comfortable sleeping clothes and laid down under the covers. It felt so good to lay down on something comfortable. I pulled the covers closer to my face as I turned on my stomach and slowly and peacefully drifted off to sleep.
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comments? thank u for all ur comments...but i need some more becuz this story is just about over