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Perfect Insanity

Chapter Twenty-One

I hate sitting in the goddamn jail while that little bitch is out there alive but tonight a lot of guards will be dead. I grabbed the knife I had made out of several springs from the bunk next to me. I took some string from the laundry of other inmates here and tied the springs together with it. I saw a guard coming down the line to check beds to make sure inmates were there and I lay on the floor gripping my stomach in pain. I heard the door open and the guard bent down to me.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s a shooting pain going through my stomach.” I said like I was in pain.

“What it is from?”

“It’s from this.” I said as I shot up with my arm and stabbed the guard in the stomach and then several times in the chest and neck. I grabbed his keys and a gun before heading down the corridor and straight out of the building. I dodged the spotlights until I was in the clear. I walked into the woods to hide out from the police if they were trying to find me. I used some skills I learned in case they used dogs to try and find me. I found an abandoned cabin and went in and made it my hideout for now. I checked through the house for some clothes and finally found some relatively clean pair of jeans and a white t-shirt hanging there. I changed out of the prison uniform and put on the clothes. I put the gun in the back of my pants and went back outside and used the same technique to set a huge perimeter around the house to distract the dogs. Tomorrow I get that bitch back for everything she said in that fucking courtroom. I told her that she’ll pay and that’s a promise I’m willing to die to accomplish.

--------------------------------Rayven’s POV---------------------------------

Zacky and I had just finished up having a round of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, where he had beaten me several times, so we were just sitting there watching TV.

“Zacky, can I ask you something?” I asked looking over at him.

“You can ask me anything you want.”

“I was talking to Leana about my fear of the water and how I can’t swim and all. Do you think since she isn’t here to teach me…you think you could do it?” I asked timidly.

“I would be glad too. I’ll get dressed and meet you outside by the pool.”

“Okay,” I said smiling. He turned off the TV and raced up the stairs and into his room and I went into mine locking the door behind me. I went to my closet and picked out the one with Zebra stripes and quickly put it on. I wasn’t scared about showing my back because Zacky has already seen it but another thing was being self-conscious about my body because of all the unhealed burn marks and knife wounds.

I pulled a beach towel from the closet and left my room and going down the stairs. I saw Zacky sitting on the pool steps as I came into the living room. I took a deep breath before going outside and laying my towel on one of the chairs on the patio. Zacky looked over and didn’t say a word for a quite a while. Did he like my bathing suit or something?

“Zacky?” I asked smiling.

“Oh…uh you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I said laughing as I came over to the steps and felt my feet come in contact with the cool water. Zacky took one of my hands and helped me into the water until I was up to my knees. The memory of Bill forcing my head underwater made me began to get nervous.

“Rayven, you’re going to be just fine. I’ll be here the whole time.” I nodded and came farther into the water with him. As the water got up to my chest I grabbed onto Zacky tighter not wanting to let go.

“It’s alright. Now I want you to do exactly what I do okay?”

“I’ll try.” I said nervously. He walked a little more away and then stopped. He motioned for me and I slowly took each step until I couldn’t reach the bottom and I backed up.

“It’s alright Rayven. When you get to where you can’t touch the bottom just kick your feet in a circular motion and move your arms in a circular motion to your side.” I followed Zacky’s instructions and I slowly made my way over to him.

“There you go Rayven!” He said smiling. When I got to him, I latched onto his neck.

“The important thing is to keep your head out of the water as much as possible. Just do what I taught you and your head will stay out of the water. Now I’m going to teach you how to swim on your own. Don’t worry I’ll hold you the whole time.” I nodded and I started kicking my feet like he said and my head was staying above water.

“I’m going to let go of you and go to the other side of the pool and I’ll give you further instructions.” He let me go and I kicked my feet a little harder and faster to keep my head way out of the water as he went over to the other side.

“Okay now you can lean forward and your legs will propel you forward and with your arms act like you’re trying to part the water like this.” He put the back of his hands together and pushed his arms forward. I leaned into the water and did the same thing he did and I was starting towards him.

“You’re swimming Rayven! Awesome!” I smiled and grabbed the side of the pool and held myself up.

“Now let’s go back to the shallow end and practice going under and coming back up.”

“Okay.” I said and followed right beside him and when he stood I did the same.

“Now see we can stand here so we’re going to go under for the first time.” I nodded and he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

“Hold your breath.” I took in a lot of air and held it as we went under the water and then stood right back up. I let out my breath and smiled at Zacky.

“Was that bad?”

“No…it wasn’t.” I said smiling still.

“I’m not going to have you diving underwater but I’ll explain how to do it. You see if I’m standing right here then I can just jump up and go under. While you’re underwater push up with your legs kicking and your arms pulling down. Just like you’re pulling yourself up on the side of the pool.”

“I want to try it.” I said nodding.

“I’ll be right here if you have any trouble.” I nodded and jumped up and into the water and then kicking my feet and pushing down on the water and I came right back out of the water.
“Great job Rayven! I’m so proud of you.” He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I looked up at his smiling face and he lowered his head and gently kissed my lips. I kissed him back and he brought me closer as we kissed. He broke the kiss and looked at me.

“I’m sorry Rayven. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s alright Zacky.” I said nodding.

“I don’t regret it though. I’ve wanted to do that for a long time.”

“I don’t regret kissing you back but you’re my dad’s best friend and I really don’t want to break yours and dad’s friendship.” I said sitting down on the steps of the pool.

“You would never break us up as friends and I can tell that you’re not comfortable to be in a relationship. I mean after all that’s happened. I understand that Rayven. I just want you to know that I care more about you than just friends.”

“I feel the same way and just like you said. I’m not ready for a relationship. I still need time to recover so to speak.” I said hanging my head.

“You take all the time you need Rayven and I will be waiting.” I nodded and looked at the scar on my chest and covered it up. Zacky gently took my hand off the scar.

“That word on your chest doesn’t describe you Rayven. You are a wonderful human being who was terrorized by a monster and I promise you I will never let anyone hurt you.” I laid my head against his shoulder and he wrapped a protective arm around my back and rubbed my arm.

“I need to get dried off so I don’t get sick.” I said standing up and leaving the water. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body and rung the water out of my hair. I went into the house with Zacky right behind me and we both went to our separate rooms. I took off the damp towel and laid it on the tub in the bathroom and went over to my closet and grabbed some clothes and changed into them. I grabbed my wet bathing suit from the floor and took it into the bathroom and placed it on the side of the tub so it would dry before putting it with my other clothes.

I sat down on my bed and remembered the kiss Zacky gave me in the pool. I really don’t know how to feel. I think I’m more confused than anything. I looked down at my phone and it was almost 6 so I guess I should look for something to cook tonight. I put my phone into my pocket and went down to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets. I couldn’t find anything worth cooking. It was mostly things I didn’t want to use because dad was going to use the steaks for something else and I really don’t know how to grill.

“Zacky?” I yelled and I grabbed a soda from the fridge.

“You rang?”

“How’s Mickey D’s sound to you?” I asked smiling at his crazy expression on his face.

“Sounds awesome to me.”

“Good. How about you go out to Mickey D’s and get us something to eat and we’ll watch some movies or something.” I said taking a drink.

“Alright. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Are you going to be okay here by yourself?”

“I’ll be just fine.” I said nodding.

“Okay.” He grabbed his keys from the counter and started out of the kitchen.

“What would you like?”

“2 double cheeseburgers and a large fry.” I said leaving the kitchen and going into the living room.

“Alright. I’ll be back in a few.” I nodded and he left the house. I heard his car zoom down the road and I started changing the channels. I saw a picture of Bill and I stopped.

In news today, a convicted murder and rapist has escaped Prison. As the viewer’s know, Bill Aumor was convicted of the murder of Jaydee Claye and the attempted murder, Rape of a minor and illegal torture of Rayven Claye just weeks ago. A guard was coming in to relieve Officer Charles Clarkson, resources say, and he found his body in the cell of Bill Aumor. He was stabbed multiple times and was pronounced dead on the scene. Authorities consider this man armed and dangerous and if you know his whereabouts you are advised to call your local law enforcement.

I picked up my phone quickly and started to dial dad’s number when my phone was grabbed out of my hands and threw against the wall. I looked up into the eyes of the monster I thought I was safe from.

----------------------------------Bill’s POV------------------------------------------

I sat outside in a truck that one of my friends let me borrow and had filled it with enough fire power to take down a small army. I watched as a man left the house and got into his car and left the property. He didn’t lock the door so Rayven was in there all alone. I pulled into the driveway and quietly got out of the truck leaving the door open. I open the door quietly and walked in as the news was showing a picture of me and telling about what I did to that stupid guard.

I went right into the living room and behind the couch where she sat as she watched in horror. She stood to her feet looking down at her phone and I grabbed it and threw it away. She looked into my eyes as the hatred for her burned deep into my soul. I grabbed her by the neck and lifted her into the air.

“Did you think I couldn’t escape prison? I told you in that courtroom that you would pay and I intended to make your last moments alive slow and painful and I think I’ll start with that piece of shit that left the house just a minute ago.” I said smirking as I set her down. I grabbed a chuck of her hair and drug her into the kitchen and grabbed a chair. I drug her back in front of the door and cuffed her feet and arms to the chair. I put a rag into her mouth and went outside and loaded all the guns into the house.

I went to each side door and made sure nothing could get in or out without me. I went out to the truck and drove it down away from the house and parked. I ran back up to the house and closed the door to wait for the arrival of this man. Oh he is in for such a rude awakening.

-------------------------------Rayven’s POV------------------------------

I tried so hard to get the gag out of my mouth but it wasn’t working. I knew I wasn’t going to get loose from the cuffs and I didn’t want him hurting Zacky. I watched as he backed away from the window and went behind the door.

“You mumble one fucking word and I’ll kill you before I get any fun out of you.” He whispered harshly as he held up a club. The door opened and Zacky seen me tied to the chair and rushed towards me but didn’t get too far before Bill hit him over the head. Zacky fell to the floor unconscious and Bill slammed and locked the door. He drug Zacky beside me and went back into the kitchen and grabbed another chair. He set Zacky into the chair and cuffed him just like he did me. He took the gag from my mouth and looked at me sickening.

“Oh you’re the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I knew I should have killed you before you had a chance to get me convicted.”

“If anyone is pathetic here, it’s you.” I said boldly. He balled up his fist and punched me hard in the face. He grabbed my bleeding face and made me look at him.

“You think just because you live here at your precious father’s house that you get to say anything you want? You’re in for a rude awakening.” I watched as he looked down at my chest and then back up to my eyes. He took out a knife from his pocket and cut open the top of my t-shirt and rubbed over the scar with his fingertips making me jerk.

He quickly put the blade to my forehead and sliced into my skin and down the side of my face as I moved my head. I screamed in pain as he cut deeper. I felt another stiff punch to my face and I spit the blood to the floor. I looked over at Zacky as he stirred awake and Bill stood up and faced him.

“Don’t you fucking hurt him! You came here for me!” I yelled as he looked Zacky dead in the eyes but Zacky was giving him a look that would kill him instantly.

“Shut up you fucking whore!” He slapped me hard in the face again.

“Don’t you fucking touch her again you son of a bitch!”

“Oh what in the fuck are you going to do about it?” he said bringing the knife to Zacky’s cheek before cutting into his skin. He yelled out in agony. Bill took the knife and stabbed Zacky multiple times in the shoulder.

“Stop it goddamnit!” I yelled as I thrashed around in the chair.

“Oh you want some now?”

“You can do whatever you want to me as long as you don’t hurt Zacky.” I said in a begging tone.

“Don’t hurt your poor little boyfriend?”

“He’s my friend.” I said correcting him. He brought up his fist and punched Zacky hard in the face over and over again before punching him in the gut. I yelled at Bill to stop but he wasn’t listening. He took his knife from the floor and stabbed Zacky in the leg leaving the knife in.

“Fucking leave him alone!” I yelled again and it got his attention. He turned to me and took another knife out and stabbed me repeatedly in the hand before stabbing me once in the collarbone and leaving that knife in. I screamed out in pain. He slapped me hard in the face and he went over to a bag he had brought in with the weapons and pulled out 4 spikes and a large hammer.

He placed the spike to my hand and hit it with a hammer making the spike go through my hand and sticking out the other side. He did the other hand the same way and I screamed out louder. He took the side of the hammer and hit me in the face busting the inside of mouth more. I felt the blood pour out of my mouth. He went over to Zacky and nailed his hands to the chair just like he did to me. He reached into Zacky’s shirt pocket and grabbed his cell phone. He went through it before holding the phone up to his ear.

------------------------------------Brian’s POV-------------------------------------

I was in the dressing room about to go on stage with Motley Crue when my phone began to ring. I looked at it and it was Zacky.

“How’s it going Zacky?” I answered.

“Zacky can’t come to the phone but I’ll talk to you.”

“Who the fuck is this?” I asked raising a brow.

“The man who has both your daughter and your best friend. They will both die if you don’t do what I fucking say.”

“You lay one fucking finger on my daughter and I’ll kick your fucking bitch ass.” I said getting angry at the thought of that monster having my daughter.

“It’s too late for that. I want you to sign all your rights over to me.”

“That will be a cold day in hell you son of a bitch.” I said gritting my teeth in anger.

“Then they die. You have 6 hours to think about it or they both die in a horrible fashion.”

I heard the click of the phone and I just about threw my phone. I gathered up my things from the dressing room and immediately got on the phone and called Detective Morgan. I told him what was going on and he said he was sending everyone over to my home. I hung up the phone and left the building telling the band that I needed to get home because it was a matter of life and death. They didn’t question it. I drove like a maniac to the airport and paid for a ticket and boarded the plane in the nick of time. The plane took off and I was hoping the lane would land in a hurry so I could get to my home.

-------------------------------Rayven’s POV--------------------------------------

He put the cell phone back into the pocket of Zacky’s shirt and pulled my face to his roughly.

“You both have 6 hours to live so in that time. I think I’ll have some fun with you Rayven.” He grabbed my shirt and ripped it off leaving me in only a bra. He took the cuffs off my legs and pulled me down farther in the chair.

“You fucking leave her alone!” Zacky yelled while thrashing in the chair. Bill took out his gun and hit Zacky in the mouth with it making his mouth bleed. Bill turned back to me and ripped off my jeans and underware before undoing his pants and roughly shoving himself inside of me. I tried to kick him away with my good leg but he grabbed it and dug his finger nails into my skin. I screamed out as he raped me rougher than he had ever done. I saw Zacky turn his head and close his eyes so he wouldn’t see him doing that to me. When he was finished he left me exposed.

“You could at least cover her up you fucking asshole.” Zacky spat and he whipped off his belt and violently whipped Zacky in the chest. I could feel the anger building up inside me as he whipped Zacky making his chest bleed.

Let me the fuck out Rayven! This is your chance for revenge!

I did as the voice said and I felt myself pulling the cuffs on my wrist and they broke and pulling my hands off of the spikes in the process. I shot up out of the chair and started throwing one punch after another until he fell to the ground. I picked up my underware and quickly put it on as Zacky closed his eyes. I grabbed the keys to the cuffs and unlocked Zacky’s wrists and feet. I tried to pull the spikes out of his hand but he would yell out in pain each time and that’s when I heard the bang. I looked down at my chest and there was a hole. I fell to my knees and then face down on the ground.

The door flew open and uniformed police officers stormed into the house guns drawn. I heard several shots and looked over and seen Bill lying motionless on the floor. I could feel hands pressing against the wound as whoever was holding me.

“Please don’t close your eyes Rayven!” I heard Zacky yell but I couldn’t keep them from closing. I was sucked into a black expanse of unconsciousness.
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