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Perfect Insanity

Chapter Twenty-Three

There’s been no change into my daughter’s condition and I haven’t gotten much sleep. I can’t sleep while she’s like this. I can’t close my eyes without hearing her cries for help. Doctor Orion had taken the breathing tube out of her throat because of her being able to breathe on her own and I was thankful to that. I laid my hand on her forehead stroking her hair ever so gently.

“Brian, she’s going to be okay.”

“I know Zacky but I wish she was awake so she could tell me that herself. I want her back.” I said looking down at her fragile body.

“She’ll come back Brian. She’s just recovering and trying to heal so she can come back.”

“I won’t leave her again. I think I’ll talk to our manager about having her come on tour with us. It could be a great experience for her.” I said looking up at Zacky.

“She’ll get to see what kind of crazy shit goes on when Jimmy is hyped up and ready to perform for our fans. I think she would get some major good laughs out of it.”
“She would be really happy spending time with everyone and I think we should do a fundraiser for abused and battered women and children. We’ll call is the Claye Foundation.” I said smiling to myself.

“In honor of Jaydee?”

“Yeah. I think Rayven would agree. I think I’ll call our manager and ask him about it.” I said nodding and Zacky agreed. Now all Rayven has to do is wake up and come back to us.

--------------------------------------Rayven’s POV-----------------------------

I felt like I was free falling but all I could see was a blackness. It scared the holy living shit out of me and I didn’t know what was happening. A bright light was off in the distance and it started getting closer to me. I stood there with my hand shielding the light so I could see. The light stopped right at my feet so I started walking and with each step I took, it was like a fog was being stirred up. I looked around the bright area and seen nothing. Where the hell am I?

“You’re in a place that’s not ready for you yet my dear.” I turned around and seen my mom. She was wearing all white and huge wings where to her sides.

“Mom?” I asked confused.

“Yes honey it’s me.”

“I don’t get it. Why are you here?” I asked raising a brow and looking around again.

“Honey, I came to tell you how sorry I am about letting him do that to you. I know you won’t forgive me but I wish you would. I tried to stop Bill from hurting you all those times but he would torture you because of my actions towards him. I never wanted him to hurt you sweetheart. If I would have just thought for a minute, I could have had you on your way back to your dad’s and Bill wouldn’t have killed me. I was thinking of you that night when he told me to kill you. I refused because I was tired of seeing him hit you and beat you and rape my little girl.”

“Then why didn’t you just leave me at dads? He would have taken care of me.” I said still very confused.

“Some people told me that your father didn’t want to have anything to do with me or you and I believed them.”

“I found out who it was mom.” I said looking at her.

“I know. I was there that night Michelle and Brian got into the argument. There’s someone I would like you to meet while you’re here.” Mom moved to the side and Damien appeared beside mom.

“Damien?” I asked cocking my head to the side.

“Damien is your half-brother.”

“My half-brother?” I asked in shock.

“Yes Rayven. You and I were born the same day except you lived and I died because of the difficulty of mom’s pregnancy. I was still born and you were healthy and the doctors couldn’t figure out why. My father is Bill and it sickened me to see him do that shit to you. I tried to get you to retaliate and make him feel your pain but mom explained to me that I would be just like him if I had you do that.”

“Then why did you come out when Bill was hurting Zacky?” I questioned.

“I told you I’m your defense mechanism. I come out only when you want to protect someone you care so deeply about.” I had no idea what to say. Damien was my half-brother. He’s the seed of a man who hurt me so badly but he’s here with my mom in this place.

“You need to go back now Rayven. Damien and I will always be there with you.” I watched mom take off a necklace and placed it into my hand and closed it.

“Your father gave this to me when I was in high school. I want you to have it as a remembrance of me.” She let go of my hand and she faded away as the light backed away from me. I tried to reach out for her but the light was too fast for me.

I could hear beeping and the sound of Zacky’s voice and feel a hand on my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up into dad’s tired eyes.

“Welcome back sweetheart.”

“It’s glad to be back.” I said and I moved my hand and felt something in it. I opened my hand and seen the necklace mom had placed in my hand before she disappeared with Damien. I brought it closer and I could see the look on dad’s face.

“Where did you get that?

“Mom gave it to me while I was out of it.” I said looking at the necklace.

“Did she say anything to you?”

“She told me that she was sorry for not protecting me better when Bill was hurting me. She said it was her fault that I got all that shit done to me. She said that when she tried to stop Bill from hurting me, then that’s when I would be tortured. She also told me that…that I had a half-brother.” I explained as I stared at the necklace.

“A half-brother…she had a kid with Bill?”

“Evidently she did. The baby was still born so I never met him…until just a few minutes ago.”

“You just get some rest and I’ll talk to the doctor and see how long you’ll be staying.”

“Okay dad.” I said before closing my eyes and drifting right back to sleep.
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