Status: Slowly active.

Midi Noir


The doll sat on the cold hard floor, just staring at strange items in front of her. Such strange objects she was seeing... yet, how was she seeing them? Looking around, light brown ringlets swept over her shoulders. Just a short distance away, she could she a long rectangular object that seemed to project images. Slowly, the doll stood up and made her way in front of the strange thing. The doll just stared. Was that her? Where was she? Why is she here? In the rectangular object, she saw more strange items. Turning around quickly, she walked over to them. Laying her cold hand on the objects, she looked at them with an blank expression. Maybe these things could be useful to her.

The doll picked them up, and some how made her way to the outside world. The doll walked along the sidewalk, until she came across an worn looking bench. Sitting down, she decided to look at the weird items she had came across. One was a plain, white old thing with lettering. How did she know the few things she did already anyway? Shaking her head, she began to read the paper.

‘ Your name is Midi...’
So that is what she is to be called? Midi looked up for a split second, as a car driving by startled her. A few seconds later, she looked back down at the white thing.
‘You are nothing but a living shell of a person.
I created you for a reason, but you are not ready to know that reason yet.
If you wish to fully live, you must collect feelings.’
Midi probably would have made a confused face if she could, but seeing as she didn’t have these ‘feeling’ things the plain white thing said, her face stayed completely blank.
‘Look at the story book I have created for you.
It will tell you how to do it.’
Midi stared at the page. What did it mean? Who made this for her and why? Midi guessed there was only one way to find out, and that was to read the ‘story book’ and learn how to collect these ‘feelings’.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its kind of short, but here it is.
This is what I picture Midi to look like:

Also, for characters that are coming into the story later, this is what I picture them to look like: