Status: Active! :)

Apocalyptic Sunrise

Outbreak Day

The world we live in is unpredictable. One day, we're ignoring everyone around us and doing our own thing. The next, we're paying attention to everyone around us because if we don't, we'll be eaten alive. And not in the cannibal kind of way. Not in my whole existance would I believe that the world would be overtaken by zombies. People came up with different names for them; Geeks, walkers, freaks. These people were the undead. I hated that everything had to happen now. Right when everything seemed to be going smoothly for me.
Everyone always used to compliment me about my looks. I was pretty, I guess. I had honey brown hair, a nice tan complection, a slender figure, and my mother's blue-gray eyes. I used to always wear lipgloss and put makeup on around my eyes. Today, you wouldn't see that. My face was dirty. My hair was greasy. I was lucky to find chapstick from keeping my lips cracked.
When the outbreak hit, I was back in my hometown; Marietta, Georgia. It was a big city with a lot of people who ignored everyone else. They didn't care. But it all changed on that day.

"Amelia, would you help me please? Your father should be here any time now." My mother begged, standing in the doorway of the kitchen.
"Of course." I said, hurrying to help her.
We finished making my mother's favorite dinner; Chicken parmesian and garlic bread.
What he didn't know, is I had helped bake a treat for him, since I was leaving soon. He was originally from Russia, so he didn't eat many Russian meals since my mother was from America. She preferred the homemade mashed potatoes and chicken if she could.
"Mom, how do you pronounce what I'm making?" I asked, teasing her.
She grinned and cleared her throat.
"Crimean Apricot Cream Delight." She put on her best Russian accent and burst out in giggles.
She was silly. I knew she loved my father to pieces, there was no denying that. Sometimes, I think she forgets that I'm here because she'll be all lovey-dovey with him. It's sickening, but I learned to deal. I just hope that I'll find that love some day.
It was a few minutes before we heard my father's truck pull up. He owned his own construction company and he enjoyed it. He stepped in and I could hear him sniffing the air as he took off his boots.
"Mmm, smells good in here." He murmered, walking into the kitchen.
Even though he's Russian, his accent is faint. Until he got angry. Then his accent went full on.
"Hello, honey. Did you have a good day at work?" Mom asked, kissing him as he sat down at the table.
"It was fine. Weird thing though. The guys were talking about something they heard on the radio at lunch. Some guy went crazy and bit another man at the gas station across town." He was trying to shrug it off, I could tell.
"Well, that's strange." She murmered, passing around the food.
We all ate in silence, mulling things over about what my father said. Are people really going crazy?
Before he could leave, I was smiling like a fool. He hasn't seen his surprise. I'm shocked he didn't smell it. My mother winked at me and nodded. I stood up, clearing my throat to get his attention and it worked.
"I have a little surprise for you. I can't take full credit, since Mom helped a little, but I think you'll love it." I stated, pulling out the Apricot Delight I had made.
His face lit up and he was smiling like a little boy. He immediately dug in once I sat it down. I laughed and put some on my plate.
"It's delicious! Your grandmother would be proud of you." He muttered with his mouth full.
I laughed and felt a tug at my heart. I have only met my grandmother a few times. She couldn't come often and I hated that. She was a woman with a big heart. I loved hearing her speak Russian when she was visiting, forgetting she was in America.
After we were done, I helped my mother wash dishes before she went upstairs. I didn't feel like going to bed just yet, so I sat on the couch and turned on the T.V. The news automatically came on and what I saw shocked me. People were running around like crazy. Everyone was screaming and crying. I ran to the window and looked outside. It was the same thing out there. People were running to their cars, putting bags in them.
"Get out! Get out now!" I heard the lady say on the T.V.
I ran upstairs and banged on my parents' door. I didn't hesitate to open it then, finding them sitting there in their bed, reading a little like they did every night.
"Get dressed. We have to go. People are going crazy and packing everything up." My voice held panic.
They did exactly what I said. We all got duffel bags and packed what we could. I didn't pack mine gently. I threw what I knew I needed in it and was done. I met them by the door when we were slipping on our boots. Yes, boots. We knew things might get ugly and we had to have the right shoes to do anything.
We climbed in the big Escalade that my father took pride in and sped off. In what direction? I don't know. We just followed everyone else to the interstate. We were out there for hours, barely even moving until finally, everyone didn't move at all. I was getting thirsty and felt stupid for not grabbing anything. I should have known to.
"I'm thirsty." Mom told my father, frowning to herself.
I agreed and he sighed, turning the vehicle off. We all stepped out, stretching. I looked around us, noticing all the children clinging to their mothers.
"Sir, do you have anything to drink? My girls are thirsty and we didn't pack anything while we left." I heard my father asking in the background.
I then felt my father grasping my shoulder and handing me a bottle of water. I smiled and slowly sipped it. We were standing close to the Escalade when we felt the ground shake a little. Everyone gasped and started moving to the woods. There was a thin line of trees separating us from hills. I wanted to see for myself what was happening.
"Stay here. I'll look." I ordered, walking on.
My father protested, but I promised I'd come back if it was too bad. I hurried along, watching my step as I go. When I came through to the opening, I didn't expect what I saw. There were helicopters flying above the city, bombing it. I gasped and covered my mouth. There were innocent people there! I heard people crying out and I rushed back. My father saw my expression and rushed forward.
"They're bombing the city!" I cried out.
Those who couldn't see heard me and gasped. They were in shock as much as I was. Would they bomb the roads? I didn't want to think about it. People started moving faster. Shoving another. We hurried and got into the Escalade before we could be thrown around.
"Hurry! Before they crash into us!" My mother cried.
My father drove carefully, but quickly getting out of there. We sped off, away from the histeria going on. Away from running people. Only to face the same thing town after town.
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Was it good?! I'm not Russian...but it just seemed cool to make her half Russian lol.

If anything needs fixed, please let me know. :)