Status: Slowly active.

Something Lacking

[1] Rude Awakening

The girl stood there covered in nothing but blood. Her usually innocent looking brown eyes now so cold that they could send chills down your spin, as she grinned evilly and held up the broken piece of glass she had used to murder the 'worthless piece of trash' that she saw doing terrible things everyday. She grinned wider and cackled evilly before leaving.

❚ ❚ ❚

Aly woke up the next morning and realized she had left her TV on last night. As she was stretching, she saw the news talking about a man who was murdered the night before in her own town. He had lived somewhere close by... She didn't understand why someone would do such a thing and hopped out of bed yawning. Shortly after she entered her bathroom, she blinked, and noticed a blood stain on her white pajama shirt. Aly wrinkled her nose up.

"What the heck...?" She said aloud to herself and changed quickly so her mother wouldn't start asking questions.

But one thing that stayed on her mind all morning, was wandering how the blood stain could have even gotten there in the first place.