Loved by a ***er.

Chapter 1.

Green eyes looked out of the window of the moving escort car fro prisoners, taking in the landscape. I gave a sigh before, moving my arms a little witch caused the chains to move, closing my eyes and laying my head back on the hard headrest of seat and thinking over and over again, how did could have happened.


A girl with brown hair and green eyes was sitting in a courtroom, with her lawyer on her left and waiting patiently, for the people of the jury to tell her if she is guilty or not.
“Alexandria, if we don’t win this, I’m very sorry and……” My lawyer said but was irrupted by me. “It’s okay, if they sent me to prison, I will go to prison. It doesn’t matter. I have nobody her waiting for me, so I better can go to prison.” I said and gave a small smile before looking away.
My lawyer gave a sigh and sat back in her chair, waiting.
“All rise for the judge White.” The guard yelled that was standing next to the door of the judge. The judge came into the room, the same time as the people of the jury and sat down.
“Does the people of the jury have come to a decision?” the judge asked looking a man, in the forty’s standing up. “Yes, we have.” “What do you plead.”
“We of the jury declare that Alexandria River, for the murder on your foster parents, will be sentence 10 years of punishment, in the all-male Fox River Prison.” The man said before sitting down.
“Thank you people of the jury for your service, you all may go. This case is closed.” The judge said and slammed his hammer and standing up.
I turned to her lawyer with wide eyes. “They can’t do that right? I’m a woman I can’t go to a prison with all males.” I said before I was grabbed by a guard and cuffed.
“I can’t go to males prison, you got to help me.” I cried fighting against the guard that was dragging me out of the courtroom. “I’m sorry, but there is nothing I can do. But I can make agreements for you.” my lawyer called after me before the door was closed and I was dragged out of the room, going to my new home for 10 years.

End flashback.

I was shaken out of his thoughts when the car suddenly stopped. "We're here!" I heard a guard call from the front of the bus. Collectively the passengers looked up as the bus rolled up in front of a large expansive grey-bricked building. I felt my throat tighten. I could see the large wires that were the border of the yard, where the convicts spent an hour of their day. I turned her head to see a guard walking my way. “Up.” He said in a stern voice.
I stood up and watched him remove the chains from my wrist and ankles and cuffing me again, only now with my hands behind my back. While he did that I gave him a look over.
He was a little overweighed with had dark hair and had guard uniform on with a nametag Bellick. He gave a small smile and I was pushed off the bus. The guard Bellick was telling me how he would take me to my cell. I nodded and I could hear a wolf-whistling coming from behind me. I looked behind me saw three man looking at me.
They were standing against the wire, their fingers wrapped around the stings of metal. One seemed young, and had a shaved head, the other had mad unruly hair flicking up from the top of his head and seemed a lot older than the other. The third looked like a mexican.
Bellick grabbed my upper arm and led me inside the building. I was taken up the stairs and was showed my cell.
“If anyone gives you trouble come to me, okay?” Bellick said, while removing my handcuffs. I nodded and took a look around my cell.
It had one bed, with a toilet and sink next to it with a mirror on top of it.
“Be careful” Bellick said and walked away when a loud buzzing sound came, meaning the other prisoners coming back inside.
I gave a sigh and watched the prisoners walking to their cells. “This is going to be a long 10 years.” I said before walking back in my cell.
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Hope you liked it, it is my first story.