Status: I won't continue unless I have at least one comment to continue. This is just the intro, I'll actually get into greater detail once the story progresses. :)

Four Little Lives

Four Little Lives: Chapter 1

~Chapter One~

Veronica's Life~

My eyes shoot open, staring at the ceiling above me. The clock beside me reads a blinking 5:30 in bright red letters. Yawning I move to the side of my bed, turning off the alarm that fails to wake me every morning. Moms been gone for about three days now, nothing unusual. She's usually gone for about 3-5 days at a time.

After getting into the shower I dried off my hair, straightened the dyed silver strands, put on my make-up, and stripped into my usually attire. A low-cut tank and a short skirt with slip ons. But the time this is done, it's 6:50. I don't have to be to school until 7:45 but Katy always needs a ride to school.

It was cold outside, the breeze was chilled already by early winter. Goose bumped laced over my body as I hopped into my car. It was a fairly new car that ran fine. Hell, it wasn't even mine. But considering mom doesn't really use it I've taken it as my own.

Pulling the car into gear I shifted into the Main Street and went down two miles to Katy's average like house. I honked my horn once. Nothing happened. Twice. Nothing. Three times. A loud banging sound could be heard over the sound of my cars engine. I cringe and quickly turn off the car and get out. The cold still taking affect by before I can make it to the door Katy slams open the door, yelling inside, "Shut the fuck up!" At the top of her lungs. Her eyes are watering and she's limping.

"Katy..." I whisper, fear cracking in my voice.
"Just get in the car.." She mumbles slightly and tries her best to wipe away the tears.

Milana's Life~

I hate waking up in the morning. Especially to moaning. It's so fucking annoying. The constant banging sound could cause a person to go insane. I glance at my clock. It's 7:00. I quickly jumped up, grabbing a pair of tight jeans that will actually fit me and a long sleeved black shirt I jump in them. Rushing to the bathroom and brushing through my long black hair.

I don't bother with make-up like other girls do. Not to mention I don't have any money to buy any. The moaning has stopped by now, now moms getting her money. I shudder at the thought and grab my backpack and rush outside to catch the bus.

Which in my luck is literally going down my street I run. Catch it as its pulling into my bus stop. A few kids glance at me. Others snicker. A few whisper. I hang my head low. I've always been alone in this school. Any school, really.

I sit at the front of the bus. I let my head fall onto the front as I shut my eyes. A few stops go by. I'm about half asleep when I feel weight next to me. I quickly look up.

He has long dark hair with brown eyes and pale skin. He looks at me in the eyes, pain is glazed over them. Maybe others wouldn't see it. But I do.

His voice is stone cold, sending goosebumps up my back better then any weather as he says one simple word. "Hey."

Katy's Life~

Richard drank a shit load last night. Luckily Liam and I were acting asleep so he didn't really notice us. He did in the morning though. I woke up to screaming. His thuds signaled him making his way to my room. I quickly jumped up. He's expecting me to be dressed my now.

I run to my closet. Grabbing a pair of baggy jeans and a tight t-shirt I quickly brought it one over the bra and underwear I wore to bed.

Just as I got done my bedroom door slammed open. Richards dark auburn hair was matter with chunks of throw up and sweat. The sleep itself made me want to gag.

"Oh, y-you're u-up? I-is t-th-that r-right?" Richards voice is slurred. He takes a step forward, I curl back. Anger is coating his eyes.

"Dad. Stop." It was Liam, I could already see him behind Richard. He was taller the. Richard, seemingly stronger as well. But he never did anything to Richard. Not like the hints Richard did to him.

Before Liam could do anything Richard turned around and punched him in the gut. I cringed. Richard fell to the ground, losing his balance from the hit. Liam clutched his stomach as I quickly jumped over Richard went to Liam's side. Quickly slamming my door and I led Liam to the bathroom and lifted up his shirt. Bruises from lag hits were there, along his back I already knew there was a can as if the bruises.

After helping Liam I quickly brushed my own deep auburn hair and put mascara over my amber eyes.

A hunk came out front. I was about to leave it hen Richard looked over me. "Bitch." He stuttered and brought his fist to my jaw. I cried out as I hit the floor. Another honk followed by a loud crashing sound of my body hitting a large lamp. The lamp crashed to the floor as I quickly got to my feet. Running past Richard to the front yard. He yelled, 'You little whore!'

I yell back, 'Shut the fuck up!" I look at Veronica who whispered my name. She already knows my home life. Good for her.

"Just get in the car." I mumble back at her as I realize I'm crying. I wipe away the tears as we both eat into the car. Veronica stores the car and whispered, "Im sorry."

Dimitri's Life~

A trill of alarm wakes me up as I quickly lean forward. I pull on jeans and a shirt as the other boys of my room get changed. It gives me a creepy feeling as some of them glance at me. My lips twitches. This would be the second day of school. Yay. The first day of riding the bus.

I yawn as I walk down the stairs. Stealing a pencil from off the dining table and putting it into my pockets. I go outside to the apparent bus stop everyone is at without saying good he to my foster parents. Yea, screw that.

I load onto the bus and realize that there is no seat that is not taken. I slightly scowl. There's a nerdy looking guy on the middle of the bus. A really mean looking guy at the back. A whore looking blonde girl that giggling while she's winking at me. Then there's a loner looking girl with her head down at the top of the bus. I'll sit with her. As soon as I sit down she turned her head to me meeting me with icy blue eyes.

I would say she looks like she's Latino but I've never seen a Latinos with blue eyes and pitch black hair. "Hey." I say.

She doesn't falter. "Hi." Her voice is as sweet as honey as she responds and moves her gaze back to her lap.
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I won't continue until I have at least one comment to keep going. :)