So Darkness I Became.


I remember the day she disappeared.

We were driving down this road in the middle of the night with no lights on so we were only relying on the light from the full moon to show us where to go.

I remember the way she would lean her head out the window with her arm reaching out toward the stars that seemed to be reaching back for her. Her brown hair would be flying everywhere around her as if being connected to her was not enough and it needed to caress her.

She is always looking far into the distance where God doesn't even reach.

I don't remember why we started driving or where we were going but it was as if we were the only ones awake that night. We saw no other cars on the road or even in the distance.

We didn't speak nor did we have to.

It had to of been three am when I had turned to look at her and saw she looking at me with this look in her eyes like she was trying to memorize everything about me. Like she was trying to imprint everything about her into my memory as well.

Then it started.

Her body started to glow this warm pale silver light that seemed to mirror the stars in the night sky and then faded out of the car and into night air.

She had reached that distance that she was always yearning for.

The world returned to ashes once she left, for I was struck by another vehicle once all of her faded away.