

i wasnt really listening to the conversation but there was laughter going around so i thought our families were hitting it off. me and taylor kept trading glances at each other. taylor had black hair and was tall. he was tan and wore a similar shirt as me.
we finished eating and my phone rang i excused my self and walked outside.
it was a blocked number.
"Hello?" i said.
"Long time no talk." a deep voice rumbled.
"Rodney?" i shrieked.
"Nice to talk to you too." he chuckled.
"Goodbye." i hung up.
i turned around and ran into somebody.
"Woah there." he said and caught me
"Sorry," i said and straightned up.
"No biggie."
i looked up to see taylor. he grinned
"i like your shirt." taylor said.
i laughed "i like yours."
he grinned again. "how old are you naomi?" he asked.
"17. im a senior this year."
"cool me too." he said.
"it'll be nice to know somebody here."i said.
"Can i have your number?" he asked.
"sure." i typed my number in his phone and gave it back to him just as my family walked out of the house and made their way to ours.
"see you later." i said hopefully and turned around and started towards my house. just before i got to the door my phone rang.
"hello?" i answered.
"Just making sure you didnt give me a fake number."
i laughed and looked around to see taylor on his phone.
i waved and he grinned.