

“Do you believe?” Peter asked, taking my hand in his own.

“I don't know,” I sketchily said, not daring to look in his eyes of disappointment.

“Ellie, you have to believe, so you can see it all,” Peter insisted, lifting my chin carefully with his hand.

I saw his green eyes, staring into my silver ones, looking for some kind of spark, that maybe I was lying and that my eyes would tell the truth.

“See what Peter?” I asked, not letting go of the gaze, that was almost hypnotizing.

“Neverland,” when he said the word, it sent shivers up my spine, and it was a mystery I wanted to see already.


“Are you ready?” Peter took my hand, and half of me wanted to run back and hide away from him and live this reality world I’ve been learning to live all my life. The other half of me was so curious about this fantasy world that Peter told me so much about before I slept, letting me dream about a place that was actually true.

“I don’t know, I want to, believe me I do, but I have a life here,” I started but Peter put a finger on my lips and put his mouth close to my ear and I shivered at the sound of his whispered voice.

“Forget them, forget them all, forget this life Ellie,” he whispered and I wanted to so bad, but I was so afraid of hurting my parents and my family and my life.

If I were to go with him, I would throw it all away.

I bit my lip, feeling the slow steady tears cascade slowly against my cheeks as I walked up on my windowsill. From below I could see our car drive in to our driveway, the asphalt pebbles splaying everywhere and my parents hurrying inside the house in a mad rush with my name on their lips.

“Come with me,” Peter kept whispering in my ear, I lifted my toes and closed my eyes as I heard my parents thudding up the stairs. They were mad at me for something I was sure, I could hear them yelling my name.

“Ellie, forget them,” he said and I didn’t say a word, I just nodded.

Whatever happened next I can never detail exactly because it happened in a matter of milliseconds. I remember a sparkle of gold dust shrouding all over my body, and Peter yanking my body upward and I was defying gravity.

My feet were walking on the top of the night air and everything was just so enigmatic now. I felt embodied by a greater power, more than what we’ve ever learned in science and definitely greater than gravity now that I learned to resist that all powerful force.

“Take my hand,” he smiled at me, and I did feeling the sheer elusiveness of the night, veiling its mystery over me completely.

And for once I’m lost for words, because I don’t know what to say as the night wraps itself over our bodies as we traverse the stars.

I don’t ever want to let go and I guess Peter mirrored my feelings because I feel his lips on me once more, and I really get the feeling of love.

I felt us spiraling upward, but I didn’t dare open my eyes, I just breathed in his kiss like it was all I needed to survive. We were bulleting up into the sky, I felt us shoot, as if Cupid shot an arrow up to the heavens and me and Peter we were the bullet.

I open my eyes and I’m far above the world now, the stars are like a million suns and I feel their heat radiate on my skin and it’s almost unbearable but knowing that I’m escaping to a fantasy world and away from reality somehow makes it just a little more bearable.

“Second star to the right,” he told me, holding my hand tighter and I nod because we turn into a bullet once more and we’re aiming straight for the star and I feel the wind rush against my whole body like I’m being whirlpooled into an insane pool of heat that flamed my face.

It’s stretching my skin, and the wind force is so massive, and all my eyes can see are colors and patterns like I’m swimming in a kaleidoscope and my ears can hear voices that I’ve never heard before but it sends shivers up my spine.

I’ll get you one day! Mark my words!
Peter! Peter!
I have to grow up.
Let’s have a peek at the future shall we-NO!

And I hear screaming, but holding on to Peter seemed like a kind of solace as the kaleidoscope enveloped into an explosion of colors and it was so big and the voices got louder and louder. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping that this part of the flight would be through soon.

And slowly and gradually, the voices seemed to fade away and I’m not being suctioned into the flaming heat anymore. Instead I feel myself falling and falling through soft pillowy material and I feel Peter laughing beside me, still clutching my hand.

“You can open your eyes now, it’s safe,” he says, his voice is still so innocent, but with more confidence.

I slightly open my eyes and I feel like I’m absolutely blown away. I put my hand over my mouth and I hear Peter chuckle beside me.

“I told you it was beautiful,” he smiles.
♠ ♠ ♠
you know what made me want to update this?
i sat down looking through the channels on a tuesday afternoon and I spotted Return To Neverland on Disney Channel.
