

To say the world was dream-like would be an understatement. To say it was a fairy-tale would be a lie. I never wanted to blink or close my eyes again because the beauty surrounding me ensued paradise. It was breath taking and nothing no one could ever imagine. I was basking on golden sand that felt almost as soft as feathers, the little grainy sands surrounding my weathered toes felt almost like velvet. I laid down and I felt myself sink into the softness of the golden velvet floor and I never peeled my eyes away from the rippling ocean that had waves that perfect rolled and curved beautifully, that sapphire ocean a darker deeper blue than any ocean I’ve ever seen.

The sky was a robin egg blue tint with the clouds resembling a close mixture of cotton candy and just fluff, looking irresistibly soft. And around us was just paradise, an endless vast area of sapphire blue waters. In the distance I could see a small mountain rimmed with a fiery red color and hills of evergreen, but mostly the ocean stretched on for miles and miles.

I looked behind me to find out I was on a tiny island, the ocean stretched out in almost what seemed like eternity, like the biggest lapis lazuli encrusted on this land. Peter was soaking up the sun and curiously looking at me, analyzing my reaction to his home world.

“You like it?” Peter asked, inching closer to me and brushing my hair away from my face.

I nod, wondering exactly how huge this Neverland world really was.

“I want to show you more,” Peter takes my hand and he dives down into the sparkling waters and I’m almost intimidated to enter such beauty.

Taking a deep breath I let the warm waters envelope me into an embrace and strangely I found it easy to breathe and I did not even have to hold my breath. I squinted my eyes open, waiting for the sting of the salt water to tear my eyes up. Slowly I realized there was no salt in this water and not only could I open my eyes with no harm to my sensitive eyes, but it was as if someone placed goggles over my head and vacuumed cleaned the whole ocean with high technology cleaners because it was so beautiful and clear underwater. It was a whole other world under the ocean.

The coral reef provided a range of rainbow colors all by itself, with pink corals and creamy colored anemone housing clown fish of striking orange colors. Other fish adorned the coral reef, each of every color swimming around surrounding Peter and me as we swam past. Beautiful tropical fish in their gloating pride parading their way through the waters in gorgeous sea foam green colors with patterns unique to each fish. Purple fish basking in complete glory, the strikingly rich royal purple fish capturing the attention of the duller, mating and courting around the pink reefs. Their scales were shining and reflecting off the sun’s rays creating a dancing rainbow in the midst of the waters. They passed us tickling the tips of my fingers, tingling with their smooth scales tiny mouths.

Peter came closer to me smiling at my amazement and awe of the world, he placed his hand over my eyes and at first I wanted to protest because there was so much more beauty that my eyes hadn’t seen, but I felt his lips on top of mine and I felt a fire rise in my heart and I couldn’t decide if my heart wanted this or if my eyes wanted to see the beauty more.

I felt us float upward as our lips were glued together, and slowly as he surfaced he parted his lips and smiled at me with shining eyes.

I looked around and saw the world shrouded in darkness, with mysterious oak trees surrounding us that looked ancient and wise. It was a completely different world than I saw before the reef. I looked around in confusion and wonder.

“How is this happening? What happened to the ocean? Why am I in a, large pond?” I asked him, feeling the grimy surface on the tips of my toes.

“It’s not a pond,” he smiled seductively and as if on cue, tiny light bulb-like stars twinkled from the water illuminating us in the silhouette of the night.

“Oh my God Peter, it’s the–,” I gasped, covering my mouth from disbelief.

“It’s the sky Ellie, you’re swimming in stars,” Peter assured me.

And I almost want to cry at that moment because everything was so beautiful, instinctively I looked up above us wondering if the sky was there and sure enough it wasn’t there, in it’s place was a dormant coral reef fast asleep in a dark veil perhaps created by the night.

I dipped my finger into the water where a single spot of light was shimmering and let my finger caress the surface of the water creating a small stream line where my finger was.

“Watch this,” Peter smiled, and I wondered what other trick he had up his sleeve.

Putting both pinky fingers in his mouth he let out a loud whistle and like dutiful obedient beings, a stream of golden light emerged from the mysterious wise oak trees. Leaving a trail of golden dust, the stream of light turned out to be bands of fairies circulating the air with their pixie dust and their magic. As they flitted past I saw that each fairy was adorned in the same dull-ish maidservant like clothes, but their beauty and size made up for it. Their exquisite features were breathe-taking, from their high prominent cheekbones to their dainty lips pressed into a smile. Their ears were delicately curved into a point at the top and their skin had a glowing tint, and their size was unbearably small, the size of my index finger.

“Where are we?” I whispered quietly, afraid of breaking the enchanted mood and afraid of scaring away the fairies that were dutifully dusting me and Peter with their golden dust.

“Pixie Hollow,” he looked at me elusively and grabbed my waist and my hand as if he were to dance with me. I didn’t badger on the thought that I could not dance, and I trusted Peter so I let him sweep me off my feet.

And he did that literally. I felt my feet rise off the watery sky, and felt the gold dust tickle my skin feeling like sugar specks melting and evaporating into my skin leaving a gold-ish tint to my pale complexion. We were slowly twirling out of the water, Peter and I, and the fairies wings made a low buzzing hum rhythmically. We were reaching the top of the world, up into the quiet reef when Peter stopped and smiled so big that I thought his mouth was made of rubber bands.

“Looks like we have a full moon tonight,” he whispered pointing downwards.

I looked down, but my eyes weren’t prepared for what I was seeing at all.
Like a big chandelier, a full moon was on the dark shimmering waters sparkling and rippling beautifully with the subtle wind. It was like a stain on a dark night, a luminous twinkling stain glinting in pride and glory.

“How is all of this possible?” I breathed, looking around at the peaceful setting awakened by an arouse of golden fairies.

“In Neverland, anything can happen, it’s magic,” Peter reminded me, as we slowly descended back down to the glistening sky pond.

“It’s amazing,” I whisper, letting the warm waters envelope me once more into it’s starry embrace.

“Hold on to me now,” Peter instructed in a stern voice as we were about to go under the shimmery dark waters laced with what seemed like fireflies of dazzling lights.

“Don’t let go, where we’re going isn’t as nearly as peaceful as the ocean and Pixie Hollow,” Peter warned.

I shivered from fear and curiosity and thrill ran in my adrenaline as I nodded my assurance.

“Where are we going?” I asked, my body was already submerged in the water from neck down and Peter mischievously smiled, a small twinkle in his eye.

“The most dangerous place in Neverland,” he paused, as I held my breath from anxiety.

“Mermaid lagoon.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i did a lot of research to create this neverland world.
I changed it up a bit, while sticking to the original.
I hope it's not too boring, and yes there is a plot to the story which will come soon enough.
I'm so in love with Neverland, for real dawg. [: haha, my BATHROOM is Neverland themed.
it's so hard to write this, becausae i'm trying to explain my mind, while in my other stories I explain what i see you know?
anyways, hope you liked it!

oh and the player has a song from Return To Neverland, it's quite fitting so click it up if you didn't already!