Status: Slowly coming back

Watch The Stars


“Talia,” Jason screamed. He had woken up half an hour ago with an insatiable itch. It had taken him a while to realize what was going on, before he took off his underwear.

“Huh?” Talia called back, half asleep.

“Wake the fuck up,” Jason whined ripping open her curtain.

Turning to see her friend he eyes widened before she quickly closed them. When he had figured it out, he took off not only his underwear, but his pants as well.

“I didn’t sabotage your pants, for Christ’s sake please, please go put them back on,” Talia said. She would’ve left if she hadn’t been so scarred. “Matt!”

“Wha?” he replied rolling out of his bed. “Oh, yeah Jason, put some pants on.”

Jason groaned, threw his hands up in the air, and bent over to pick up his pants. “It’s not my fault, she’s evil!”

“Holy fuck Jase, your ass is so fucking red,” Matt commented. “You can open your eyes again Talia, he’s…decent.”

Peaking through her fingers she nodded and took her hands away. “Shouldn’t have sent all my stuff to their bus yesterday,” she said rolling out of her own bunk now. “I wonder how Short-Shit is fairing.”

Matt laughed and shook his head, walking through the two friends to go to the front of the bus. “We’ll find out as soon as he wakes up all the guys.”

“Wait, you got Johnny too?” Jason asked, a smile coming to his face. “At least I don’t have to suffer alone.”

Talia shrugged her shoulders, following Matt to the front. “You guys want breakfast?” she asked, the smiling still on her face.

“YES,” Matt shouted punching his fist in the air. “You’re the best person ever Talia.”

“Thanks,” she said moving about the small kitchen. “Oh and Jason,” she said gaining his attention. “Don’t fuck with me again.”

Jason just nodded his head not disagreeing with her at all. “You got it.”


“Tails,” Jimmy cried happily. “Johnny is currently in the bathroom, and he can’t stop cursing, it’s quite hilarious.”

“Head, has he not figured it out yet?” she asked a smile spreading over her face.

“Nope! Every time he comes out of the bathroom he goes back in. Such a vicious cycle,” Jimmy laughed. “Oh, Zacky told me to tell you thanks for the new underwear.”

Laughing Talia nodded and realized that he couldn’t see her. “Tell him that he’s welcome. Ohhh, that reminds me, Jason scarred me for life.”

“Oh? Do tell,” Jimmy said bouncing his legs up and down in his small living area.

“He ripped open my curtain half naked, his PENCIL SIZED DICK, staring me in the face,” she groaned a laugh hiding behind her disgust.

“That just means you looked long enough to tell the size,” Jason shouted back at her making Jimmy burst out laughing.

“Sorry Tails, but he has you there,” Jimmy laughed. “But I’ll see you in… half an hour!”

Hanging up with her friend she turned to Matt and pouted. “I only looked so long ‘cause I didn’t know what I was staring at!”

Matt burst into another round of laughter as he shook his head. “It’s okay Tal, at least he had a shirt on.”

“I’d rather he had his itchy undies,” she groaned pulling her hands down her face. “You know what,” she finally said after a minute had passed. “I think I’m gonna update the fandom, tell them exactly how small he is!”

Matt laughed again and watched as she opened an app up on her phone, typed in the desired text, and hit sent.

“I’ll go retweet that, that way more fans can know,” he said opening up the same app. He also told his followers to follow her, claiming she was his long lost love.

Glaring at the roadie she started typing out a new message for her followers, “@Mberry is delusional. The only ‘long lost love’ he has is with his socks.” Smirking she hit send and waited until he read it.

A howl of laughter came out from the backroom where Jason was residing. “Talia, you’re my hero! Even though I hate you!” he shouted making her smile.

“Love/hate you to Jason!” she shouted back, turning back to her phone to see the new tweet.

@Tails7X is in denial. It’s okay Baby, we both know the truth. ” Matt posted a smirk on his own face. Turning his phone to her he snapped a quick photo and posted it, along with the caption, Even in the morning, she’s beautiful.

Reading her alerts, she smiled haughtily at her friend snapping her own photo of him. Even in the morning, he’s ugly. Laughing to herself she sent it out. While waiting for his reaction she set up her phone to take another picture of him, his reaction to be exact.

What she got was far better than she could hope for. He looked up to her, shock, laughter, and disbelief all over his face.

Oops, he didn’t know. She sent that out and did the same thing as before, setting up her phone for the reaction photo, and when his face scrunched into amusement, she snapped it.

It’s okay though, he’s fine with it.

“Talia, don’t make me take your phone away!” Matt threatened turning to his phone when it alerted a new message.

At the same time Talia’s phone went off. Looking down she couldn’t help but laugh at Zacky’s tweet.

@Vengenz1 - @Tails7X you apparently know @Mberry very well. His socks?

Not sure weather to groan or laugh she just shook her head and waited for Matt to respond first.

@Mberry - @Vengenz1 @Tails7X SHE’S IN DENIAL!

A scoff made it way to her lips as she shook her head and furiously typed out her own reply.

@Tails7X - @Mberry @Vengenz1 HE’S DELIUSIONAL

An alert sounded on both their phones and they read his reply to both of them.

@Vengenz1 - @Mberry @Tails7X You compliment each other then

Looking up at her friend and they both had the same look on their face: Horror.

@Tails7x - @Vengenz1 Don’t make me regret buying you new underwear.

Matt burst out laughing at her tweet and Jason came running to the front room.

“What do you mean you bought him new underwear?” Jason questioned plopping himself down on their small couch. “If anyone should be getting new underwear, it’s me!”

“You keep wishing that,” Talia answered looking down at her phone and realizing she had gained over fifty new followers.
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Soo... I've decided to bring this back.
I hope you enjoy this update!

Comment and rec! :)