Status: One-Shot



Fingers stroked through his light brown hair. A plea not to leave her. But what was he to do? Stay another moment and put her in danger, snag her in the cross hairs that were meant for him? No, she deserved better—far better. He believed it. Now, he only wished she would too.

“Naomi,” Aaron whispered, his breath blowing across her cheeks as he looked down at her. “I have to go.”

“No,” she pleaded. “You promised you'd stay. You said—”

“I know what I said!” Aaron barked and then dropped his head, regretting the sharp words. “But if I don't go, they'll kill you.”

Naomi's silence was the only answer. Aaron crawled from the bed and threw on his shirt. Sliding it down his sculpted body, he looked over his shoulder, and said, “I'm sorry, Naomi...”

Still, the woman lying there said nothing and he turned to her, blue orbs looking upon her for forgiveness. She gave him a hard look before turning over, her back to him. Aaron scratched the back of his head, letting out a distressed growl before leaving the room. Naomi was his heart and soul, the one he'd left Marta for when he thought all was safe.

Turns out he was wrong. It would never be safe. They'd find him, track him, hunt him down until he was six feet under and there was nothing he could do to stop it. No matter how many agents he killed, there would always be more to take their place. They'd always be on the run. Running with their heads down and always looking over their shoulders. He couldn't do that to her.

Naomi needed to understand he was doing this—leaving her—because he cared about her. He cared too much. The thought of him leaving her behind clawed painfully at his heart. Sighing, he turned the handle and splashed cold water across his face. His face lifted to the mirror. The reflection was haunted and physically pained.

The bathroom window shattered, the sound rocketing off the walls with the gunshot. The bullet sliced through Aaron's skin. A hissed curse escaped his lips as he ducked when more shots were fired.


“Naomi, stay where you are!” he commanded, slipping and sliding in a crouched position to get to her. Though it was only a graze, the wound still burned. Aaron pushed the pain aside, instincts taking hold.

Naomi was crouched behind the bed. When he entered the room, she threw his gun to him, which he caught, aimed, and fired at their attackers in one swift motion. A figure fell from the neighboring roof. Aaron grabbed the dark-haired woman's hand and lead her through the apartment.

She knew better than to ask any questions with that look in his eye. That glint that signaled he was focused on the kill. His muscles were bunched, ready to spring into the appropriate attack or defense.

The door burst open and Aaron met the attacker with a bullet. The attacker's companion was next, his arm snapped, followed by his neck. His body was thrown aside. Aaron took Naomi's arm again and two disappeared into the night like shadows.


Aaron inhaled deeply when the burning of the antiseptic touched his battle wound. Naomi's eyes flashed up once before returning to the graze across his lower back. She dabbed at the raw, bloody strip of flesh, biting at her lip when he winced.

“You have to come with me now,” he said quietly, propping his chin on his fists. “I should have left sooner.”

Naomi cleaning the would carefully. “I'd rather be running with you than living a life without you.”

“Running with me means you might not be living a life much longer,” replied Aaron bitterly. “I just wanted what was best for you.”

You are what's best for me, Aaron.” Naomi ran her free hand up his back gently, feeling his muscled immediately relax under her touch. “Don't blame this all on you, please?”

As she dressed his wound, they remained silent, both preoccupied with their own thoughts. Aaron slid his shirt back on and settled back on the bed's head board, careful not to put the pressure on his lower back. Instead, having his shoulder blades take his weight. Naomi looked at him uncertainly and he lifted his arm to her. She crawled onto the bed and curled into his side, sighing contently when his arm draped over her. It was relaxed, but made her feel protected.

“So what's our next plan?”

“I'm still working on it,” Aaron sighed, rubbing at his eyes with his free hand.

“Get some sleep,” she answered, looking up at him. “Even a superhuman needs a rest.” Naomi offered a smile, which he returned halfheartedly.

His smile dropped as quickly as it had come and he pressed his forehead against hers. “I'm so sorry, Naomi. I tried to prevent this and I fucked up.”

“Shh,” she replied, gently placing a finger on his lips. “Quit blaming yourself, please? Just sleep.”

“I can't.”

“Aaron.” She placed her hands on his face and looked into his beautiful eyes firmly. “You're going to wear yourself down. Just for a little while.”

Sighing, Aaron carefully laid down on his side. Naomi stroked the side of his face softly, watching his beautiful face become more peaceful. Soon enough, he was breathing deeply, muscles relaxed. Naomi looked at the wall across from them and for a brief moment her previous life flashed through her mind. Tears pricked at her eyes with the thoughts of everything she'd left behind.

No, she would not regret the decision of meeting and falling in love with Aaron Cross. He was the best thing to happen to her. She would keep her promise and stay by him on the run and under fire. They may both be targets now, but Aaron was the best thing that had ever happened to her.
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Horrible compared to what you wrote for me, but I hope you got some joy out of it.

You are beautiful and amazing and Aaron Cross/JRen totally agrees with me.

Love to you, darling. <3