My Love

In the Classroom

I saw his eyes glance at my lips and then we kissed. His lips were soft and caressing against mine in the cold room. His body heat was more than warm enough to keep us both warm. His hands were on my lower back and traveled slowly up my spine. They moved to my shoulders, up my neck, holding my face gently before tangling his fingers in my hair. My hands were on his neck and traveled down his muscular back, feeling his every movement. They move back up into his hair so soft and perfect, back to his neck where my hands clasp together. Moving as one he backs me up until I feel a desk behind me. He gently lifts me up and I sit down on the table. He stands between my legs and moves his hands back to my face and neck. The kiss isn’t hungry, but slow and passionate. My heart was beating fast and I could feel his was the same way.

He pulled back a minute and I saw his sparkling eyes gazing softly into mine. He whispered my name and smiled.

I felt myself smile in response, my name sounded so wonderful coming from his lips. His hands moved to my hips and moved slightly under my shirt, teasing. He moved his hands up and stopped halfway, never going further than I want. I didn’t even have to say anything, just look at him and smile. He left his hands there for a minute, pulling me closer again. I didn’t feel self-conscious anymore because he made me feel beautiful. I leaned forward to kiss him and his kissed back, sort and quick. His hands ran around to my back and played with my bra clasp, I felt my heartbeat increase, and my palms get sweaty. I was about to pull away when he moved his hands out from under my shirt and tucked his fingers into the waistband of my shorts.

I whispered his name as he rested his head on my shoulder. He whispered my name back and kissed my neck gently. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the adrenaline rush I got from his kiss. I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings while we held each other. We were in an empty classroom at school, dim light was coming through the window from the moon. I could see his motorcycle in the parking lot, the chrome shining from the street light a few spaces away. An occasional car would pass by and I would be afraid someone would go into the parking lot, but that was crazy. It was about two in the morning no one would be going to school at that hour.

“Did you hear me?” he asked, pulling away from me.


“I asked what you’re looking at,” he chuckled.

“I thought someone was coming,” I said softly.

“And is anyone?”


“They never are, babe.”

“I know, we come here every Saturday. I just don’t want to get caught,” I joked.

“That’s what makes it exciting,” he smiled and raised his eyebrows at me.

“Shut up. Did you bring it?”

“You want my sac?” he raised his eyebrows again as he reached into his pocket.

“Yeah, I do. You got a problem with it?”

“No, not at all,” he put his hands up, holding the hacky-sac in his left hand. He threw it up and let it fall. It fell forward and I reached out to catch it, but as usual I missed. He laughed and caught it like the ninja he liked to believe he was. He held it out for me and when I reached for it he moved it away from me so I started to fall forward. He caught me and laughed, “Nice one.”

“Shut up, just give it!” I held my hand out expectantly and he just smiled.

“You want it?” I nodded. “Are you sure?” I nodded again. “Well, come and get it.” He started backing up and went around the desks.

“Don’t make me beg,” I made a puppy dog face as I slowly followed after him.

“But, begging is so attractive on you,” he was still walking backward.

“So if I beg on my knees?”


“Not what I meant.”

“Or is it?”

“Watch out!” I called as he backed into a desk. He fell backward into the chair and I rushed forward, standing over him to check for injuries. “Are you ok?” I ran my hands over his shoulders and chest then moved to his face and neck.

He grabbed my hands and held them to his chest. “I’m fine. Stop worrying.”

“I can’t help it, it’s what I do,” I shrugged.

“I know, I love that about you.”

“Aww,” I leaned forward and kissed him. His hands were on my hips and I had to bend over to reach him. He started leaning back into the metal bar of the desk making me lean forward. I grabbed the metal bar and felt my hair fall forward, acting as a curtain around us. He leaned me further forward and I had to put my knees on the chair on either side of him.

He smiled in the kiss and I heard him murmur, “That’s hot.” His hands moved to my lower back and pulled me closer to him. We ended up staying like that for a while. We pulled a few desks together and laid down like we always did. We couldn’t exactly go home because I was supposed to be at a friends house and he was supposed to be at his uncle’s farm.

His uncle was fine with us being together and hiding out, but we couldn’t use his farm. It’s not like we actually did anything other than make out, but if his uncle didn’t see it he could say it wasn’t true. I don’t know why we went to school, but it seemed rebellious. It was his idea and I was terrified of being caught, but it was an adrenaline rush. We would make out in various classrooms and then fall asleep on the tables, we set an alarm to wake us up at 4:30am so we could leave before anyone noticed we had been there. So far we hadn’t been caught and I was getting more and more comfortable with the idea. We fell asleep with him on his back, my head on his arm, my leg over his legs, and his arm over my back.

That’s when I heard it, just barely audible was a ‘clap’. It sounded like something closing. I looked at my phone, it was 6:00am. I jumped up and fixed my shirt which had somehow come unbuttoned while I slept. I was fixing it when I woke him up. “Babe, wake up! It’s six O’clock! Someone’s here!”

He sat up, “What?”

“Someone’s here, we slept too long!”

“Oh, shit!” he jumped up and we scrambled to put the desks together. I stuck my head out the door and saw an empty hallway. I snuck out and walked down the hall to look at the door. I was outside when I heard him following me. I walked to the motorcycle and grabbed my backpack. It was a cover for when I was supposed to be at my friends house. I actually had books in it though. I went back to the door and walked in to see a teacher yelling at him.

“There you are! I thought we were meeting outside the school.”

“Oh, hi,” the teacher turned to look at me. I saw it was my Algebra II teacher. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to study with him,” I indicated Cody who came forward and put his arm around me briefly.

“Oh, well what are you doing at school?”

“I walked here and he was supposed to pick me up outside to give me a ride to the library. My house isn’t very far that way,” I pointed out the door. “Is he in some kind of trouble?”

“No, I thought he came in to vandalize the school. Now get going before you get in real trouble.” She shooed us out the door and I hurried to his motorcycle and stood in front of him.

“Thanks for the save,” he said smiling.

“Well you would have done a more mediocre job for me, but you would have helped nonetheless.”

He just shook his head and handed me his helmet. I shook my head, I hated wearing it. He wasn’t looking though because he was handing me his leather jacket too. I took the jacket and shrugged it on, loving how it smelled like him. “The helmet too, bed head.”

I felt my eyes go wide. “Is my hair really bad?”

“Nah, your bed head is sexy,” he winked.

I giggled remembering how a friend of mine told me I had sex hair when I woke up in the morning. He gave me a weird look and I shook my head. I handed him the helmet ignoring his protests and reached into the front pocket of my backpack to grab a hair tie. He started to say something, but I cut him off. “I know, my ponytail doesn’t fit in the helmet. Calm down,” I twisted the elastic into my hair off to the right side so it fell over my shoulder. I groaned and reached for the helmet, he laughed and handed it to me. I slid it on and made a face. I hated wearing it.

“Safety first,” he smiled.

“Shut up and let’s go to the farm.” I climbed on the bike and put my hands on his shoulders. He started it up, sighed, and moved my hands to around his waist.

“You’re gonna fall off if you hold on like that.”

“You just want me to hold you.”

“That’s a bonus.”

I smiled and held onto him, giggling to myself when I felt him flex his abs as we started moving. It was a forty-five minute ride to the farm and I was tired, so I closed my eyes and enjoyed the cool air.
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This is the beginning obviously! So if you like it let me know and if you don't tell me why??