Sequel: It's Only You and Me
Status: Complete! Enjoy and tell me what you think! =) (Check out the sequel too!)

It's Only a Dance Step

Chapter Twenty-Three

Friday went by quickly. Or more like it went by quickly in a boring way. Everyone was doing what they do every day. Gossip, eat, dance, go to classes, and leave school.

Everyone except me.

And I was PISSED off that I couldn’t be like everyone else for once.

Damon had been absent today during first and last period. So, I assumed, I could go to my dorm, take a nice hot bath, and burry my face in a god damn book.

But Mr. Stevenler ruined all of those dreams of mine. “Where do you think you’re going Desera?”

“Uh, to my dorm like everyone else.” I snapped back a bit and right away felt guilty. It wasn’t his fault last nights practice didn’t go well with Damon.

“We have to rehearse.” He told me, eyeing me carefully.

“I guessed that we weren’t going to due to Damon’s absence.” I replied, narrowing my tone down.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t work on your solo parts dear!” Mrs. Stevenler said, smiling wide. Either she chose to ignore her husband staring at me with some confusion, or didn’t see it at all.

Then there was a possibility I was seeing many things to begin with. Yep, think that’s it.

I gave a small sigh, leaving my things where they were and made my way over to the center of the room. And with that, Mr. Stevenler played the music.

“You’re so boring!”

“Geez, what a compliment! Though I’m sad to say, I’ve heard it before. Wait! As a matter of fact, I heard it from you!” I told Candice with a smirk and she threw a pillow at me. “Hey!”

“Come on! Let’s go do something! I’m sick of being in this dorm.” She said pointing. I chuckled and shook my head as I continued to type up my paper. She jumped on my bed forcing me to stop typing.

“Candice!” I yelled but laughed at her childness.

“Yaya! I got your attention.” She smiled and plopped down next to me. “Okay, at least just go with me to the mall or that one store that has those new shoes!”

I thought for a moment before asking, “The one next to that bookstore that opened a couple years ago?”

Candice rolled her eyes with a sigh. “Did you miss my key words? I said MALL. M-A-L-L. Then I said SHOES! S-H-”

“Shut up! I know what you said.” I laughed a bit and closed my laptop. “I was only asking because I need to find this one book for my assignment. And since its right next to the store, I figured I’d make a quick stop.”

She smiled wide and hugged me. “Great! Let’s go!

Candice was wild when she shopped. No, scratch that, she was ALWAYS wild. I chuckled as I watched her argue with a lady about an item not being on sale. She looked at me and glared. I snorted and quickly looked away as I continued to shop. How could I not laugh?

Around seven at night I told Candice I was going to the book store in hopes that it wasn’t too late.

“Careful okay?” She said as she released me from a hug.

“I should be telling YOU that. I’m sure you made a number of workers here angry. Better watch your back.” I teased.

“Go away.” She waved me off laughing as well and I walked out into the darkening sky.

The walk to the bookstore only took a couple minutes and thankfully, they were open. I quietly walked in and smiled at the smell of new books and listened to the peace and quiet. I roamed around for a bit and got a couple books before searching for the one I needed for my project.

Fifteen minutes later I was out of the book store walking on the streets when I heard music playing. I followed the sound until I came to what appeared to be a dance studio. The building had clear windows from ceiling to floor. The dancers were breathtaking as they danced. They danced with such harmony and so synchronized you couldn’t miss a single beat.

Until one of them stopped.

All eyes, including mine, went to the dancer. And who could it be? The one and only:


Crap! I slapped myself mentally and quickly turned around to go back the way I came. The door behind me opened seconds later and a voice called out.

“Desera, wait.”

I kept walking until a familiar arm wrapped around my waist. I slapped his arm away and turned to face him.

“What.” I snapped and crossed my arms.

“Let me explain what happened last night.”

“You want to explain that NOW!” Ugh! I’m going to scream!

“Yes! Because you didn’t leave me a chance to last night!” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“Because your girl came and ordered you back home like a little puppy!” I yelled and glared at him. “There’s NOTHING to explain Damon.”

“She’s NOT my FUCKING girl Desera!” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Why do people ALWAYS think that!”

“Don’t you DARE start cussing at me Damon. I swear you do it once more-”

“I’m sorry.” He sighed and his face softened. But my temper was way too high for it to come back down. “Please just li-”

“NO! I’m not going to listen okay! I dropped EVERYTHING in order to do this stupid dance competition. When really I should have prioritized better and just focused on the school performance! I’m done talking Damon.” I turned around and said over my shoulder, “And don’t follow me.”

Sunday morning, I sighed as I laid in bed hearing Candice rush around the room.

“Please Dessy! PWEEZZ!” She begged, and it was rare when she did.

I gave a small groan and covered my head with my pillow. Its not that I didn’t like her little three year old sister, I just wanted to lay in bed all day and sleep.

“Please. Just pick her up in an hour and take her…oh I don’t know. The park, or for ice cream. She loves you. You know that!” She smiled and pulled the pillow off my head.

“Remind me to tell Henry to ask me for permission to allow you to go anywhere wit him!” I laughed and rolled my eyes when Candice hit me with a pillow. She gathered her things and wished me luck before walking out the door.

An hour later I was waiting for Cara outside her dance class and smiled wide when she gave me a big hug.

“Des!” She giggled and showed me a very cute turn that she learned in class.

“Perfect! That was perfect!” I cheered her on as she took her bow and grabbed her hand.

We walked to the park and she quickly ran off to play with some kids. I laughed a bit and sat on the grass taking out my phone to play some music.

“May I?”

The voice was too familiar. The person was too familiar. The feeling in my stomach was too familiar.

“You may not.” I said flatly, not looking up at him. But he sat down anyway.

“Percilla is not my girl. She used to be, two years ago. We work in the same company and it just didn’t work. We both found out we were too different from one another. Thursday night, when we were practicing, I was misinformed about the date that my company was flying in. They knew I was helping out at this school and Percilla still feels like she has a hold on me. The people in the company also think I have been spending too much time, and all my focus on the school. Trying to help them, tying to help you. I told them to lay off, and they’re trying. In their own way,so to speak.” He took a small breath before continuing. “I’m sorry if I let the wrong impression show. I still care deeply about the competition you and I are doing. I don’t want you to think I’m putting you off as a second choice.”

I blinked a couple times and titled my head up a bit to look at him as he sat beside me. “I’m not-I mean…the competition isn’t your second choice?”

He gave me a small smile, his dark eyes staring deeply into my light hazel ones and took my cold hand in his warm one. “You’re my first choice Desera. And if you come with the competition, then the competition is my first choice also.”
♠ ♠ ♠
AAAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Cute right!!! Love Damon! Lol! =p Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Things will continue to move quickly still just so we all know! Things to look forward to: Will Percilla back down that easily? Is Damon simply there to help, or is there another reason he's staying? AND WHAT OTHER PLACES DOES DAMON HAVE STORED TO TAKE DESERA TOO! Haha! Stay tuned to find out! (Promise more romance in the following chapters!)

A special shout out to my commenters! Thank you!
Erin.Grace. and xlillyx

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