You Can Break Everything I Am, Like I'm Made of Glass

Like King Kong


That day had gone by slowly and carefully. I knew that Forrest would keep to himself after what happened last night, but I didnt expect him to almost completely avoid me. The tension was almost unbearable, and as I walked into town that afternoon to buy a few personal items, my mind stayed on those deep blue eyes. i walked into the general store, purchased my things and left, then decided to grab a bite to eat since I had a litle extra money left.
So i walked into the diner next door, and sat down to have dinner by myself. There were only a few other people inside eating, but i enjoyed the noise. Mostly everyone at the station kept to themselves until they got good and drunk.

After finishing my meal, I was on my way home. Too busy to look around me, as I was looking for my cigarettes in my purse, I tripped over a glass bottle and fell.

"Better watch yer step sweety." came a sarcastic voice from behind, followed by another's laughter.

The dark made it hard to see who they were, but the feeling deep in my throat said they werent friendly. One of them came forward, chuckling as he grabbed my purse from the ground and began to rummage through it. He was short, no taller than Jack, and he wore an old black top hat. His breath smelled like liquor, which caused me more dispair.
The second man was a little taller, and skinny like a weasel. His goofy grin grew bigger as he grabbed my arm and jerked me onto my feet.
My breathing became heavier while he groped my rear and smelled my hair.

"Smells good. Maybe we should take her for a spin, Red." he said.

"Please, just leave me alone." I whimpered, tilting my head away from him.

The first man dropped my purse, and shoved some ofmy belongings into his pocket. I was terrified now, wondering what my future held in the hands of these pigs.

"Now, dont fret honey. We just wanna have a little fun." The weasel teased, grabbing at my chest with greedy hands.

Tears began to fall from my eyes, and i looked both ways down the road for a possible rescuer but all i could see was a distant street light. I was maybe a mile from Blackwater Station. If I broke free from their grip, i could run home and be under the protection of the boys. But that was a longshot. They both had their hands on my now, feeling me all over. the one called Red began to rip my dress open at the neckline.

"Please, let me go!" I cried, struggling to get free.

Weasel grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, causing me to cry out in pain as they continued to undress me.

"She's a fiesty one. Might have to tie her up, huh Scotty?" They both laughed, pulling me along through the dark.

My heart was racing, what do I do? If I scream, somebody might hear me. Maybe I could pull off one of those blood curdling screams like that girl in the King Kong film.


Sitting at the bar between Howard and Forrest, I smiled as we sipped our coffee and talked. Mitch was in town, buying some stuff, so we had to cook our own dinner tonight. Come to think of it, she should be back by now. I looked out the window, frowning as the dark had awakened my worry.

"Say Forrest, shouldnt Mitch be back by now?" I asked.

But before he could answer, a distant scream split the night air with such horror, it made the hairs on my arms stand straight up. Forrest's head snapped up, and his eyes burned bright with something...madness maybe.
We all jumped up and ran outside to the truck. i was almost certain it was Mitch. Whatever trouble she was in, we were going to find her and help her.

As soon as we could see the three figures in our headlights, Forrest floored it towards them. It was two guys, grappling all over Mitch. She was struggling hard, and i could hear her cries over the loud roar of the truck engine. i glanced over at Forrest, and all I could see in his eyes was rage. He was going to kill those men. Mitch was HIS woman now, and there was no way he'd let tjhose fuckers get away with this.
As soon as the men saw us, they dropped her and ran into the woods. We skidded to a stop beside Mitch, and I ran to her side while my brothers stormed into the woods after those scumbags.

Mitch grabbed me, and i didnt even know what to say as i stared at her shuttering body. her dress was torn open, so i tried not to look down at the red bra that had been exposed. I wrapped my arms around her as she hyperventilated into my chest.

"Its alright now. Youre safe, I got you. Those men wont get away, i promise" It was all i could say.

The sound of Forrest's brass knuckles crushing bone was familiar to me, but it always managed to make me jolt. Howard's vengeful cussing could be heard, as well as the desparate cries of the men, whose previous actions had caused Mitch to do the same.

Then came the silence, and soon the figures of my brothers. Forrest sauntered, almost dangerously over to Mitch, who sobbed into me. He bent down, taking his cardigan off and wrapping it around her before scooping her up into his arms effortlessly. He carried her to the truck as he said, "Jack, you drive."
As I got into the truck and started it, I looked over at my brother. I could see the protectiveness in him now as he held Mitch tight against him. Her body heaved as she cried, and I drove us quietly back to the station.

When we arrived back at the station, my sobs has ceased into whimpers as Forrest carried me into the house. His wonderful smell calmed me for the time being, and as he laid me in his bed, I didnt want to let go.
He held me there, then looked down at me with angry eyes.

"Did they do anything else to you?" he asked in his deep, awkward voice.

I shook my head no, and he just pulled the blanket up over me.

"From now on, you dont go anywhere alone. I'm not letting you out of my sight again." he said firmly, then kissed my forehead. "You get some sleep. I'll be back in a bit." he said, then got up and left the room.

It didnt take long for me to fall asleep, but i woke up when I felt Forrest slide into bed beside me and wrap his arms around me. We didnt share a word or a glance. Just the warmth from his body was enough to put me back into a deep sleep.