Status: Still working on the story, it will be long and evenul, bear with us.

I Never Told a Lie, and That Makes Me a Liar

Chapter 1

I woke up with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Another fucking lame day to blur with the rest of the boring summer in a busy and exciting town of Austin, Tx. Not. Nothing ever happens here. And if something does happen to swing through here, which actually happens quite often, I'm always too young to enjoy it. Being 17 years old in a town made for grown ups with a nightlife is not the most fun. Granted, it has it's perks...
The sick feeling make its way up to my throat where it turned into bile and I found myself throwing off my covers and making a desperate attempt for the bathroom before I spewed. I could already tell today way going to be just fabulous.
After emptying myself for several minutes over the toilet, I slowly stood up, flushed and washed myself off. I started down the hallway towards the kitchen, but after my previous episode, it probably wouldn't have been the greatest idea. So I headed for the front door to get some fresh air.
Several hours later, I was fine. Normal even, if that's possible. So I headed for town. My favorite place on the universe was the center of the city. I felt I could accomplish anything when I was there. I felt like I was on top of the world, as cheesy as that sounds. After cruising down Guadalupe and Red River, I headed for 6th street. Aka, party central. I was sweating profusely and the only place I could think of that I possibly could get into was Emo's, the little bar and venue. I've had some of the greatest nights of my life at that place. I'd there's one place I could spend the rest of my life at, this would be the place.
I walked around back to see if Ralph, the security guard, was working, so he could let me in without a cover charge, since I was pretty much broke as fuck.
As I rounder the corner behind the stairs up to the owners apartment, I heard a gruff voice call out my name. I swiftly turned around and sharpened my eyes to see who it was.
"Ralph!" I cried out once I saw him, and I ran to hug him. Ralph was a big burly man with a grey and reddened beard and no hair on top of his head. He was a smelly old biker dude, but he treated me like family, and I was glad to know him.
"What're ya doin kiddo!?" he asked after he finally let me out of his grasp.
"Oh you know, drugs, boys, drama, parties..." I replied with a smile, knowing he'd get my sarcasm.
"Ooh no danger, sounds too boring for me." he said with a wink.
I laughed, "Oh no, you're way too hardcore for me man, no lies there."
His reply was a chuckle and he started for the back door, leaving me behind him. "Well are ya comin?" he stopped and turned around to wait for me. I followed him in and headed straight for the bathrooms. As I washed my hands and face off, I noted the sharpie marks my friends and I had left in the bright red stalls from years of concerts and remembered all the good times. I walked toward the back bar and the indoor stage to where Ralph was, standing behind the bar. I sat on a barstool and ordered a ginger ale.
"So, anyone decent playing tonight?" I asked Ralph as I sipped my drink.
"Oh I don't know anything anymore. Good, bad, they all sound the same to me." he said.
"Ha ha. That was not an answer to my question though!"
"Some band names All Time Low is playing with some other weird band about 'the crowd' or something. I don't know girl! You're supposed to look this stuff up!"
"I just wanted to hear it from an inside source!" I replied quickly, because I was secretly screaming my brains out inside. All Time Low has been one of my favorite bands for years, yet they were one of the few bands that I hadn't seen live yet.
"What bands did you say again?" I asked. I was almost sure it was We Are The In Crowd, whom I had fallen in love with after my first time seeing them open for The Ready Set during my freshman year, and I had become a super fan for them afterwards, but had yet to see them since.
"I don't know, something about a crowd!" he replied as he stepped out back for a smoke break.
I was sitting there in shock. Two of my favorite bands in the same night, only hours away, and I was already there. For free.