Status: Still working on the story, it will be long and evenul, bear with us.

I Never Told a Lie, and That Makes Me a Liar

Chapter 17

"She's trouble in a tank-top
pretty little time bomb
blowin up; take you down
sex in stereo
don't turn the radio down"

The crowd in California was the biggest I had ever seen. They sang along and cheered and screamed. I even heard some girls screaming for Zack, which was good, even if it did make me a little bit jealous, I was happy that they liked him as much as they liked the other members of the band. Plus, I totally understood where they were coming from. As Zack danced around on stage in a gleaming sweat, his muscles rippled and shone. Sometimes he'd flash a huge grin in my direction, usually at the end of a song or when he had done something really cool, like a crazy jump or a funny move. I stood in the crowd this time, wanting to enjoy the sound in one of the more popular Cali venues. They boys did great. It had only been the night before that Zack and I made up, but we were dealing with it fine. I trusted him to make good decisions. Plus I knew Jess would have his head on a plate before I could say 'poodles' if he ever did anything again.
When I had woken up that morning, Jack and Jess were the only two not on time for van call, and all day they had practically been inseparable. I wasn't jumping to conclusions or anything, but I had my assumptions. Even though Jess was obsessed with Alex for years, something told me Jack might actually be the guy for her. They both carried a sense of humor with them, and although they were quite different, their personalities complimented each others quite well. Or, so far as I could tell in the last 18 hours or so...
Speaking of Jess, where the fuck is she? Before the show started, the boys had appointed us to take over the shifts for merch girls after the show ended 'so we could watch the show and tell them how amazing they were.' Jacks words, not mine.
However, as usual, Jess took the early shift and helped out the regular merch guys. Why was it my best friend was such a caring person and I turned out crappy?
As I turned to go into the merch area a girl grabbed my shirt sleeve and, in the nastiest voice I had ever heard, said "Excuse me, the line's back there, bitch. Wait your turn."
What. The. Fuck. She did not just say what I think she said. I was known for being a nice person, but when you get on my bad side, I get bad. My face turned red- I fumed as I grabbed her hand and threw it off me, returning her snarky remark with one of my own, "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I know that a little hoe like you should not be talking to me like that, because if you were, I'd probably fuck you up. Now take your hands off me and get the hell out of here because we -" i paused and pointed to all the guys behind the merch counter "-have the right to refuse service to anyone." Right as I said the last word, Zack came up behind me and snaked his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead.
She looked like I had just slapped her senseless. Her eyes grew wider and he then slowly turned around and weaved through the crowds of people and out the door.
I watched her leave before I turned around and kissed Zack lightly on the cheek. "Hey baby!" I said sweetly and then I turned back around and started helping to sell T-shirts and bracelets for All Time Low.
I could tell Zack was a little confused and slightly upset at the way I had acted towards that girl, but after being called a bitch and a whore and being told my whole life that I was too meek and not good enough, I had to stand up for myself. I couldn't let someone else be the cause of my scars. Not anymore.
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Sorry. It's short. Next will be better. Cheers<3