Status: Completed!

To Call My Life My Own


It was the middle of summer, a sticky airless day in Brighton, Boston. It could’ve been a day of happiness, love or celebration, anywhere else in the world. But instead, right here, it was the funeral of Annaliese Stone. Her son Willem stood by the side of her freshly-laid grave, long after the funeral had finished. His face was void of all emotion, his usually-vibrant eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying, his dark messy hair in disarray. Dressed in plain black trousers and a long-sleeved black shirt, his mood was openly reflected on his clothing.

He knew this day had been coming. They all did. He just hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

“Hey beautiful, why are you still out here?” a voice said softly from behind him.

Willem turned his head, managing a weak smile as his best and only friend Lucy Malone walked up to him with his much-younger twin sisters in tow. Lucy’s usually-messy caramel-coloured hair was pulled tightly into a bun, her green eyes also red-rimmed with sadness. The twins Mackenzie and Camilla just looked lost.

“I wanted to say goodbye in person,” Willem sniffed, wiping his face dry.

“She was an amazing woman, Will. We all knew that. But we also knew that the breast cancer was terminal,” Lucy said sadly, a hand rising to squeeze Will’s shoulder.

The four of them sat down on the ground, watching the rest of the funeral guests leaving in their cars, the sun beating down relentlessly.

“This is it, y’know. This is when everything changes. No more partying. No more crazy day trips to the coast. No more spending when I don’t need to. Everything is for Mack and Cammy now,” Willem said softly.

“Mommy would want you to be happy too, bubba,” Mackenzie lisped, Camilla nodding in agreement.

How did she sound so wise for a two year old?

“Mommy would also want me to look after you with everything that I have. I’m not going to let you two down. That I can promise you,” Willem replied with a sad smile.

“I’m in as well. Don’t you think for one second that I won’t be by your side every step of the way,” Lucy said firmly.

Willem just nodded, squeezing her hand in thanks. He knew he could count on his best friend. He was going to need all the support he could get right now. He only graduated college a few weeks ago. How was he meant to handle all of this?

“Can we go home now?” Camilla asked quietly.

“Yeah, sweetheart, let’s go home,” Willem nodded.


3 years passed. 3 long long years. True to his word, Willem had put every ounce of his being into looking after his much-younger sisters, forsaking almost every minute of his time for them. True to her word, Lucy had been there every step of the way, babysitting and clothes shopping and providing wine. It had been a hard battle so far, but things were easier now. Willem had worked his ass of to ensure that.

“…and they lived happily ever after. The End,”

He finished the fairy tale with a flourish of his hands, and the twins clapped enthusiastically, cheering.

“Another! Another!” Mackenzie begged.

“Please Will?” Camilla added, batting her eyelids.

“No way, you two munchkins are up way past your bedtime already!” Willem laughed, tickling their sides.

The twins squealed, writhing in laughter, batting at his hands.

“But it’s Saturday tomorrow!” Mackenzie giggled.

“You don’t want to be grouchy for our bakery trip, do you?” Willem teased.

“No!” the twins gasped in unison.

“Then it’s lights out and time for sleep,” Willem said firmly.

Both girls whined but settled down in their beds, letting Willem pull their duvets up to their chins.

“Night Mack. Night Cammy,” Willem murmured.

He pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads before standing up and leaving their bedroom. Pausing in the doorway, he glanced at their peaceful faces one last time before closing the door. Their innocent smiles made him remember every single night why his anguish and struggle was worth it. Why he barely had a life of his own outside them. They are what’s important, nothing else.

And that’s how it was always going to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
And this is the first chapter up and running!
I don't know how long this slash is going to be.
Maybe 20 chapters?
I'm looking forward to it nonetheless, and have loads planned!
It'll probably be quite a sweet one, just so y'know :)

Comments are appreciated! Let me know what you think!
