Status: Completed!

To Call My Life My Own


“So have you got anything exciting happening tonight?” Willem asked, leaning on the counter.

Noah shook his head, smiling.

“I never have anything exciting planned,”

“I don’t believe that,” Willem grinned, making Noah’s heart skip a beat.

Noah just shook his head again, smiling even more. Willem had been coming into the bakery at the end of the day at least three days a week just to talk to Noah, ever since Noah took care of him while he was ill, and it was now mid-October. It was…nice. Noah never used to wish the days away before, but now he just couldn’t wait to see Will’s face. Sure, he loved seeing the older man on Saturday’s too, but the weekdays were just theirs, and Noah cherished that.

“How about you? What are you doing tonight?” Noah asked.

“I’ll be cooking the twins their dinner, as always, and making sure they do something constructive like colouring or reading while I finish up some paperwork, as always, but after that…I don’t know. I might just watch a film or something. Nothing too exciting,”

But something different from Noah’s mundane life, which was always exciting.

“Which reminds me, I need to get going. Lucy’s got a date tonight so she can’t watch my sisters any longer than possible,”

“Okay, I’ll see you later,” Noah said hopefully.

Noah immediately cursed himself in his head. No, how stupid! Why would he sound so hopeful? That just sounds desperate! So stupid!

“Yeah, I’ll definitely see you later,” Willem grinned.

Oh, not so stupid then.

Noah watched with a happy smile as Willem left the bakery. He spent the next half an hour cleaning down, so by the time the bakery closed, he was ready to go too. His mom and dad were ready to leave too, so they all walked home together, which was a nice change.

It wasn’t until dinner time that the nice turned sour, thanks to his mom.

“So, Noah, how is Willem?” she asked cheerfully.

“Will is fine. He’s busy at work though,” Noah shrugged.

“He talks to you about his work?” his dad smiled.

“He talks to me about everything,” Noah retorted, not liking where this was going.

Why the inquisition now?

“We’re just curious, Noah, calm down. Why shouldn’t we know more about the man our son is seeing?” his mom asked.

Woah, hold up.

“We’re not seeing each other. We’re just friends. Will doesn’t like me like that,” Noah said firmly.

“Son, anyone can see that young man adores you,” his dad frowned.

Noah blushed slightly, and shook his head. Yeah, right.

“You’re wrong,” Noah grumbled.

“I don’t think so, Noah. He comes in to see you all the time, you spent the night at his apartment looking after him when he was ill, you’ve seen him a couple of times outside work too – this is more than just friendship,” his mom said.

Noah sighed. There was no point in getting angry at them. His parents only meant well.

“I wish it was like that,” Noah eventually said.

“How can you know if you don’t ask?” his mom said, raising an eyebrow.

“How can I ask?”

“Noah…” his dad started.

“No!” Noah interrupted, “If I’m wrong and I lose him, I don’t know what I’ll do. He’s one of the only things that makes me happy!”

Noah’s parents stayed silent, only making Noah feel worse about his outburst. Why did he have to get so emotional like that?

“Can I be excused?” Noah asked, standing up from the dinner table.

“But there’s still dessert!” his mom frowned.

“I’m not hungry any more,” Noah mumbled.

His dad sighed. “Sure, son. Just wash your plate up first,”

Noah nodded and took his plate into the kitchen. It wasn’t until he started to dry his plate that he noticed he was crying. Noah angrily wiped his cheeks dry, angry with himself for crying in the first place.

So stupid for crying over someone who would never like him the way Noah liked him.

When Noah got up to his bedroom, his cellphone buzzed with a message. Will. Of course.

From: Will
To: Noah

Hey, it was good to see you today. I won’t be able to come by the bakery tomorrow because I have a meeting but I’ll see you on Friday? I’m watching Fast and Furious 5, by the way :) Vin Diesel gets me hot x

Noah laughed softly, wiping his cheeks dry again as more tears spilled over univited.

From: Noah
To: Will

Vin Diesel is mine, hands off. It was good to see you too. It’s always good to see you. And Friday is fine, I’ll see you then x

Yeah, just friends. Noah would take that if he couldn’t get anything else.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my poor little Noah :(
I think they need a heart to heart...

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! I really do appreciate your feetback so please keep it coming!
