Status: Completed!

To Call My Life My Own



This shrieking was accompanied by the twins jumping on Willem’s bed, roughly bringing him out of his comforting sleep. He scowled softly to himself, burying his head under the pillow, knowing they meant well. Surely they could’ve slept in past 8am?!

Then the pillow was yanked away from him.

“Nice try, bubba,” Camilla grinned, Mackenzie giggling.

He knew it was Camilla. Camilla was far cheekier than Mackenzie, the other twin never daring to do anything like this. That, and Camilla had a penchant for green, while Mackenzie like purple. Despite looking completely and utterly identical with their tanned skin, chin-length brown hair and sparkling brown eyes, the twins always wore something of their favourite colour. It was a fail safe.

“I’m giving you two three seconds to get out of my room or I’ll cancel our trip today,” Willem said as calmly as possible.

“You wouldn’t!” Mackenzie gasped.
“No way!” Camilla gasped.


The twins ran faster than he’d ever seen them run in their lives. Good. Willem groaned and pulled the pillow back over his head, knowing they’d be back at some point in the next half an hour. His sisters really did have no patience. Lord knows they didn’t get the trait from him!

“Fair warning, the twins have taken it upon themselves to make breakfast. I’m talking eggs, pancakes, bacon…”

“I should’ve known you’d be behind this,” Willem groaned.

“Duh, dollface. Who else is going to teach the twins how to properly torture you?”

Willem slowly sat upright, rubbing his eyes to the image of his best (and only) friend Lucy leaning against the doorway with a smirk on her plump lips. Her vibrant red hair was piled in a messy bun on top of her head, wearing a bright pink tee and denim high-waisted shorts, as well as a pair of worn turquoise high tops – her usual summer attire. Clashing colours be damned. She only lived three apartments down, having chosen to live close to help him out straight after college, the two of them being best friends from high school. It also meant that she had a front door key, and could come and go as she pleased, not always benefitting his Saturday sleep-ins.

“What can I say, Will? It’s nearly the end of August – I’ve got to soak up all the fun I can get before my long suffering days at the daycare centre start up again!” Lucy grinned.

“You finger paint and read kids stories for a living. It’s hardly a strain, darling,” Willem muttered.

Lucy just giggled as Willem heaved himself out of bed, and blew him a kiss before leaving to let him get dressed. He’d already showered last night, knowing that without fail the twins would get him up early this morning. It was their routine, whether he liked it or not. Lucy may always cause mayhem with the twins but without her he would be screwed, especially since she took his sisters to the daycare every day with her and back while he worked. She was a godsend, even if she did believe in having fun over practicalities.

20 minutes later, when he felt remotely human, dressed in worn jeans and a plain grey t-shirt, Willem ventured down the hallway of his apartment to the kitchen-and-dining room, where Lucy was flipping pancakes for his sisters. There wasn’t too much mess, which Willem was grateful. It was far too early for that shit.

“Morning Bubba!” the twins chorused.

“Morning,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the tops of their heads.

He kissed Lucy’s cheek too, before grabbing a carton of orange juice out the fridge and pouring himself a glass.

“So, there’s a really cool new art exhibition down at the local gallery…” Lucy said, trailing off.

“…and you think it would be culturally enriching for Cammy and Mack after we go to the bakery?” Willem finished.

He was all for culturally enriching his sisters. Seriously. But another art gallery?!

“Nailed it. How about it, girls? Wanna go see some more pretty pictures?” Lucy asked sweetly.

Camilla whispered something in Mackenzie’s ear, making Mackenzie giggle but nod. This couldn’t be good.

“Okay…but only if we go to the park after,” Camilla bargained.

Evil masterminds, the both of them.

“Deal. But only if we have some quiet time when we get home,” Willem replied simply.

“Deal!” the twins said happily.

Quiet time meant a book each for his sisters, and a glass of wine each for Lucy and him. A pretty good deal if he said so himself.

“Wow, you bargained with them. You must really want to see bakery boy today,” Lucy winked.

Willem whipped the nearest tea towel at her ass, making her shriek and the twins giggle, turning away slightly to hide the blush on his cheeks. Bakery boy was none of her business.


“So that’s a chocolate chip cookie for Camilla, a sultana and apple cookie for Mackenzie, a dozen chocolate ginger snaps for Lucy and…anything for you?”

Willem smiled wryly. Yeah, bakery boy still didn’t know his name, even though he knew the others’ names. Not that Willem knew his name, but still. It was better this way. Especially when bakery boy looked so hot and so illegal. No, he wasn’t going to go there. It was trouble waiting to happen. Soft messy blonde hair, creamy white skin, dazzling blue eyes, a permanent blush on his cheeks…no! Stop!

“Just a croissant for me, thanks,” Willem said with a soft smile.

He purposely ignored Lucy’s murmurings and the twins giggles. Those three were always up to no good in here.

“H-Here you go. That’ll be $8,” the boy said, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Oh yeah, and glasses. Did he mention how good the boy looked in his glasses.

“Here’s $10. Keep the change,” Willem smiled.

The boy smiled in response, blushing a little more as he handed the bag of treats over. Damn it.

“You’re looking particularly happy today. Something good going on?” Lucy asked playfully, leaning against the counter.

“It’s my birthday,” the boy said softly.

How could Willem not have known that? He’d been coming to this bakery every Saturday for the past three years, first as a way to bond with his sisters after their lives having been shoved together by their mom’s death, but continued because of how much the twins liked the place and how cute the boy was.

“Happy birthday. How old are you now then?” Willem asked suddenly.

Lucy, Camilla and Mackenzie burst into giggles, only making Willem blush too. Why did he blurt that?! Why?!

“I-I’m 19 today,” the boy replied, chewing his bottom lip.

Holy shit. The boy was over 18?! Oh that just makes everything worse. The lip biting wasn’t helping either.

“Nice and legal then, eh?” Lucy smirked, winking at Willem.

Willem wanted to punch her. He really did.

The boy just blushed even more.

“I think that’s enough damage done for today. Let’s go,” Willem groaned.

“Spoil sport. See you next week!” Lucy trilled.

Willem smiled apologetically to the boy on his way out, but the boy just shook his head and smiled back. Willem sighed softly but waved goodbye, before herding his sisters out.

“You are so paying for that, Lu,” Willem whined, as soon as they were out of the shop.

“You loved his blush, don’t deny it. Isn’t that what you always say? Oh I just love it when bakery boy blushes! He’s so cute! I just wanna…

Willem covered Lucy’s mouth with his hand, only making the twins laugh. They didn’t need to hear his drunken ramblings. Ever.

“I think you and bakery boy would be cute together,” Camilla said.

“Mmhmm, so cute,” Mackenzie nodded.

He was sure they meant well, but this didn’t help either.

“Now why would I need a boyfriend when I have you two rugrats to look after, hmm?” Willem smiled, tickling his sisters’ sides.

As the twins shrieked in laughter, Lucy just smiled sadly at him.

“You don’t have to sacrifice your happiness, you know,” she said quietly.

“Yeah, I do,” Willem replied simply.

That was the promise he’d made his mom. To make sure the twins were looked after and happy and safe, no matter what. How could he think of anything else first?
♠ ♠ ♠
So you know a little bit more about Willem, his sisters, and Lucy, and how their lives run.
But what about the cute bakery boy, hmm?
You'll find out more about him in the next update :)

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last update! Your feedback really does mean a lot to me. What do you guys think of this chapter?
