Status: Completed!

To Call My Life My Own


Another week, another mid-week closing. Noah let out slightly-huffed breath, his blonde fringe blowing up and down, as he watched the last customer of the day walked out the door, the bell dinging to signal that yes, he could flip the sign over to closed. It was a blessing on a dragging day like this, that was for sure. Even in the summer, late August like it was now, Wednesdays were rarely busy other than first thing in the morning and just after schools let out at 3. Seeing as his family bakery didn’t close until 6, Noah hated the long afternoons of absentmindedly wiping the counter over and over again while he daydreamed about a life he couldn’t have.

Now he just sounded ungrateful, and he cursed under his breath as he flicked the latch on the door, locking it.

He loved his parents, he really did. And he loved that they all loved baking and that they made a decent living off doing the thing that they love. And he loved that he was so close to his parents, as well as the rest of his family, his parents spending most their days out the back of the shop doing the baking side, while Noah served customers, and that his Aunt and Uncle ran their catering side, creating and serving cakes at functions that really did bring in that further money.

But sometimes he wished he could be more. Something exciting, intelligent, something far more appreciated in the world. Something that would make him worthy of…

No, this was not the time to start thinking of Mystery Saturday Guy. No matter how adorable he was with his twin sisters and mischievous friend. No matter how much he yearned to know his name. No matter how much he wanted to be a little bit more than just the Saturday Treat Provider.

No, Noah knew he had to focus on what he had, and he had a loving family. That was good enough for him, right?

“Noah? Earth to Noah? Are you daydreaming again, boy?”

Noah snapped out of his thoughts and grabbed the broom with a blush on his cheeks. There in the doorway to the baking room, hands on hips and bright red lips and hair be damned, was his Aunt. Formidable and louder than life, and someone that Noah had to put up with, weekly interrogations a package deal. He would bet his entire month’s wage that she would ask a question either about his social life or his love life. Or lack of both.

“Hi Aunt Cora,” Noah mumbled.

“I swear, you need to get out of your head and more into the real world, Noah. You need to meet someone!” his Aunt chided.

Love life. He knew it.

“I’m fine. I don’t need to meet anyone. I don’t need anything more than I’ve already got,” Noah replied simply, starting to sweep the floor.

“But what have you already got, hmm?” his Aunt asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well…I guess…it’s just…he…”

“He’s still crushing on that young man with the twins, Cora,” Noah’s mom interrupted, popping her head through the door with a smile.

Damn it.

“Mystery Saturday Guy? You’re harbouring feeling for a married man with children?! Have we taught you nothing?!” his Aunt gasped.

Noah just groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose, praying for the patience not to snap at her. His Aunt really no common dec…

“He’s not married to the girl he comes in with, she’s his best friend and the twins are his sisters. Noah’s been crushing on him since the first time he came in 3 years ago,” Noah’s dad explained, appearing in the doorway too.

What was this?! Why were his parents so involved in his love life?! Noah whined in embarrassment, making his parents and Aunt laugh. No, this was too much. If he was going to be alone in life, he sure as hell didn’t need his family mocking him for it.

“The floor’s swept and the till is counted and the cakes have all been stock checked. I’m going home,” Noah mumbled, untying his apron.

“Oh I think we’ve embarrassed him, Cora,” Noah’s mom giggled.

“Damn right, Annie, I think we have. Never mind, at least he can go and daydream about Mystery Saturday Guy in his own room now,” his Aunt snickered.

“Maybe one day you’ll even know his name, Noah!” his dad called as he walked out the door.

“Richard!” his mom giggled.

Noah just whimpered, heading down the road to where their house was. Yes, they lived just down the road from the bakery. Yes, it meant he could get to work quickly. No, it meant that his parents would be home soon too.

With his usual blush on his cheeks, Noah shoved his hands in his jeans pockets, his head hanging slightly as he walked down the street. Sometimes he wished he wasn’t so shy so that he could escape his family, even just for a couple of hours a week. But no, he really did have no other friends, the few loose friends he had in high school never seeing him much anyway seeing as he worked all the time and then they abandoned him as soon as they went to college. He didn’t regret not going to college, no, but he did regret not being more social. Some people used to think he was just being awkward on purpose, but his shyness really was a problem for him. Sure, he was confident with his family, but anyone else? Mystery Saturday Guy? No, he just couldn’t do it.

Maybe one day he’d have the courage to talk to Saturday Guy properly. But until then, he’d just have to make do with his life. Even if he did hate it sometimes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Noah's cute, right?
And his family are so embarrassing...yet they're all he has :(
The next one might just change all that...

Thank you to everyone who commented on my last chapter! I know this story isn't quite as popular as my other ones, but I really do appreciate those of you who do read it :)
