Status: Completed!

To Call My Life My Own


Another Saturday morning. Noah trudged downstairs at the ass crack of dawn, yawning loudly enough for his jaw to crack, sitting down opposite his parents at the breakfast table.

“Noah, you look terrible,” his mom frowned.


“Thanks. I think,” Noah said, yawning again.

As Noah poured himself a glass of juice, he barely noticed his parents murmuring to each other. Whatever. It was too early for thinking.

“Noah, sweetheart, we think you should take the day off,” his mom said.

“Wha’?” Noah frowned.

He never had a Saturday off work. What the hell?

“We want you to take the day off. You need the rest, son,” his dad said.

“Aunt Cora can cover the counter for one day,” his mom added.

Really? Well he wasn’t going to argue against this, no way. He wasn’t sure what had prompted this decision, other than his terrible appearance, but he wasn’t going to debate it. Not a chance.

“In that case I’m going back to bed,” Noah smiled.

“We’ll see you later. Give us a call if you need anything,” his mom said warmly.

Noah just nodded, giving them both a quick kiss on the cheek before heading back up to bed. A few more hours of sleep couldn’t hurt, right?


It wasn’t until 10am that Noah finally emerged from his house again. It felt so strange, leaving the house so late, but he wasn’t complaining. Those extra hours of sleep really helped. The bags under his eyes barely needed his glasses to cover them now.

Noah’s plan was simple today. He never got to spend a lot of time outdoors, seeing as he was always in the bakery, so he was heading to the local park with a book, intent on finding a secluded bench and reading the day away. It was a good plan. A relaxing plan. How Saturdays should be spent. Noah couldn’t wait.

2 hours into his reading, Noah heard a familiar voice, and a familiar pair of giggles, his mouth immediately going dry. No way. No way was he here.


Shit. He was.

“H-Hi Will,” Noah said shyly, putting a bookmark in his book.

“We wondered why you weren’t at the shop today,” Willem smiled.

Noah couldn’t help but smile back. It always made him happy that Willem liked to see him.

“My parents gave me the day off, so I thought I’d come here and relax,” Noah said simply.

“Fair enough,” Willem chuckled, “Do you mind if I sit down? Or are you waiting for someone?”

As if Noah would put anyone else before Willem.

“N-No, there’s no-one else,” Noah replied, cursing himself for his nervousness.

Although, the fact that Willem thought there might be someone else could be a good thing, right? Maybe Willem doesn’t think he’s a completely anti-social loser.

“Good,” Willem nodded, sitting down next to Noah, and fairly close too.

Noah swallowed heavily, trying to ignore how dry his mouth went and how his stomach flipped from having Willem so close to his body. Relax, Noah. This is totally normal.

“Where are your sisters?” Noah asked, trying to calm himself down.

“They’re over by the swings,” Willem pointed, “Normally Lucy and I would take them out somewhere after the bakery, but Lucy had to go and see her mom today so I’m stuck with the terrors,”

Noah giggled, making Willem smile.

“At least you get a small break now,” Noah said softly.

“Mm, that’s always a good thing,” Willem mused.

For a few seconds, Willem stared at him, and Noah felt a familiar blush starting to creep onto his cheeks. What? Was there something on his face?

“You know, you look so different out of your bakery uniform,” Willem said, cocking his head slightly.

Noah blushed, biting his bottom lip slightly. His ‘black apron, white shirt and worn jeans’ uniform wasn’t exactly the most flattering of outfits. Then again, Noah was only wearing a plain black t-shirt, a thin purple hoodie and a different pair of worn jeans, so not exactly exciting. What did Willem mean by that?

“Good different or bad different?” Noah asked shyly.

Willem smiled.

“Definitely good different,” Willem replied.

Oh. Wow.

Before Noah could reply, the twins ran up to where they were sitting. Noah didn’t know whether to be relieved or annoyed.

“Bakery boy!” they chorused.

“Cammy, Mack, his name is Noah,” Willem chided, sending Noah an apologetic look.

“We know, but Bakery Boy is way more catchy,” Camilla grinned, Mackenzie nodding her agreement.

Noah just blushed, as always. Did the two girls like embarrassing him on purpose?

“Are you two over here for a reason? Or are you just here to be annoying?” Willem sighed, raising an eyebrow.

Mackenzie stuck her tongue out at her brother, making Noah giggle along with Camilla. What? The frustration on Willem’s face was adorable.

“We just want to know if Noah is coming round to dinner finally?” Camilla said innocently.

“Yeah, tonight,” Mackenzie nodded.

Oh dear Lord. Noah thought his heart might just stop.

“Um…maybe another night,” Willem said.

But it wasn’t a rejection. It was a question. And Noah would take it.

Noah nodded, smiling shyly, to which Willem smiled back.

“We also wanted ice-cream,” Mackenzie added, pointing to the ice-cream van across the park.

Of course. The twins would ruin the moment again.

“Typical. Alright, go look at the flavours,” Willem sighed, shooing them away.

As soon as the twins were at a good distance, Willem turned to face Noah with a frown on his lips.

“I’m really sorry about my sisters, they just make me so…ugh!” Willem grumbled.

Noah smiled, resting a hand on Willem’s shoulder, the soft touch seeming to relax the older man.

“Hey, it’s okay, I’m used to them. You know that,” Noah shrugged, before putting his hand back in his lap.

It was true, Noah was used to them. He was also used to Willem saying things to them that weren’t necessarily true, so…

“But I’m not sorry about the dinner invite,” Willem said, interrupting Noah’s thoughts.

Oh. So Willem wasn’t just saying that to shut the twins up. Good. Wait…Willem wanted him to come to dinner?

“Really?” Noah asked shyly.

“Really. Once we’ve got to know each other a bit more?” Willem offered.

Oh wow.

“I like the sound of that,” Noah nodded.

Willem smiled and squeezed Noah’s hand before standing up, Noah’s heart racing at the brief feel of his warm hand. Holy fuck.

“I’d better go stop my sisters from creating chaos. I’ll see you next Saturday,” Willem smiled.

“Yeah, see you,” Noah breathed.

Willem flashed him another dazzling smile, making Noah’s stomach flip. Shit, the way this man affected him was unreal. As soon as Willem was a decent distance away, Noah squealed softly, one of his fists pumping the air in celebration. He’d spent time with Willem out of work. And Willem wanted him to come round for dinner in the future. And Willem squeezed his hand.

Best. Saturday. Ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Noah's adorable, right?
And Willem's so cute when he's annoyed with his sisters lol.
I like the sound of Will and Noah getting to know each other ;)

Thank you for all your comments - please keep them coming! I really do appreciate your feedback :)
