Status: In Progress.

Ramaging Zombies, MMKay?

Night ONE

The Mayans were right. Huddled in a corner, trying desperately to breath quietly as the infected lurched past my hiding place. The Day after Christmas, we experienced hell. The dead walked again.

I couldn't help but wonder who else survived. We were advised to head to the nearest police station, but it was too late. The ones who were supposed to protect us, were the ones we needed protection from. My brother was one of them. George was your average, upstanding copper. Unfortunately, when the infection hit him, he happened to be at the station, near the very people he had sworn to protect for a good seven years. Devastated, his wife had committed suicide hours after hearing the news. The problem was, she didn't stay dead.


It was Christmas day when it hit our little corner of the world. My little sister Sophie was opening my present when the first bloody hand slammed against our window. She screamed and the ceramic horse slammed to the floor instantly shattering. Dad ran do his gun and ran outside to fight them off. He was quickly overcome by the monsters.

Mom ushered us into the family minivan and we drove away with them hot on our trail. The hardest part was watching Dad lumber after us and Sophie crying for him. The van broke down sometime yesterday and Mom went off alone to find help. Sophie and I have been hiding ever since trying to keep quiet and stay alive.


Nightfall. It finally became quiet. No more groaning and moaning and all I could hear was my own heartbeat still pounding against my chest. I opened car door, and saw the wreckage before my tired eyes. I couldn't see anyone, but I still held the tire iron against my chest, knuckles white against the metal. Scanning the area, I saw movement in one of the vans nearby. Was there a survivor? Or is it one of them? I inched closer, listening intently for any sign or the infected.

Suddenly, a car alarm sounded from a couple yards away. The lights blared and the noise blasted in my ears. I quickly dodged behind the car. Panicked, I needed to find a hiding place. It would only be a matter of time, before the infected arrived at the scene of some poor soul's demise.


"I see someone" Sophie points outside the van. I shush her. I don't trust the quiet. It won't last and what ever is out there alive or not can not be trusted. "What if it's Mom?" she asks bouncing

"It's not" I look out the windshield as the person out there runs between cars moving closer to us. Then somewhere in the distance a car's alarm begins squealing. The person outside stops moving but only for a second then they took off and got into a car rather close by. I pulled Sophie down to hide as the monsters arrived searching for whatever made that noise. there was pounding all around us and Sophie was panting against my shoulder. I could feel her tears in my hair.


Just in time, I locked the doors of the car. Praying silently that I was alone in that vehicle. I had seen too many horror movies to know that not checking a car was like running down the basement as you heard the sound. Usually, the person died. Looking around frantically, as the poundings and inhuman groans started up all around me, I willed myself to stay hidden in the back seat of the truck.

The crowbar was still clutched at my hands. Its almost unbelievable to say, that it was a source of comfort. A bloody face bashed itself against one of the mirrors, causing me to jump.

It saw.

Screaming, it repeatedly slammed on the window with its bloody hands. Before the other monsters could catch on, I slipped as fast as my legs would take me out of the other side of the truck. Running low, I spotted another vehicle nearby. I tried to open the locked door. A child was inside. Her wide made me stop in my tracks.


"Look" Sophie whispered pointing at the person who seemed to be unharmed peering in at us. I thought long and hard about cracking the window but before I knew it Sophie had let him in.

"Lock the door" I whispered harshly keeping my only living family safely in my lap as I glared at the strange young man sitting in the drivers seat clutching a tire iron. The monsters move all around us noisily and I silently hope none of them see us. I watch them half expecting to see my mother in with the masses. But for Sophie's sake I pray that she isn't out there and that she is safe and looking for help for us. "You aren't bitten right?" I ask him

"Are you?" he asks me but his eyes are locked on Sophie.

"No we aren't" she answers for the both of us.

"We can't stay here" he looks out the windows as the straglers lumber by groaning as they go.


"We have to find somewhere safer." he whispers.

"And where would that be?" the girl raised her eyebrows at me.

I look around us, in the cramped minivan for some sort of way out of being eaten alive.
I spotted some fireworks under the front seat. Obviously, for the impending New Year celebration.

"We could make a run for it. After shooting the fireworks," I said.

"But, we have to wait for Mommy," the little girl pleaded with her teary eyes and the older one looked at her, obviously trying to find a way to explain that the Mommy was probably not coming back.

"Your Mom is probably long dead by now, little girl." I replied, matter-of-factly, gaining a death glare from what looks like her sister.

"Th-that's not true." she said, her voice small and lips quivering.


"If she went off on her own she is more likely than not one of those" he points at the monsters. Sophie sniffles and presses her face into my neck.

"Quit scarring her more. She's still just a child." I glare at him. I want to believe that Mom is okay and safe from this hell. But somewhere deep inside I know he's right.

"Well I'm getting out of here. Are you two coming with me?" he asks reaching for the fireworks under the passenger seat.

"We are coming" I decide much to Sophie's protest.

"But Mom said she'd come back for us!" Sophie looks at me with her wide blue eyes.

"She'd want us to try to make a run for it Kiddo" I look at her. I hand him a lighter and he unlocks the door.

"We run on the count of five" he tells me


Steeling myself, I open the door as quickly as I dared and pointed the roman candle in a 45 degree angle. I lit the firework. Shooting across the sky, it arched in a parabola and exploded in the night sky.

"Now!" I half-whispered and half yelled urgently and made a run for it in the opposite direction, dragging the little with me and carrying her like a sack of potatoes. Luckily, she was surprisingly light, or my adrenaline was just pumping through my body. I could hear her sister's footsteps behind me.

My breath was forming clouds, as I exerted myself to run faster. I thought I had seen a truck stop before the collisions happened and my car crapped out on me. At least we would have shelter there and maybe the tough truckers had made a stand.

I risked a glance backwards, and the girl was keeping up pace. At least she was clothed sensibly in this weather. I didn't want to be slowed down anymore than I already was.

"Where the hell are we going?" she breathed.

"Truck stop" I said. No more words were necessary.


As we draw closer to the truck stop, a beacon of light in this cold dark night, I hear the inhuman moans behind us and feel no need to turn and see the inevitable. Sophie's eyes are locked onto mine as he holds her and we run through the snow.

Once we reach the truck stop Sophie runs for me as I put my head between my knees panting. He is holding his sides but looking around franticly for any sign of life. I signal for Soph to be quiet as my eyes scan the imediate area for the monsters of even another person. The place seems to be abandoned.

"Stay together" he says as we stand in the center of the building. He grips his crow bar so tightly that his knuckles turn white. I bend to grab the gun I stole from Dad's cabinet out of my boot.

"We have to check the bathrooms" I say as Sophie's eyes widen.

"That's Daddy's" she says


A small sigh of relief escaped my lips unwittingly, upon seeing the firearm. At least we were armed. Maybe not dangerous exactly, but we could hold our own against two or three of the infected.
We walk slowly towards the bathroom.

"Make sure that no one is behind us." I say, "I'll take care of the front."

I press my head against the closed door, and I hear a soft moaning.

"Crap," I say. I give her a look that says, there's one in there.

The little girl cowers behind her sister.

I open the door, and immediately a ravenous looking trucker covered in blood, with a grey tint to his skin tilts his head at us, before suddenly lurching forward, with a snarl.

I hit his face with my tire iron with all my weight behind it. Unfortunately, it swayed, but I failed to finish him off. I raised my hands, for a second attack--
