

Kyle screamed in pain and laid on the ground, holding back the tears when he heard Luke say with a smirk, “What too much of a wuss to get up?”

Nick came rushing over to aid to his brothers defense.

Kyle tried to stand up, but he felt dizzy from the throbbing pain in his foot and sat back down, a few second later tried again, and found he could put weight on his right foot. Crap he thought. By now the referees had broken up the fights and the trainer was called onto the field.

“What is wrong Kyle?” Travis asked.

“My ankle, foot, really hurts, like no other pain I have ever felt before.”

“Can you feel your toes, move them?”

“Barely” Kyle returned and grimaced as Travis touched his ankle. Nick then came and crouched down next to them, concerned about his brother.

“Nick,” Travis said, “Help your brother up, Kyle I don’t want you to put any weight on your right foot. On three, One two three.”

Back on the bleachers, Patrick trying to calm a shivering Abby down, “He is going to be okay, Lets go over and see him.” He finished knowing that Travis was going to call his parents and finding that they were not here, would motion him down. Quickly he picked Abby up and carried her over to where Kyle was.

When they reached the team benches, he let himself and Abby into the track towards Kyle, who now had ice strapped to both sides of his ankle and the trainer talking to him.

“Hey Pat,” Travis said with a smile, “Abby,” He nodded.

It the sound of Abby’s name Kyle sat up quickly, accidently moving his ankle to quickly and he mumbled, “Crap” under his breath. “Hey guys.” He said gloomily and like he was trying to hide the pain. Patrick sat a pale looking Abby onto the trainer’s table, who then hugged Kyle, “Are you going to be okay?” She asked truly concerned.

“I’ll be fine Abby,” said giving her a hug back, knowing that if Abby freaked out it would not be a good situation for Pat.

“Pat, Can I talk to you over here?” Travis said motioning him over.

“Sure,” He responded and looked over at Kyle to see Abby still hugging him, “You got her?”
Kyle just gave him the thumbs up and continued hugging Abby, who all of the sudden started coughing and shivering, “Abby are you okay? I’m going to live, don’t cry.” Kyle asked, trying to be a big brother and bite through is pain to make sure his younger sis was okay.

“Ya, just a little cold,” She said pulling herself closer to Kyle, trying to gather his warmth.

“I have a jacket in my bag, do you want it?” He asked.

“No, you, hugging you is good” She muttered out innocently.

In the corner, Pat was finishing his conversation with the trainer, “So I’m going to call my dad, and then see what he thinks,” He pulled his phone, “Can you stay here he way want to talk to you.” Travis nodded head.

“Hello?” Patrick’s dad said into the phone.

“Hey Dad it’s me Pat, How close are you to the game field?”

“Umm little less than five minutes, why?”

Patrick stared at the clock counting up as it passed the 55th minute mark. “Kyle got hurt, like seriously hurt. Travis wants him to go the hospital, I can take him, but I have Abby too.”

“Umm is it serious, Is he responsive?”

“Yes, Travis thinks it’s a broken ankle, He was thinking, knowing your job that you would want to take a look at it before we decide on anything, but I have a feeling it’s not good, knowing Kyle is pretty tough.”

“Okay, I’ll take a look quickly, Can I talk to Kyle now?”

“Sure,” Pat said and started walking towards Kyle, “Hold on” a few seconds later, “Kyle, dad wants to talk to you, Abby can you come with me?” He handed Kyle the phone and then took Abby off of his lap.

“Hey Dad,” Kyle said gloomily in the phone.

“Kyle, what happened?”

“Well, not entirely sure, but that dang Luke took me out and then a kid slid into me at the same time, it hurts so bad, it’s the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.”

“okay, Can you put weight on it?”

“No, I mean I can but I would just fall back over.”

“okay hang tight, I’m turning into the parking lot right now, see you in a minute.” Kyle hung the phone up when he heard a click.

“Pat, good to see ya bro,” He said giving Pat, who was walking back from the fence, a hug now that main commotion was over, “Dad said he was in the parking lot so he should be here any minute.”

“Good, Can I get you anything?” Patrick asked.

“No, but you could give Abby” Who was standing outside the fence waiting for Dad, “my jacket, she is literally freezing. It’s in my bag”

“Only, you would think of her now.”

“I guess the whole family has been watching her, she’s been acting funny for the past couple weeks.”

“Well, I’m glad someone filled me in on the news” Patrick said sarcastically and walked away to complete his brothers wishes. By the time he came back Dad was standing at the table with Travis.

“How long has this ice been on?” He asked

“15 minutes, but I just put it on right away, but I think we should look at it now.” The trainer said. Travis waited for Kyle’s Dad’s approval and started to take off the ice, trying to move Kyle’s ankle as little as possible.

Dad watched Kyle’s pained face as his ankle was moving, indicating that it was definitely broken.
“That swelled up really, quickly.” He said taking the ankle into his own hands, he then noticed the swelling in the back of the ankle, “Kyle, do have any pain when I push here?” He asked pressing down on the Achilles tendon.

Kyle bit his lip to hold back his tears, and just nodded his head.

“Verbal answers please.” Dad said, “Just in case,”

Kyle just shrugged, “Here I’m going to help you off the table, I want you to put weight on your foot if you can, then Travis and I are going to help you over to the bench, I want to do a few tests” Dad said.

Carefully Kyle got off the table, but latched to his Dad immediately, afraid to put weight on his foot,

“Sorry,” He said quickly.

“No that’s okay, Travis?” Dad asked, and Travis put his arm on the other side of Kyle and helped over to the bench. “You good?”

“Ya, okay what do you want me to do?”

“Okay put your hurt leg’s knee on the bench and use it as a support.” After Kyle completed these actions Dad continued, “I want you, I know it hurts, but can you lift the bottom of your foot up towards the sky?”

“No, it won’t go” Kyle said frustrated that his body wasn’t cooperating with him.

“that’s what I thought, okay Travis let’s put a splint on and to the hospital now, this needs to be stabilized tonight.”

“Okay” Kyle, said sluggishly, and started, with the help of Travis made his way back to the table.
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