

The next thing Kyle knew was that he was lying in bed ankle throbbing and needing to go to the bathroom. After recognizing his surroundings of being back in his own bedroom and recalling the trip to the hospital the earlier that night, he looked around for his crutches, didn't see them. Finally he looked at the clock to see the time. 3:30 am, 'Crap' He thought, 'I can’t hold it for this long, maybe just maybe I can make it hopping. Hopefully the floor is clean.'

Kyle finished thinking and carefully as to not to jerk his ankle and quietly as to not to wake up Nick, nut unfortunately he failed at both, for the moment his foot hit the floor his injured leg whacked the bed causing him to swear and yelp in pain.

Nick awoke from this noise, “Kyle?” he moaned, and then coming to realization he quickly rolled out of bed and said, “Kyle? Are you okay what are you doing?” Nick said putting is arms underneath Kyle’s to give him support.

“Ya I’m fine, I just really need to go to the bathroom and I could find the crutches so I thought I could hop quietly,”

“Are you sure you are okay, ohh and your crutches are still downstairs, Mom didn't want you to go downstairs when you woke up”

“okay, so can you go get them?” Kyle asked

“Umm, well I think they are in the car and I don’t want to wake mom and Dad up because I promised them I would tell them if you needed anything, but I think we can handle this one ourselves.” Nick said.

“So can I go to the bathroom now?” Kyle said starting standing back up from the bed to get ready to head towards the bathroom.

“Ya in a moment, let grab my glasses so I can see where I am going.”

“Dude, I can handle the little distance to the bathroom,”

“Sorry no can do brotha!” He said putting on his glasses, “Mom and Dad’s orders to not let you go anywhere without some support.” He finished putting Kyle’s arm over his and helping him into the bathroom.

The rest of the night went peacefully although Kyle had a tough time sleeping because of the dull throb in his ankle. Because of the late night the night before, the Zulinick parents decided it would be best to let their kids sleep in although Nick was unaware of this idea, woke up early and went to school.

Both parents woke of the main door opening, “Who is leaving the house hun?” Mom said sleepily.

“I don’t know, probably Nick.” He mumbled off not wanting to get out of bed.

“Okay, wait, Nick to go to school or to get Kyle things?” Mom said quickly, and then got up and out of bed.

“I don’t know, relax, Kyle’s been on crutches before he can handle himself,” He said knowing that Kyle is going to want his space.

They heard the main door open again, making the father groan and get out of bed. “I’ll go, besides Kyle has an appointment at 10:00, so he needs to get ready”

When Henry (Dad) walked up stairs, he found Kyle hobbling and Nick walking down the upstairs hallway, ready to go to school, “Whoa, Kyle Nick,” He said a little frazzled and was waving his hands in there face trying to gather his thoughts, “First off back to your rooms both of you.” He pointed to the door from which the boys came.

After Kyle was comfortably elevating his foot and his brother was sitting on his bed, Henry had had enough time to recollect his wit. “Okay, so where do you two think you are going?”

“Ahh school” Kyle said as if it was the most obvious thing.

“Really Kyle really? School less than 24hours after you fracture your ankle and tear your Achilles?! And Nick what were you thinking giving Kyle his crutches and taking him to school?”

“ahh” Nick said trying to think of an excuse, “ You said to get or do anything he needs, and he said he wanted to go to school” Nick knew it was a stretch but there was always a reason to try.

“Once again really Nick really?” Henry said as he started to pace back and forth, “Okay, since you are already up and going, Nick you can go to school, Kyle you have been written on bed rest for a week, weaning minimal moving.” He continued trying not to lose his temper. “Kyle you have a doctor’s appointment at ten, Nick help Kyle downstairs and then go to school. And don’t wake up Abby.” He said leaving the room.

“I never thought I would get in trouble for wanting to go to school and escape sick mom” Kyle said as he pulled himself back to his feet.

“Me neither,” Nick said walking out of the room behind Kyle in case he fell.

“Can I ask you something?” Kyle said pausing on the stairs.

“Ya sure anything, but first we will finish going down the stairs” Nick said pointing to the bottom.

Once Nick had Kyle been situated on the couch in front of the TV, “What can I do for you cripple?” Nick joked, earning him a look from Kyle,

“I actually need two things, first can you find my iphone and charger, I think they are in my back pack.” Kyle said and then waiting for Nick’s approval, “my second thing is, I need to talk to Taylor so tell her to call me.”

“okay” Nick said, seeing that Kyle wanted to leave everything at that, “I’ll be right back with your things, Do you want your school bag?”

“Sure” Kyle said.

While he laid there on the couch he remembered he needed to ask Nick one more thing. “Here is your phone, I’m plugging in the chord right here, and your back pack.” Nick aid putting everything within hands reach from Kyle.

“Thanks, Nick.” He said, “And one last thing, can you get my school work and not tell people I need surgery?”

“Yuppers, call me if you need an escape.” Nick said leaving the room.

“Thanks” Kyle said quietly as he flipped on the TV to sports center and clicked open his phone to see he had an overwhelming 15 texts and a few calls all asking the same thing, R you okay? Please let me know!! From that point on, Kyle knew Nick and him were going to have bad day.
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comments!, sorry for mistakes