
Not all of us are born to fight. It’s just our instinct to survive.

We came in peace. We, like you humans, were just looking for another planet to live on after having destroyed our own. We did not want to fight you. But you threatened us. And when you threaten us, we retaliate. Our survival kicks in, and that’s when we fight back.

We weren’t the dominant species on our home planet for no reason.
This is a story of a female's fight for survival, of herself and of her race. War, romance, ideals, danger, and knowing what is right, will all come into play. What would you be willing to do to survive?

Pictured is Tobias. (I wish I could credit someone for the awesome picture, but I don't know where I found it.)

For NaNo 2012, so will edit it later.
If you do want to give some feedback for me to work on later, please put in bold the chapter number in your comment - it would be so helpful!

For the sake of simplicity, I will write this in English and try to include the least amount of new “Kasien” words as possible. Just think it’s been translated, but it is acknowledged that they have a completely different language.