

There is more than one planet with life on it, and more than one way to evolve. On the planet Nakir, a similar creature to a mammal on planet Earth evolved with six limbs instead of four. Two of them became wings over many millions of years, and eventually a Kasien was formed. The wings allowed them to fly from island to island on their planet to search for more food to maintain their high needs, and they were soon widespread and had access to abundant resources. Their brains developed and they became highly skilled, using tools and manipulating their environment. They took over their world.

But they went a step too far. They couldn’t control everything, and things soon spiralled downwards. Their existence was going to cease, unless they left. So they did. Using their technology, they built spaceships and fled their dying planet. In the solar system next to theirs, one ship found a suitable home. Planet Néo Nakir, they simply called it. It gave them hope. So quickly they had found a planet almost identical to theirs, only with much larger islands and different wildlife. It brought to them so much hope, until they saw the humans.

The dominant species from planet Earth had encountered a similar situation in their year 2217; the planet could no longer support their large population. They started to die, along with everything else that lived on it. It didn’t take long for them to know they had to leave, and they did. The remaining humans stumbled across the same planet that filled them with a huge amount of hope as well. They took care as they inhabited it for five months. Then, the Kasiens arrived.

Situations were explained once languages were translated, and peace was soon settled upon. Both populations were in such small numbers so it would be easy for them to all live comfortably on the same planet. But one day there was a misunderstanding, and the humans lashed out. The two species began a war on the new planet. Their numbers decreased even more, leaving almost a mere fifty individuals of each. They went into hiding on opposite sides of the planet, recuperating. Now, sufficient time has passed, and both sides want to end the war. They both want the planet, but only one of them can truly own it. Who will win?
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Just a quick intro. Hopefully you guys can ignore the writing flaws that my inner editor is also ignoring, and just enjoy the story. I promise it will be awesome over all.

And now the hectic journey of my first ever NaNo begins. I really hope I make it to the end.
