

“Here are ten arrows. That should be all you need,” Adara said as she passed me a quiver full of sharpened arrows. We were in her spaceship and had just changed into battle gear. The engineers had designed new clothing for us that was made of a heavy and strong material that would help prevent damage from bullets. They had reluctantly made some in female designs, and Adara was lending me one of hers. It was still a secret to Tobias and my group that I was going to fight today, and my stomach was already turning at the thought of Tobias’ possible reactions. I slung the quiver across my back so it sat comfortably between my wings and saw Adara was holding out a dagger. “It’s Otto’s, but he wanted you to have it. For good luck.” I smiled and took it, being reminded about how Otto wanted to be my mate. Tobias can’t have given him an answer yet, because Otto still hadn’t asked. He had been super friendly, but that was all.

“I’m good to go,” I told Adara as I secured the knife in my holster on my hips. I picked up my bow and we walked out together, going down the corridor to find the rest of the second ship’s army waiting by the open door. There were three other females amongst the males, all dressed and holding weapons too. It gave me such reassurance, because if they could fight, then I could fight. Otto gave a quick pep talk, and then we all took flight and travelled quickly to the small island that Tobias and the other males from my group trained on. They were all there waiting, Tobias at the front of the group.

“All right everyone listen up! We haven’t had the materials or time to make enough guns and bullets for everyone, so only me, Sylus and Cassius will have one. This time, we have a huge advantage. Suddenly, our army has doubled in numbers. This is a perfect opportunity to strike them hard and fast. I trust you all remember the plan and I hope to see you all back on our detour island once the fight is over,” Tobias shouted. “Let’s go! Let’s fight for our survival!” The group burst out into a long cheer, but I saw Tobias was suddenly staring at me.

“Oh boy…” I mumbled to myself, knowing what was about to happen. I was hoping to blend it with the other new people, but I guess Tobias was smarter than that.

“Marion? Really? Haven’t you given up yet? You’re not allowed to come with us!” he said.

“She’s part of my army,” Otto spoke up for me when I didn’t reply.

“She’s a part of my group and I say she can’t fight,” Tobias replied sternly. People in between us were stepping aside, allowing for a clear path between us. Otto chuckled cockily, crossing his arms.

“Oh really? How about you spar with her then? She’s very good,” he said loudly, causing a few whispers to go around the group. Otto pushed me forward gently, urging me on. Tobias didn’t seem to believe him, so he took a fighting stance and pulled out his dagger from his holster. I did the same, noticing I was shaking a little. Never had I imagined fighting with Tobias like this… He was so strong too…

“When I win, you go home,” Tobias told me quietly as I slid my foot back into my fighting stance. Just like my practice fight with Loukas, a lot was on the line. I had to win this. “Come on. Attack me.” His voice was taunting, and I hated it. I narrowed my eyes, then jumped forward with a weak attack. Tobias thankfully blocked, so I knew he was ready. These weapons weren’t blunt; they were sharp and ready for the battle. I couldn’t risk actually hurting him. With a cry, I attempted another attack, this time much stronger, but he defended himself effortlessly again.

Back and forth we went, Tobias doing a small attack every third time I made my own. He was predictable, and after a while I knew exactly how he was going to respond. If I jabbed on the left, he’d sweep under and try to knock my knife out of my hands. It left him open, and I had to take advantage of that weak moment. I did my attack, moving my knife to my left. He blocked, and I gripped onto my weapon tightly. As he started his sweeping motion, I quickly changed my position, slamming our blades together. I almost hit his fingers, and the narrow miss frightened me. The tension shook up my arm and I saw Tobias was letting his knife go. It fell and dug into the ground while he grasped onto his wrist and hissed in pain. I had won. I had got him!

“Oh wow…” I breathed before clasping my free hand over my mouth, trying to hide my smile from my friend.

“See? She’s a good warrior. She’s going to fight with us,” Otto called out to a stunned Tobias. He then faced the rest of the group. “Let’s go! Move it!” Everyone hurriedly ran to the edge of the island and flew off it, heading for the battle zone. Tobias looked speechless, so I turned my back and followed the others.

“Well done!” Adara smiled as she ran past me. I didn’t get time to thank her because her black wings were lifting her high up above me. Once the runway was clear, I too ran off the edge and started flying, following the group at the end. I could see Cassius up the front, leading the way for the newcomers. A few minutes into the flight, Otto caught up with me and flew by my side.

“Nervous?” he called out, his handsome and kind smile already on his face.

“A little,” I confessed, trying not to think about it.

“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” Otto said, moving his arm from by his side to outwards, reaching for me. I extended my own arm and he grasped onto my hand, keeping his wings still so he could glide and not hit mine. It slowed us down a lot, but I didn’t want to let go.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” I told him. He had to know I was grateful, especially if this moment was the last time I was going to see him.

“That’s all right. It was worth it, I’m sure of it,” Otto replied. With one last squeeze of my hand he let go and sped up, weaving between other Kasiens to head to the front of the group. I saw familiar islands and landmarks being passed by us, and I knew it wouldn’t be too long before we arrived at the human campsite. The last half of the flight always seemed a lot shorter than the first. My hands were becoming sweaty, most likely from nerves. I untied my hair awkwardly and scooped it back, not wanting it to get in my face and distract me during a crucial moment in a fight. We were a minute away. One minute until my first official battle that Tobias had… approved.

“Marion,” Tobias’ voice called out. He was suddenly next to me, soaring just above the treetops like I was. “I’ll be looking out for you.” Of course he would be. I nodded and gave him the best reassuring smile I could manage. It was going to be fine. I had been training so hard for this moment.
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